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Aventura Waterways K-8 Center OPEN HOUSE 3rd Grade Dual Language

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1 Aventura Waterways K-8 Center 2014 - OPEN HOUSE 3rd Grade Dual Language
Mrs. Sagaro

2 Welcome to 3rd Grade OPEN HOUSE
These are some of the items that we will be discussing with you tonight: a. Attendance b. Early pick-up c. Uniforms d. Arrival e. Security f.. Home Learning g. Supplies h. Tests - Grades j. Accelerated Reader k. Honor Roll l. PTSA – Volunteer m. FL State Standards n. Contact Information

3 Attendance Policy School hours are 8:35am – 3:05 pm
In accordance with Federal and State Law; Students must be in attendance 180 days of school per year. School hours are 8:35am – 3:05 pm (Wednesdays 8:35am – 1:50pm). Please have notes for absences on the day the student returns to school, otherwise he/she will not be able to take tests or quizzes missed during those days. Excessive absences/tardiness may jeopardize grades and promotion to the next grade level.

4 Early pickup For emergency ONLY. Report to the office.
Students will only be released to people listed on emergency contact cards with picture I.D. Any work missed is the responsibility of the student to make up. PLEASE, schedule doctors’ appointments after school.

5 Uniform Policy Aventura Waterways is a mandatory uniform school.
Khaki bottoms No jeans Light blue polo shirts Spirit Shirts may be worn on Fridays

6 Arrival All students must wait on the P.E. court for their teacher to pick them up. Students will be walked into the class by their teachers at 8:25am. DO NOT have your child wait inside this building.

7 Security In accordance with School Board Rules.
Students and parents may not enter the building before or after school Parents and visitors must present a photo ID and sign in. Conferences/meetings to see the teacher will need to be scheduled.

8 HOME LEARNING ! Approximately 60 minutes a day.
Assigned Monday through Friday By school board rule 6GX13-6A1.23 Amended in 1998 30 minutes of reading each day. Homework is Extremely Important. Please make sure your child is completing their home learning.

9 Classroom Supplies 4 Composition Notebooks
2 Highlighters and colored pencils We’d like to sincerely thank you for the supplies you provided for our classes!

10 Tests & Grades Students will take tests based on the material, skills, and concepts covered during the week. Students will also have quizzes on various occasions throughout the year. Parents will receive a Progress Report and Report Card in order to inform you of your child’s progress. Grading Scale A B C D F 59-0

11 Honor Roll Students will receive diplomas every grading period based on their grades: Principal’s Honor Roll Perfect Attendance Academic Average Honor Roll Effort Grades – All 1’s No absences during Conduct Average the entire marking No C’s grades allowed period Academic Honor Roll Academic Average Effort Grades – All 1’s and 2’s Conduct Average

12 AR tests and books Our classes are now checking books out of the media center! Accelerated Reader is a part of my curriculum, and students should be reading their AR books a little each day. Please ensure that they are reading each day. Please have your child answer questions on the Reading Log based on their books. The program is designed for them to read and assess their reading comprehension by taking a short test on the computer, once they have completed the book. In class, each student has their own AR Log. After they have taken a test, they will be allowed to take other books from the Media Center. This is only allowed once a week as per the school rules. I require my students to select one chapter book out of the three books they check out weekly.

13 Why can’t I Skip My 20-30 Minutes of Reading?
LET'S FIGURE IT OUT --- MATHEMATICALLY! Student A reads 20 minutes five nights of every week; Student B reads only 4 minutes a night...or not at all! Step 1: Multiply minutes a night x 5 times each week. Student A reads 20 min. x 5 times a week = 100 mins./week Student B reads 4 minutes x 5 times a week = 20 minutes Step 2: Multiply minutes a week x 4 weeks each month. Student A reads 400 minutes a month. Student B reads 80 minutes a month. Step 3: Multiply minutes a month x 9 months/school year Student A reads 3600 min. in a school year. Student B reads 720 min. in a school year. Student A practices reading the equivalent of ten whole school days a year. Student B gets the equivalent of only two school days of reading practice. year.

