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US and Native American Relations By Robert Hamilton Fall 1999.

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1 US and Native American Relations By Robert Hamilton Fall 1999

2 U.S. and Indian Relations  What were the significant treaties, policies, and events that defined US Government and Native American Relations?  How did the Native American respond to these treaties, polices, and events historically?  How did these treaties, policies, and events affect the subsistence, religion, political, and social structures of the Native American people and the United States?

3 Six Periods Formative Period 1780 - 1825 Removal, Real Estate and Reservation Period 1825 - 1870 Assimilation and Allotment Period 1871 - 1928 Reorganization Period 1928 - 1945 Termination Period 1945 - 1960 Self-Determination Period 1961 – Current

4 Formative period 1789 -1825  Article 1 section 8 (Commerce Clause)  Article 1 section 10 (powers denied states)  Red Brother to Red Children  Marshall Trilogy  Johnson v McIntosh 1823  Cherokee v Georgia 1831  Worcester v Georgia 1832  The Government Trading Act  The Civilization Fund Act

5 Formative Period 1789 –1825 effects  Indian had equal status with states and nations  Many Indians assimilated into White culture willingly  Trade Houses provided goods to assist assimilation  Christianity was encouraged and promoted.

6 Removal, Real Estate, and Reservations period 1825 - 1870  Government Trading Houses Abolished  Removal Act of 1830  Andrew Jackson ignores the Supreme Court Decision  Trail of Tears 1838  Oregon Trail May 1832  “Manifest Destiny” 1845  California Gold Rush 1849  Transcontinental Railway May 1869

7 Removal, Real Estate, and Reservations period 1825 – 1870 effects  Indians lost their autonomy  Indians lost their land  Indians lost their way of life (subsistence)  Indian culture and tradition in jeopardy  Indians became more dependent on the U.S. Government

8 Assimilation and Allotment period 1871 - 1928  Last of The Indian Wars in the West  Treaties stopped 1871  Indian agencies run by religious societies 1872  Dawes Act 1877  The Indian Citizenship Act 1924

9 Assimilation and Allotment period 1871 – 1928 effects  Decrease in Western Indian populations  Indians experienced more loss of their autonomy.  Indian Reservation system weakened  Indian tribal organization weakened  Indian lost more of their land  Indians lost their religious freedoms

10 Reorganization period 1928 - 1945.  Meriam Report of 1928  Great Depression  The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934  World War II

11 Reorganization period 1928 – 1945 effects  Meriam Report supported reform measures  The Great Depression affected Indian and non- Indian alike (Subsistence)  The Indian reorganization Act restored  Autonomy  World War II provided opportunities for Indians to leave the reservation for work.

12 Termination period 1945 – 1961  World War II  House Concurrent Resolution 108  Public law 280

13 Termination period 1945 – 1961 effects  Indians lost their subsistence by the U.S. Government  More than 50 tribes lost their tribal status.  Indian’s self determination was affected by Public Law 280

14 Self-Determination period 1961 - Current  President Lyndon Johnson’s congressional message March 1968  Indian Civil rights Act 1968  Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975  Indian Child Welfare Act 1978  Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978

15 Self-Determination period 1961 - Current effects  Self Determination re-established  Tribal organization  Local tribal adjudication  Education  Health  Autonomy and Nation status  Kinship and Clanship re-enforced  Religious Freedom established

16 After thoughts  The United States was developing and defining its meaning of Democracy  The relationship with the Indians was (is?) an oscillating one (Indian Givers)  The relationship with Indians is a reliable gauge of the state of American Democracy.

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