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2007 年 英文教師海外研習分享 By 許詩停 Trista 林雅琪 Shirley. Why? Where? How? What?

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Presentation on theme: "2007 年 英文教師海外研習分享 By 許詩停 Trista 林雅琪 Shirley. Why? Where? How? What?"— Presentation transcript:

1 2007 年 英文教師海外研習分享 By 許詩停 Trista 林雅琪 Shirley

2 Why? Where? How? What?

3 Setting off!

4 Program Description SunMonTueWedThuFriSat  Methodology of Language Teaching Methodology of Language Teaching Dr. Virginia D. Lezhnev (9:00-12:00)  School Visits School Visits  Guest Speaker Guest Speaker Field Trips  Oral Communication Skills Joel Wiskin, Alison Leithner (1:30 – 3:30) Oral Communication Skills Other pictures Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.) July 9 ~ August 10

5 Methodology of Language Teaching  First and Second language acquisition  Reading process and activities Reading process and activities  Writing process and activities  Developing Listening Tasks  Learning styles vs. Teaching styles (Kolb, perceptual learning style)perceptual learning style  Multiple Intelligences

6 Oral Communication Skills Project: “Georgetown Mystery Tour”Georgetown Mystery Tour News report Culture differences

7 Field trips on Saturday Week 1: Wolf Trap – Camelot Week 2: The Mall – museums Week 3: Baltimore – Aquarium Week 4: Mount Vernon – George Washington’s hometown

8 Week 1: Wolf Trap – Camelot

9 Week 2: The Mall – museumsThe Mall

10 Week 3: Baltimore – Aquarium

11 Week 4: Mount Vernon

12 Guest Speakers

13 School School Bus ICC (Intercultural Center)

14 Dormitory

15 World map

16 Republic of China!




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