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CHAPTER 1: Tradition & Change among Native Americans combined ordinary & extraordinary.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 1: Tradition & Change among Native Americans combined ordinary & extraordinary."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 1: Tradition & Change among Native Americans combined ordinary & extraordinary

2 Native American Diversity 550 different societies 6 language groups organized or loosely knit patrilineal or matrilineal

3 Common Figures in Religion sacred kinship networks o animals o spirits o sacred beings shamans trickster figures

4 Common Beliefs in Religion dreams & visions correspondence sacred matter cyclical time

5 Differences in Traditions: Oglala Sioux society of the Plains hunter-gatherers centrality of buffalo origin story o White Buffalo Calf Woman o gift of sacred pipe & rituals

6 Differences in Traditions: Hopi Pueblo society of the SW agricultural centrality of water o ceremonies for rain Kachinas

7 Religious Combinations 1) traditional religions + Christian elements 2) Christian conversions + cultural elements o Kateri Tekakwitha Conferences 3) new religious movements

8 New Religious Movements Ghost Dance Gaiwiio Peyote Way o Native American Church

9 Law & Religious Practice American Indian Religious Freedom Act “G-O Road” case Oregon vs. Smith Religious Freedom Restoration Act o later repealed

10 Reclaiming Traditions NAGPRA National Museum of the American Indian Reclamation Movement Indian Rights Activism

11 OVERVIEW continuity with sacred world inner world of dreams transformations harmony with natural world religious combination & innovation

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