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Chem I: 2/24 Due: Heat Calculation Problems Gallery Walk Extra Energy Calculation Problems Atomic Structure Ranking Task Worksheet Objectives: I can locate.

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Presentation on theme: "Chem I: 2/24 Due: Heat Calculation Problems Gallery Walk Extra Energy Calculation Problems Atomic Structure Ranking Task Worksheet Objectives: I can locate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chem I: 2/24 Due: Heat Calculation Problems Gallery Walk Extra Energy Calculation Problems Atomic Structure Ranking Task Worksheet Objectives: I can locate and calculate subatomic particles in an atom. I can predict properties of an atom based on subatomic particles. I can identify and compare isotopes of the same element. Homework: Element’s Subatomic Particles Worksheet

2 Atomic Structure: Ranking Task Worksheet For each answer, rank the elements in increasing order. Ignore highest to lowest. Using textbook, make corrections to ranking task worksheet. Make sure to include evidence to support your answer. Use a colored pencil or pen to make corrections.

3 Atoms What are we going to study about the atom? History Structure Properties Forces

4 Subatomic Particle symbolchargelocationMass (g) mass # (amu) proton1.674 x 10 -24 1 electron9.11 x 10 -28 0 neutron1.675 x 10 -24 1 Subatomic Particles in an Atom

5 Distinguishing Atoms What distinguishes one element’s atom from another element’s atom?

6 What distinguishes each element below from one another?

7 Distinguishing Atoms Atomic number The number of protons within an atom’s nucleus. Its an atom’s I.D. Atoms of the same element always have the same number of protons. Do you notice any patterns with atomic numbers on the periodic table?

8 Element’s Atomic Numbers

9 What is the mass number for an atom? Subatomic Particle symbolchargelocationMass (g) mass # (amu) protonp++1nucleus1.674 x 10 -24 1 electrone-- 1electron cloud 9.11 x 10 -28 0 neutronn0n0 0nucleus1.675 x 10 -24 1

10 Chem I: 2/25 Infinite Campus Update Matter and Energy Exam (37pts.) Heat Energy Problems-Gallery Walk (6pts.) Extra Heat Energy Problems (10pts.) Due: Ranking Task: Atomic Structure (yesterday’s modification clearly distinguished from initial thoughts. ) Elements Subatomic Differences Wksht.

11 Element’s Subatomic Differences ElementAtomic Symbol Atomic Number Mass # (amu) # of p+# of n 0 # of e-

12 What is the mass number for an atom? Subatomic Particle symbolchargelocationMass (g) mass # (amu) protonp++1nucleus1.674 x 10 -24 1 electrone-- 1electron cloud 9.11 x 10 -28 0 neutronn0n0 0nucleus1.675 x 10 -24 1

13 An Atom’s Mass Mass number : The mass of a single atom. Sum of the p+ and n 0 within an atom. Common unit: atomic mass unit (amu) *The mass number is NOT the same as atomic mass located on your periodic table.

14 Atom’s Subatomic Particles Problem A: A cesium (Cs) atom has a mass of 133 amu and an atomic number of 55. a.How many p+, e-, and n 0 are there? b.Illustrate a Cs atom, identifying where the subatomic particles would be located. Problem B: An iron atom has an atomic number of 26 and consists of 30 neutrons. a.How many p+ and e- are there? b.What is iron’s mass number (amu)?

15 Matter and Energy Exam Evaluation Class Average on Exam = 65% How much time did you prepare for this exam? How did you prepare for this exam? What changes do you plan on making to improve your test scores? What grade do you want to earn in chemistry? What can I do to help you reach your goals?

16 Matter and Energy Exam Make-up Assessment: Friday, Feb. 28th Earn up to 5 points on original exam. If made less than a B must take the make-up assessment.

