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The Offbeat Revising the website of MSU’s undergraduate literary magazine.

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Presentation on theme: "The Offbeat Revising the website of MSU’s undergraduate literary magazine."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Offbeat Revising the website of MSU’s undergraduate literary magazine

2 Overall Goal of the Website  To inform students about the magazine  To encourage students to get involved  To find out how to purchase the magazine

3 Current Website


5 Usability Testing  Interviewed several of our peers who might be interested in The Offbeat  Had them answer a five question survey  Most had the same answers  For first impression, many said it looked nice/ was pleasant to look at  Several said the top heading/picture is pretty and draws you in  One person wished there was a list or bullet points on home page instead of paragraph  Others said there should be a better explanation of what The Offbeat actually is and the link to the MSU Press should be bolded or highlighted to make it easier to find for purchasing reasons


7 Mock Ups

8 Initial Makeover


10 Initial Design Philosophy  Show past issues of the magazine in a visually appealing way  An archive would allow students to get a *taste* of the magazine before they buy it in order to encourage them to purchase it  Purchasing Information would be more readily accessible (it currently is hidden under the FAQ)  Changing the cover photo to something more relevant

11 Final Result


13 Final Design Philosophy  The design should represent the Offbeat aesthetic: avant garde, cool, hip, “offbeat,” etc.  The purpose of the website is to attract writers, artists, and creative thinkers, and to encourage their submissions to the magazine  Implement updated design, including bright colors and more accessible purchasing information, including past issues  Updated social media links, contact information, what’s new, and staff listing

14 Our Goals/Conclusions  Worked with the design drafted by the staff and implement content changes  Create a style guide so the website can continue to be updated  CSS and format issues can be solved, and information can be updated often

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