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Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Heater Controls Design Overview EPICS IOC Team Meeting Matt Boyes.

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Presentation on theme: "Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Heater Controls Design Overview EPICS IOC Team Meeting Matt Boyes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Heater Controls Design Overview EPICS IOC Team Meeting Matt Boyes

2 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Personnel Customers: LCLS Laser Group Physicists and Operators Laser Team: Sheng Peng and Matt Boyes – Software Vergne Brown – Cables and OTRs John O’Neal – Vacuum

3 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Motivation

4 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Motivation (cont.) The LCLS injector system will incorporate a laser-electron-beam heater system (an inverse free electron laser) in order to generate an uncorrelated energy spread in the electron beam [1]. This produces Laudau damping in the bunch compressor chicanes in order to suppress potential micro-bunching instabilities that may be driven by Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR) in the bunch compressors, and Longitudinal Space Charge (LSC) forces in the linac.The laser-heater system is shown in Fig. 1. The heater system is located just downbeam of the L0b accelerator section at 135 MeV in the off-axis LCLS injector housing. _________________________________________________________ PRD 1.2-004-r2

5 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Injector Vault Schematic Laser Heater Location

6 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Heater Optical Transport Laser Heater Transport Lines Mirror Rack location LIT-01 Rack location LKA-03

7 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Heater Required Control Items Laser Room Energy Control: Waveplate Energy Measurement: Coherent EPM 2000 Power meter 2 Sensors with Rotation Stages Injector Vault Laser Steering Feedback 4 Actuators 2 Cameras (CH1 and VHC) 2 Waveplates for Camera Intensity Control Energy and Time Measurements: 2 Photodiodes Coherent LabMax-TOP Power meters (verified as BSA compatible) Virtual Heater Camera (VHC) adjustment 2 Actuators 2 OTRs

8 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Heater Optional Items Laser Room (Additional Newport XPS Controller and IOCs Required) Steering Loop 2 Cameras 4 Actuators Path Length Control 1 Actuator Injector Vault (Can be supported by Newport XPS Controller for Alignment Laser) C1 Camera adjustment: 2 Actuators

9 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Heater System Device Block Diagram

10 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Software Extension of existing Drive Laser System Use existing IOCs Many of the same types of devices LabMax-Top Power Meter is the only new device Verified to be BSA compatibility Will use StreamDevice for slow RS-232 communication

11 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Heater EDM Display Change Between Systems

12 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Drive Laser EDM Display Change Between Systems

13 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Room Item Locations and Interfaces Newport Rotation Stages Use existing spare channels in XPS controllers: MOC-LR20-LS01 and MOC-LR20-LS02 Supported by existing IOCs: IOC-LR20-LS01 and IOC-IN20-LS11 Power Meter (PMH1 and PMH2) Fast analog out and triggers to be connected to existing IOC: IOC-LR20-LS01 Slow RS-232 Interface to be connected to existing laser room Digi supported by existing IOC: SIOC-LR20-00

14 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Injector Vault Item Locations and Interfaces Newport Stages Stages connected to new XPS controller MOC-IN20-LS13. Controller Interface: Ethernet to patch panel in rack LIT-01 Supported by existing IOC laser steering IOC IOC-IN20-LS11 Waveplates for Camera Intensity Control (CH1-WP and VHC-WP) X and Y Steering Actuators for LH Fbck Loop (MH3 and MH2) VHC Camera X and Y Actuators Optional CH1 Camera X and Y Actuators can be supported by existing XPS controller MOC-IN20-AM01 located under gun optics table Approx 25 feet away.

15 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Injector Vault Item Locations and Interfaces Power Meter (PMH3) Fast analog out and triggers to be connected to existing IOC IOC-IN20-LS11 in Rack LIT- 01 Slow RS-232 Interface to be connected to existing Digi and supported by existing IOC SIOC-LR20-00 Cameras (VHC and CH1) CameraLink to fiber connection. VME IOCs located in rack LIT-01

16 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Injector Vault Item Locations and Interfaces Photodiodes (PDH1 and PDH2) No control system information, Laser room diagnostic only BNC cable already pulled to Laser Room rack LKA-0433 OTRS (OTRH2 and OTRH1) Remove existing YAG04 and install OTRH1 OTRH2 Cables already pulled and controllers in place at S20 Rack LKG20-13 Level:19

17 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Heater Vacuum Two new ion pumps Regrouped existing system to create 2 controller channels PLC logic changed, tested and in production One new Pirani gauge Installed on laser heater transport line near laser table System initially designed to support extra laser Pirani gauge, no software work Possibly two new cold cathode gauges Paired with Pirani gauges Software and hardware reconfiguration required to support Additional laser room turbo cart with no control system interface

18 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Heater Vacuum (cont.) Drive laser and heater transport vacuum connected in laser room Ion pump, gauges, & turbo cart connection

19 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Laser Heater Vacuum (cont.) Location of injector vault heater transport ion pump and gauges

20 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Thank you

21 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Extra Drawings and Images

22 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Extra Drawings and Images

23 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Extra Drawings and Images

24 Laser Heater Controls Overview 21 August 2008 Matt Boyes Extra Drawings and Images

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