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Series Fun with Assessment Trivial Pursuits He Pātai Tiripapā mō te Aromatawai Mā te mahi tahi, ko te eke panuku, ko te ako panuku.

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Presentation on theme: "Series Fun with Assessment Trivial Pursuits He Pātai Tiripapā mō te Aromatawai Mā te mahi tahi, ko te eke panuku, ko te ako panuku."— Presentation transcript:

1 Series Fun with Assessment Trivial Pursuits He Pātai Tiripapā mō te Aromatawai Mā te mahi tahi, ko te eke panuku, ko te ako panuku

2 True or False Pre-tests is a mainly diagnostic assessment strategy Qu 1 Pre-tests is a mainly summative assessment strategy

3 True or False Qu 2 Conferencing is a formative assessment strategy

4 a.running records for reading b.portfolios c.examinations Qu 3 Which one of these strategies/methods is often used diagnostically?

5 True or False A portfolio is a collection of student samples of work gathered over time A profile is a concise description, sometimes in graphic form, of the Aos or levels of achievement attained by a student Qu 4 A profile is a collection of student samples of work gathered over time

6 a.8 levels b.10 levels c.12 levels Qu 5 The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) has...

7 a.Generic System (of) Moderation b.General Science Matrix c.Grade Score Marking Qu 6 GSM is the acronym for...

8 True or False COAs relate to internal standards Qu 7 Conditions of Assessment relate to the external standards

9 a.$500.00 b.$2,000.00 c.$5,000.00 Qu 8 Which of the following amounts can a student receive per year for 3 years if they are awarded a Top Subject Scholarship award?

10 True or False Qu 9 Course endorsement requires that a student achieve at least 14 credits in that subject with Merit or Excellence

11 True or False At least 50 credits is required Qu 10 Certificate endorsement (at NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3) requires that a student achieve at least 28 credits toward a certificate with Merit or Excellence

12 True or False NCEA Level 3 and University Entrance do not equate to the same thing. Not all NCEA Level 3 subjects count towards UE. The ones that do are on the approved list of subjects. Furthermore, not all standards within the approved list of subjects count towards UE Qu 11 If a student achieves NCEA Level 3, they automatically qualify to enter university

13 a.0 b.1 c.2 Qu 12 What is the maximum number of further assessment opportunities can a student have in a standard each year?

14 True or False Qu 13 NZQA uses Twitter to send out information for examination candidates

15 a.0-3 b.0-6 c.0-8 Qu 14 What are the scores given to Scholarship questions?

16 True or False Qu 15 Once a moderation decision has been made by a National Moderator, a teacher has no right to appeal it, or seek clarification

17 Yes or No Just the changes is fine Qu 16 If I adapt a TKI or commercial resource I must get a colleague to check the entire resource?

18 a.Conferencing b.Monitoring c.Evaluating Qu 17 The process of continually evaluating students’ performance or checking that the aims of particular instructional activities have been achieved is...

19 True or False Diagnostic assessment is usually carried out at the beginning of a block of learning Qu 18 Diagnostic assessment is usually carried out at the end of a block of learning

20 True or False A summative Record of Achievement profiles a students’ achievement across the curriculum Qu 19 A summative Record of Achievement usually profiles a students’ achievement in one specific curriculum area

21 Yes or No Schools can adopt or adapt the Internal Moderation Coversheet It was provided at the request of schools to give more guidance around what could be done It is still a guide to best practice for quality assurance If you use your school’s own process it would be necessary to document the process once and be able to provide evidence of following that process Qu 20 I must use the Internal Moderation Coversheet?

22 Ministry of Education (1994) Assessment: Policy to Practice, Learning Media, Wellington Madjar I & McKinley E (2011) Understanding NCEA A RELATIVELY SHORT AND VERY USEFUL GUIDE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS References

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