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Mystery stories have their very own special vocabulary. It is necessary to understand the vocabulary to fully appreciate a mystery so...

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3 Mystery stories have their very own special vocabulary. It is necessary to understand the vocabulary to fully appreciate a mystery so...

4 Fiction dealing with the solution of a crime or the unraveling of secrets.

5  A story dealing with a crime and its solution; a detective story  In a “whodunit” the reader tries to guess who committed the crime before the author tells them!

6 is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact— like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. You find a clue, but it really can’t prove guilt all by itself.

7  method of operation; the way that something is done  The MO

8  evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement  Evidence that establishes guilt.

9  something which actually exists

10  the quality in literature that makes the reader uncertain or tense about what is to come.

11  One who aides or contributes in a secondary way  an accomplice

12  one who is guilty

13  to have doubts about  I suspect that she is lying.

14  one who finds information which is not readily accessible  Anyone looking for clues in a mystery

15  a plausible excuse intended to remove blame  I was somewhere else, I couldn’t have done it!

16  disclosure of one’s sins  admitting guilt

17  things that lead one to the solution of a problem

18  hints or clues that suggest actions that is to come

19  one who has personal knowledge or experience of something

20  a desire that causes one to act  the reason one acts

21  any diversion intended to distract attention from the main issue

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