17 Isotope Worksheet Homework: Annotate the passage on isotopes. Complete the worksheet (front and back)

18 Atomic Structure What do you predict the size difference is between an atom’s nucleus and its electron cloud?

19 Isotope Worksheet Homework: Due Wed., Feb. 26th Annotate the passage on isotopes. Complete the worksheet (front and back)

20 Chem I: 2/26 Infinite Campus Update Atomic Structure Bell Ringer Due: Isotope Worksheet Objectives: I can locate and calculate subatomic particles in an atom. I can predict properties of an atom based on subatomic particles. Complete “Mapping Atomic Structure Lab” I can identify and compare isotopes of the same element. Homework: Analyzing and Illustrating Elements Isotopes

21 Mapping Atomic Structure Lab Data Section: Need to include units with measurements. Show work with calculations for credit. Draw radius of atom on map. Conclusion: What does your data section inform you about the size difference between the electron cloud and nucleus of an atom?

22 Atomic Model and Properties If most of the atom is empty space, why doesn’t matter (atoms) pass through one another? What keeps the protons from leaving the nucleus and being drawn towards the electrons?

23 Atomic Properties “The Space Between Atoms” video clip.

24 Atomic Properties “The Space Between Atoms” video clip. Dr. Michio Kaku will be speaking at WKU on March 17 th in the evening. If interested in seeing him let me know know. (getting seats reserved for Science Club).

25 Atomic Properties If most of the atom is empty space, why doesn’t matter pass through one another?

26 Atomic Model and Properties If most of the atom is empty space, why doesn’t matter (atoms) pass through one another? What keeps the protons from leaving the nucleus and being drawn towards the electrons?

27 Atomic Forces Electrostatic Forces : -Forces between charged particles. Types of electrostatic forces: a.Attractive: (p+ and e-) b.Repulsion: (p+ and p+ e- and e-) Nuclear Forces: Forces that holds p+ and n 0 together in nucleus.

28 Chem I: 2/27 Due: Isotope Practice Problems Objectives: I can illustrate the difference between isotopes of the same element. I can distinguish between mass number and atomic mass. I can calculate atomic mass for an element. Homework: Review Matter and Energy concepts-Make-up tomorrow.

29 Isotopes Atoms of the same element that differ in their number of neutrons. What else is different about isotopes? They have different mass numbers (weights) They are observed to have similar chemical properties with one another. Why?

30 Atomic Forces 1.What are the two types of forces within an atom? 2. Which force is stronger and how do you know this?

31 Chem I: Homework 1. Calculate subatomic particles in each set of isotopes and illustrate each isotope with correct location and number of subatomic particles. a. Li-6 and Li-7 b. H-1 and H-2 c. O-16 and O-17 d. B-10 and B-11 2. Research and state the difference between the following atomic terms: mass number and atomic mass. *Record answers on separate sheet.

32 Illustrating Element’s Isotopes Use gallery walk to ensure understanding of differences between element’s isotopes. Assess peers understanding of element’s isotopes. Off-task or unproductive students will get a zero for assignment and receive additional work.

33 Isotope Applications 1.Calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each neutral isotope below. Na-18 and Na-23 2. For each isotope, illustrate the location and quantity of each subatomic particle in the atom. 3.Does Na-18 and Na-23 isotopes have similar chemical properties? Explain. 4. What did you learn is the difference between mass number and atomic mass?

34 Isotope Applications 1.Calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each neutral isotope below. Na-18 and Na-23 2. For each isotope, illustrate the location and quantity of each subatomic particle in the atom. 3.Does Na-18 and Na-23 isotopes have similar chemical properties? Explain. 4. What did you learn is the difference between mass number and atomic mass?

35 Isotope Applications 1.Calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each neutral isotope below. Na-18 and Na-23 2. For each isotope, illustrate the location and quantity of each subatomic particle in the atom. 3. Does Na-18 and Na-23 isotopes have similar chemical properties? Explain.