14 MobyMax Reading Plus Extra Math
Third Grade Websites MobyMax Reading Plus Extra Math

15 Instructions for being a parent volunteer.
If you do not have a parent portal account • Log onto • Click on Parents • Click on Create an account • Fill out required information • An will be sent to you with your username Step number two: Go to • Click on parents • Log into parent portal • Click on Apps/Services/Sites • Click on To be a school volunteer • Submit • See Ms. Haber in the office after a week to receive a volunteer number.

16 PTSA - VOLUNTEER PTSA touches every aspect of life at Aventura Waterways. PLEASE JOIN ! Fill a Volunteer application. Obtain one from the main office. Applications will be cleared by MDCPS prior to volunteering. Parents must be cleared as a volunteer before chaperoning field trips or participating in class activities.

17 New State Standards: 2014-2015 School Year
Beginning with the school year, Florida’s public schools will transition to the new, Florida Standards adopted in the February of 2014. Previously, the transition in Standards-based education was to the Common Core State Standards, which after public input and review, led to the adoption of the Florida Standards for all school districts in the state. The Florida Standards New State Standards: School Year

18 The Florida Standards Why Are We Changing?
Emphasize success in college and careers Prepare students with 21st century skills Provide more rigorous content and application of knowledge Place emphasis on critical and analytical thinking Establish clear, consistent guidelines for instruction The intent of the new Florida Standards is to provide for more rigorous instruction so that students have the knowledge and skills to meet the demands of the 21st century: “college and career ready” “success for any path that a student takes in life” Students must be better prepared to compete in the global job market with a skill set and knowledge base that is changing as new technologies and careers evolve. These standards will drive this change.

19 The Florida Standards What Subjects Are Included?
Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS) and Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS) provide a clear set of goals and expectations Define what students should know and be able to do at each grade level – kindergarten through grade 12 The new Florida Standards will address; MAFS - mathematics and (LAFS) English language arts Other subject areas (science, social sciences) will continue under the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards

20 The Florida Standards What Do They Mean For Teaching and Learning?
MAFS Deeper understanding of mathematical concepts Builds habits of mind of productive mathematical thinkers Real-world applications Modeling with pictures technology, graphs, manipulatives LAFS Regular practice-complex text & academic language Reading, writing, listening and speaking grounded in evidence from text Real-world applications Build knowledge through content-rich text Teaching and learning will change as a result of the Florida Standards. Important instructional shifts for Language Arts include: Building knowledge through content-rich non-fiction text Use of literary and informational text as a basis for reading, writing, and speaking Reading and practicing with complex text and academic language Important instructional shifts for Mathematics include: Deep and narrow focus on concepts that are prioritized in the standards to build strong foundational knowledge Students’ conceptual understanding builds over time Rigor is defined through four components to guide instruction to include: 1. Mathematical fluency 2. Deep understanding 3. Application 4. Dual intensity or a balance between “drills” and application of concepts Mathematics includes two types of standards – Standards for Mathematical Practice and Standards for Mathematical Content

21 The Florida Standards What About the New Assessments?
LAFS and MAFS will be assessed with the new Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Spring 2015 administration of elementary school assessments will include: English Language Arts (ELA): Grades 3-5* ELA Writing Component: Grades 4-5* Mathematics: Grades 3- 5* *5th grade will have Computer-Based Testing for all of these assessments Student progress and achievement of the Florida Standards in Language Arts and Mathematics will be assessed with the new Florida Standards Assessments for the first time during the school year. Paper-based accommodations will be available for eligible students with disabilities at all assessed grades.

22 The Florida Standards How May I Help My Child?
Read different types of books and informational text with your child Ask your child to find answers to questions in the text of books, newspaper articles, manuals, etc. Encourage your child to form and defend an opinion by supporting it with facts, details and reasons from text Discuss mathematics ideas with your child have them explain these to you using pictures, graphs, etc. Visit the Florida Standards Assessment online portal at: to become familiar with the new assessments. Refer to Parent Brochures as another resource for information.

23 Class Website Please visit my website routinely. It will have information on various events. Sign up to NewsFlash for or text updates. You can contact me at:

24 This concludes our presentation.
Do you have any questions for me? If you would like to schedule a conference, please write your name on the sheet and I will contact you. Have a wonderful night!

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