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1 Access to financial services in South Africa FSCC presentation to Portfolio Committee on Finance National Assembly 26 August 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Access to financial services in South Africa FSCC presentation to Portfolio Committee on Finance National Assembly 26 August 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Access to financial services in South Africa FSCC presentation to Portfolio Committee on Finance National Assembly 26 August 2005

2 2 Contents FSCC Financial Sector Summit agreements on access Financial Sector Charter Initiatives underway Generic Access Standards

3 3 FSCC Financial Sector Campaign Coalition Registered as one of six sectors in Nedlac Community Constituency Represents Community Constituency on Financial Sector Charter Council Community chairs FS Charter Access Committee

4 4 FS Summit agreements Financial Sector Summit August 2002 Agreements on Access: –Ensuring access to basic financial services: 3.2. The parties will jointly research the economics of basic financial services and on that basis establish mechanisms and timeframes for achieving universal access

5 5 Financial Sector Charter 8. Access to financial services...ensuring the provision of first-order retail financial services, including: –2.27.2 savings products and services, being a first order basic and secure means of accumulating funds over time. (e.g. savings accounts, contractual savings products such as endowment policies –collective investments and community-based savings schemes –2.27.4 insurance products and services being the mitigation of impact of defined first order basic risks (e.g. life insurance, funeral insurance, burial society, household insurance and health insurance)

6 6 Financial Sector Charter ‘8….. substantially increase effective access to first-order retail financial services to a greater segment of the population, within LSM 1-5. 8.3.1 by 2008 to make available appropriate first-order retail financial services, affordably priced and through appropriate and accessible physical and electronic infrastructure such that: –a percentage (to be settled with the life assurance industry) of LSM 1-5 households have effective access to life assurance industry products and services –1% of LSM 1-5 plus 250,000 have effective access to formal collective investment savings products and services –6% of LSM 1-5 have effective access to short term risk insurance products and services 8.6 By 2005, the financial sector, with Government, undertakes to establish standards to monitor access and to design a mechanism for the ongoing evaluation and review of the impact of its initiatives on access’

7 7 Financial Sector Charter FS Charter Council –Charter Council Access Committee –Initiatives underway Mzansi LOA SAIA ACI

8 8 Generic Access Standards Charter Council study –Terms of reference Phase 1 –Literature review – analysis of standards, emphasis on developing countries & local research e.g. Financial Diaries, Finscope surveys –Access committee and experts interviews Phase 2 –Guidelines for South Africa Phase 3 –Evaluation of proposed products –Final recommendations –Delivery final report -10 October

9 9 Implementation, monitoring & evaluation Adoption of Access Standards –5 November 2005 Charter Council meeting –Launch of insurance access products December 2005 Commitment to ongoing monitoring & evaluation

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