36 Isotopic Symbols There are two isotopic symbols you need to know:

37 Mass Number vs. Atomic Mass Mass Number: Atomic Mass:

38 Atomic mass: It is an average mass calculated from all the isotopes of a particular element. It is a weighted average mass due to their being a possible unequal distribution of isotopes in matter. Located on the periodic table. How do you calculate atomic mass? 1. For each isotope, multiple its mass (mass #) by its natural abundance (decimal form) to get the weighted mass for each isotope. 2. Add up the isotopes weighted masses to get the atomic mass (average mass) for the element. Calculating Atomic Mass of an Element

39 Calculating Atomic Mass Gold’s IsotopesNatural Abundance (%)

40 Homework: Review for Matter and Energy Make-up Exam Complete Atomic Mass Worksheet

41 Chem I: 2/28 Due: Atomic Mass Worksheet (front side) Objectives: Chemistry Make-up Exam I can locate and calculate subatomic particles in an atom. I can illustrate the difference between isotopes of the same element. I can distinguish between mass number and atomic mass. I can apply atomic mass with Kandium Lab.

42 Atomic Mass Worksheet

43 Kandium Lab Purpose: To analyze isotopes of Kandium and calculate its atomic mass. Data: Must show work for credit. Don‘t forget to include units. Conclusion/Post-Lab Sections: Complete after the lab or homework

44 Evolution of an Atom

45 Chem I: 10/18 Due: Kandium Lab Objectives: I can distinguish between mass number and atomic mass. I can calculate atomic mass. I can research the evolution of the atom. Homework: Evolution of the Atom Worksheet

46 Kandium Lab Purpose: To analyze Kandium’s isotopes and calculate the atomic mass of this “new” element. Kandium’s Isotopes: Tartium Beanium Skittlium Gummium

47 Chem I: 3/10 Infinite Campus Update: Ice Cream Lab Ranking Task: Atomic Structure Matter and Energy Make-up Exam Mapping Atomic Structure Due: Element’s Isotopes and Atomic Mass Worksheet Kandium Lab

48 Atomic Structure Objectives: I can identify, illustrate, and calculate subatomic particles in an atom. I can assess isotopes of the same element. I can distinguish between mass number and atomic mass. I can investigate the evolution of the atom.

49 Elements Isotopes and Atomic Structure Worksheet ElementIsotopesNA (%) Atomic Number Mass Number (amu) protonsneutronselectrons chlorineCl-3575.88 chlorineCl-3724.22 Chlorine’s Atomic mass

50 Elements Isotopes and Atomic Structure Worksheet ElementIsotopesNA (%) Atomic Number Mass Number (amu) protonsneutronselectrons

51 Kandium Lab

52 Infinite Campus Check-Up Assess infinite campus and record any missing or incomplete assignments. Discuss how you plan on making up any missing assignments. (RTI/GSH, ESS) Record current average. Signature of student and parent Due: Wednesday, March 12 th.

53 Evolution of the Atom Predict the developmental order of the atom. Rank them 1(earliest) to 5(current). Include your reasoning for credit. Discuss ranking with a peer. Report similarities and differences. Were you persuaded to make modifications to your initial ranking, explain?

54 Evolution of the Atom Predict the developmental order of the atom. Rank them 1(earliest) to 5(current). Include your reasoning for credit. Discuss ranking with a peer. Report similarities and differences. Were you persuaded to make modifications to your initial ranking, explain? Homework: Validate your ranking with online resources. Complete questions 3-4.


56 Bell Ringer: Evolution of Atom Who is given credit for the earliest model of the because he applied the scientific method? What did Thomson’s model contribute to the atom? What did Rutherford’s model contribute to the atom? What did Bohr’s model contribute to the atom? What did Schrodinger’s (current) model contribute to the atom?

57 History of the Atom Great Thinkers (2,000yrs. Ago) Age of Reason and Thought Democritus vs. Aristotle view on the make-up of matter.

58 Democritus(400b.c.) Greek Philosopher

59 1) Observed matter to be made up of atoms. 2) Atoms are the smallest form of matter. 3. Atoms cannot be broken down. 3) The types of atoms in matter determine its properties.

