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Ch. 10 Age of Enlightenment *Philosophe- intellectual of the Enlightenment (writers, professors, journalists, economists, social reformers from the nobility.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 10 Age of Enlightenment *Philosophe- intellectual of the Enlightenment (writers, professors, journalists, economists, social reformers from the nobility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 10 Age of Enlightenment *Philosophe- intellectual of the Enlightenment (writers, professors, journalists, economists, social reformers from the nobility & middle class)

2 Montesquieu  French noble  The Spirit of the Laws (1748)- Three branches of government Three branches of government Executive, legislative, judicialExecutive, legislative, judicial  Separation of powers The 3 branches limit & control each other in a system of checks & balances The 3 branches limit & control each other in a system of checks & balances

3 Voltaire  French, middle-class  Religious views: Critical of Christianity Critical of Christianity Supported idea of deism- Supported idea of deism- God (the clockmaker) had created the universe, set it in motion, and allowed it to run without His interference, according to its own natural lawsGod (the clockmaker) had created the universe, set it in motion, and allowed it to run without His interference, according to its own natural laws Strong belief in religious toleration Strong belief in religious toleration “all men are brothers under God” (Treatise on Toleration)“all men are brothers under God” (Treatise on Toleration)

4 Don’t forget  Dress up in GREEN tomorrow!  BRING IN CANNED GOODS!

5 Adam Smith  1776- The Wealth of Nations Laissez faire- “to let do” (hands-off govt.) Laissez faire- “to let do” (hands-off govt.) The state should not interfere in economic matters. Govt. should only have 3 basic roles The state should not interfere in economic matters. Govt. should only have 3 basic roles 1.Protecting society from invasion (army) 2.Defending citizens from injustice (police) 3.Keeping up public works (roads, canals) that private individuals couldn’t afford

6 Beccaria  On Crimes and Punishments Argued that punishments should not be cruel and unusual Argued that punishments should not be cruel and unusual Opposed capital punishment Opposed capital punishment “Is it not absurd, that the laws, which punish murder, should, in order to prevent murder, publicly commit murder themselves?”“Is it not absurd, that the laws, which punish murder, should, in order to prevent murder, publicly commit murder themselves?”

7 CSWK/HMWK  Do not have to write the questions.  p.307-- #4, 5, 7, 8  p. 324-- #8, 10, 13, 18, 19

8 Don’t Forget!  DRESS-UP for WACKY TACKY DAY tomorrow! (within dress code as best as you can!)  Bring in CANNED FOOD! Take to Mrs. Yancey/Moore’s classroom.  Bring MONEY for chain-links!  SIGN UP for Class Olympic events- make sure you get the best among you to enter! Greater chance to win!  HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE WITH HOMECOMING, SUPPORT OUR TEAM, AND HAVE FUN!  HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE WITH HOMECOMING, SUPPORT OUR TEAM, AND HAVE FUN!

9 Enlightened Ruler ruler who tried to govern by Enlightenment principles (freedoms, rights, toleration, reform) while maintaining their royal powers Frederick the Great (Prussia)- abolished use of torture, granted limited freedom of speech & press, religious toleration Frederick the Great (Prussia)- abolished use of torture, granted limited freedom of speech & press, religious toleration Joseph II (Austria)- abolished serfdom, eliminated the death penalty, established principle of equality, religious toleration (though most of these reforms failed) Joseph II (Austria)- abolished serfdom, eliminated the death penalty, established principle of equality, religious toleration (though most of these reforms failed) Joseph II Frederick the Great

10 The Arts- Literature  Diderot Created The Encyclopedia- 28 volume collection of the sciences, art, and trades Created The Encyclopedia- 28 volume collection of the sciences, art, and trades Helped spread the ideas of the Enlightenment Helped spread the ideas of the Enlightenment

11 The Arts- Art style  Rococo used by the 1730s used by the 1730s Emphasized grace, charm, & gentle action Emphasized grace, charm, & gentle action Highly secular (not a lot of religious themes) Highly secular (not a lot of religious themes) Fragonard Chardin

12 The Arts- Music  Baroque Style- grand, ornate Bach (organist, composer) Bach (organist, composer) Handel (religious music) Handel (religious music)  Classical Style- simpler Mozart (child prodigy) Mozart (child prodigy) Haydn (musical director for wealthy Hungarian princes) Haydn (musical director for wealthy Hungarian princes)

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