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波長 ( Å ) 温度 (K) CCD 上での光子数 (/sec/pixel/10 44 EM) CHIANTI DB (Feldman) SXT Temperature analysis based of Chianti spectrum DB Masumi Shimojo NSRO/NAO 2002/03/22.

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Presentation on theme: "波長 ( Å ) 温度 (K) CCD 上での光子数 (/sec/pixel/10 44 EM) CHIANTI DB (Feldman) SXT Temperature analysis based of Chianti spectrum DB Masumi Shimojo NSRO/NAO 2002/03/22."— Presentation transcript:

1 波長 ( Å ) 温度 (K) CCD 上での光子数 (/sec/pixel/10 44 EM) CHIANTI DB (Feldman) SXT Temperature analysis based of Chianti spectrum DB Masumi Shimojo NSRO/NAO 2002/03/22 太陽・宇宙プラズマゼミ @ 国立天文台・三鷹

2 1: Introduction Temperature Analysis using SXT Data ( Filter Ratio Method) Spectrum Database Model Spectrum Affective Area of Yohkoh/SXT Model Observation Temperature of Corona ?

3 The emission model –The model of emission line –The model of Free-Free, Free-bound emission The model abundance of Solar Corona The model of ionization equilibrium 2: X-ray Spectrum Database (1) Structure of Spectrum Database

4 Mewe Spectrum Database (Mewe et al., 1985) –Standard spectrum database of Yohkoh/SXT –Abundance : Meyer Coronal Abundance (1985) –Ionization Eq. : Arnaud & Rothenflug (1985) CHIANTI Spectrum Database (Dere, et al., 2001) –Developed by NRL, Cambridge, Arcetri Obs. –Standard spectrum database of SOHO/CDS,SUMER –Abundance : Select from Meyer, Feldman (1992), Waljeski (1994) –Ionization Eq. : Select from Arnaud & Rothenflug, Arnaud & Raymond (1992), Mazzotta et al. (1998) 2: X-ray Spectrum Database (2)

5 The strength of Fe XVII line based on Mewe DB is largare than that based on CHIANTI. 3: Difference between Mew/CHIANTI (1) 1: Emission Model Wavelength ( Å ) Temp. (K) CCD 上での光子数 (/sec/pixel/10 44 EM) Mewe DB CCD 上での光子数 (/sec/pixel/10 44 EM) Temp. (K) Wavelength ( Å ) CHIANTI DB Abundance : Meyer Coronal Ionization Eq. : Arnaud & Rothenflug SXT filter : AlMg filter Fe XVII Mewe CHIANTI (Meyer)

6 3: Difference between Mew/CHIANTI (2) 2: Abundance Model ( Contribution of Fe line ) The Contribution of Fe line is >40% @3-8MK

7 3: Difference between Mew/CHIANTI (3) 2: Abundance Model Coronal abundance (Fludra & Schmelz 1999) H (Meyer) H (Feldman) H (Waljeski) Fe Feldman = 3.3×Fe Meyer Fe Waljeski = 8.1×Fe Meyer

8 Since the abundance of Fe in Feldman model (CHIANTI) is three times larger than that in Meyer model (Mewe), the strength of Fe line base on CHIANTI(Feldman) is larger than that based on Mewe. 3: Difference between Mew/CHIANTI (4) 2: Abundance Model Wavelength ( Å ) Temp.(K) Photon Number on CCD(/sec/pixel/10 44 EM) Mewe DB (Meyer) Wavelength ( Å ) Temp. (K) Photon Number on CCD(/sec/pixel/10 44 EM) CHIANTI DB (Feldman) Ionization Eq. : Arnaud & Rothenflug SXT filter : AlMg filter

9 3: Difference between Mew/CHIANTI (5) 3 : Ionization Equilibrium Arnaud & Raymond 1992 Dashed line : Arnaud & Rothenflug Solid line : Arnaud & Raymond Fe XVII 10 6 10 7 温度 ( K) Fe XVII Mazzotta et al., 1998 dashed : Arnaud & Raymond solid : Mazzotta et al. Mewe CHIANTI (Arnaud & Rothenflug) CHIANTI (Mazzotta et al.)

10 3: Difference between Mew/CHIANTI (6) Mewe / Thin Al Mewe / Thick Al CHIANTI / Thin Al CHIANTI / Thick Al Mewe / Thin Al Mewe / Thick Al CHIANTI / Thin Al × 10 CHIANTI / Thick Al × 10 CHIANTI (Feldman + Mazzotta et al.) Mewe

11 Temperature Analysi sbased on Mewe 4:Which one re-produce the Corona spectrum ? CHIANTI Database Filter Ratio Temperature analyasis based on CHIANTI

12 4 : SXT 温度解析への影響 (1) 1 : Hara et al., 1992 Temperature Analysis using all X-ray filets of SXT 4:Which one re-produce the Corona spectrum ?

13 5 :The way to the DEM analysis (1) Temperature analysis Based onCHIANTI Molde DEM Observation ? Real

14 Differential Emission Measure (DEM) –The possibility DEM analysis using Yohkoh/SXT ⇒ Strong, et al. 1991 (using Mewe) 5 :The way to the DEM analysis (2) Strong, et al.,1991, Adv. Space Res. 5, 73 DEM

15 [Withbroe-Sylwester Method] Strong, et al., 1991 used the same methode We use the SXT temperature responses that are calculated using CHIANTI Database with Feldman abundance model and Mazzotta ionization model. 。 5 :The way to the DEM analysis (3) Withbroe, 1975 Sylwester, Schrijver and Mewe, 1980 Fludra and Sylwester, 1986

16 Test calculation model DEM ⇒ SXT Count ⇒ DEM-Resolver ⇒ Result DEM 5 : Simulation using model DEM Compare Result DEM with model DEM Model DEM Reult DEM

17 NOAA6919 (Hara, et al. 1992) 5 :Observation result (1) Al.1 Al12 SXT TEEM: Al.1/Al12 | Temperature MAP The result of Filter ratio Method

18 SXT-DEM / Mewe DEM by CDS/SOHO Landi & Landini, 1998 DEM by CDS × 100 DEM by SXT 5 : Observation result (2) DEM ∝ T -4.95±0.25 SXT-DEM / CHIANTI Ver. 3 DEM by CDS/SOHO Landi & Landini, 1998 DEM by CDS × 100 DEM by SXT

19 5 : Observation result (3) Al.1 Transient Brightening NOAA6919 18-Nov-91 05:36 ~ ( sub-C class flare) Preliminary Results

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