60 Aristotle: Greek Philosopher (300b.c.) Aristotle observed matter to be made from four things: earth, water, air, and fire

61 John Dalton’s Atomic Model

62 English school teacher Proved Democritus atoms hypothesis using the scientific method. His conclusions produced: Dalton’s Atomic Theory

63 1.Atoms are the building blocks of all matter. 2. Atoms cannot be subdivided. 3. Each element has the same kind of atoms. 4. A compound is composed of two or more atoms chemically combined in a fixed amount. Ex. NaCl 5. Atoms cannot be created or destroyed just rearranged during chemical reactions. Dalton’s Atomic Theory

64 Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model

65 Thomson’s Cathode Tube Experiment

66 Subatomic Particle: Electron J.J. Thomson (pg. 105) 1897 discovered electrons in gas atoms using a cathode ray tube. Determined electrons have a negative charge. Electrons have the same charge in all atoms. Robert Millikan: Determined the mass of the electron to be very tiny.

67 J. J Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model If atoms are made of electrons how come most matter does not shock us? Atoms must have positive particles, too. He proposed the Plum Pudding Atomic Model An atom is equally made up of positive and negative particles.

68 Goldstein’s Cathode Tube Experiment He discovered protons using a cathode ray tube. Observe particles moving in the opposite direction.

69 Subatomic Particles: Protons 1886 Eugen Goldstein observed particles traveling in the opposite direction of the cathode rays(electrons). He knew these particles must be (+) charged. They were called protons. Protons charge is the same for all atoms Protons have a significant mass compared to the electron.

70 Rutherford’s Model of the Atom

71 Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment If positively charged light particles traveled through a sample of matter composed of atoms with protons and electrons evenly distributed throughout the atom, what would happen to the trajectory (path) of the + charged light particles as it passes through these atoms?

72 Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment

73 Rutherford’s Conclusion Most of the atom is empty space. Small dense region composed of (+) charged particles. (Nucleus)

74 Rutherford’s Nuclear Atomic Model

75 What keeps the protons within the nucleus ? (Like particles repel each other) 1932 - James Chadwick discovers that the nucleus also has neutral particles present. He called them neutrons. Subatomic Particle: Neutron

76 Chadwick’s Experiments: Neutron

77 Bohr’s Model of the Atom

78 Bohr’s Model of the Atom

79 Bohr’s Model of the Atom Electrons travel in fixed, circular paths around the nucleus. Each path has a specific energy requirement. These circular paths are called energy levels. Limited number of electrons on each energy level. (2n 2 Rule)

80 Current Atomic Model Erwin Schrodinger

81 Current Atomic Model Erwin Schrodinger

82 Current Atomic Model Electrons do not travel in fixed paths around the nucleus Electrons constantly move to different energy levels in the electron cloud. Direction of movement is dependent upon how much energy an electron has. Observed several different paths electrons can take around the nucleus.

83 Types of electron paths around nucleus

84 Bell Ringer: History of Atom Atomic ModelIllustrationDescription Dalton’s Model Thomson’s Model Rutherford’s Model Bohr’s Model Schrodinger’s Model (current model)

85 Atomic Models Dalton’s Atomic Model Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model Rutherford’s Nuclear Model Bohr’s Planetary Model Schrodinger’s Atomic Model (current model)

86 Bell Ringer 1. Compare the different views Aristotle and Democritus had about what matter was made of. 2. Which Greek philosopher was correct ? 3. Which later scientist proved his view?

87 Bell Ringer: 4. a. Identify and explain this Atomic Model? b. Who concluded this atomic model?

88 Bell Ringer 5. Look at the following experiment below. a.What was this experiment called? b.Who developed this experiment? c.Did his experiment prove or disprove the Plum Pudding Model?

89 Rutherford’s Conclusion Most of the atom was empty space. Small dense region composed of (+) charged particles. (nuclues)

90 Rutherford’s Atomic Model

91 Rutherford’s Nuclear Atom Model

92 What keeps the protons within the nucleus ? (Like particles repel each other) 1932 - James Chadwick discovers the nucleus also has neutral particles present. He called them neutrons. Neutrons have a significant mass like protons. Subatomic Particle: Neutron

93 Modern Atomic Model

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