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Presentation on theme: "FEEDBACK CONTROL SYSTEMS"— Presentation transcript:

Dr. Basil Hamed

2 Key Words: Feedback Systems Automatic Control Estimation & Identification Mathematical Modeling Process Optimization Decision Making

3 Systems and Control A System is a device or process that takes a given input and produces some output: A DC motor takes as input a voltage and produces as output rotary motion A chemical plant takes in raw chemicals and produces a required chemical product System Input Output

4 Closed Loop Control Open-loop control is ‘blind’ to actual output
Closed-loop control takes account of actual output and compares this to desired output Measurement Desired Output + - Process Dynamics Controller/ Amplifier Output Input

5 An Open-Loop Control System
The controlled ‘output’ is the resulting toast System does not reject changes in component characteristics

6 What is a Control System ?
A process to be controlled A measurement of process output A comparison between desired and actual output A controller that generates inputs from comparison Measurement + - Process Controller Output Desired Comparison

7 Control Many control systems can be characterised by these components
Disturbance Plant Control Signal u(t) Reference r(t) Error e(t) Output y(t) Control Actuator Process + - Feedback Sensor Sensor Noise

8 Actuation A device for acting on the environment

9 Sensing A device for measuring some aspect of the environment

10 Computing A combination of electronics and software Fill Stop Wash
Empty Wash Fill Done Ready Spin Rinse Stop Fail Timeout Overflow Yes Check Level Fill Achieved? Start Fail Stop Open Valve No Close Valve

11 Examples of Control Applications
Biological Systems: Central Nervous System is the controller for the body Robotics: Robots perform automated tasks in assembly lines, where precision is important and dangerous tasks physically impossible for humans

12 Examples of Control Applications
Aerospace Applications: Aircraft or missile guidance and control Space vehicles and structures

13 Examples : Washing Machine
System Requirements Understanding of load sizes Receptacle to hold clothes ‘Plumbing’ Agitation of drum Ease of use, Reliability Low Cost Actuators AC or DC Motors Water inlet/drain Sensors Water level Load speed/balance Control Choice depends on design

14 Examples : The CD Player
A CD player is an example of control system Requires Accurate positioning of the laser read head Precise control of media speed Conversion of digital data to analogue signal

15 Examples : Hard Drive A computer disk drive is another example of a rotary control system Requires Accurate positioning of the magnetic read head Precise control of media speed Extraction of digital data from magnetic media

16 Examples : Modern Automobiles
Modern Automobiles are controlled by a number of computer components Requires Control of automobile sub systems Brakes and acceleration Cruise control ABS Climate control GPS Reliability Low cost Ease of use

17 Example: DC Motor Speed Control
Desired speed wd Actual speed w Tachometer measurements plus noise Control signal is a voltage Variations in Load Torque wd + Tacho Power Amplifier Controller Motor Load Torque - w Actual Speed Measurement

18 Example: Batch Reactor Temperature Control
Goal: Keep Temperature at desired value Td If T is too large, exothermic reaction may cause explosion If T is too low, poor productivity may result Feedback is essential because process dynamics are not well known Controller Steam Water Measured Temperature Coolant Reactants Desired Temperature

19 Example: Aircraft Autopilot
Standard components in modern aircraft Goal: Keep aircraft on desired path Disturbances due to wind gust, air density, etc. Feedback used to reject disturbances Disturbances Sensors Actuators GPS/Inertial Path controller Rudder Elevons Measured path Route

20 Mathematical Modelling
To understand system performance, a mathematical model of the plant is required This will eventually allow us to design control systems to achieve a particular specification

21 Block Diagrams Formalise control systems as ‘pictures’
Components can be combined to produce an overall mathematical description of systems Interaction between elements is well defined

22 Block Diagrams: Summation
Ideal, no delay or dynamics Two inputs: Three or more:

23 Laplace Example I Physical model

24 For Example I Block Diagram model Physical model

25 For Example I Transfer Function Physical model

26 For Example II

27 For Example II Laplace Transform

28 For Example II Physical Model Block Diagram model

29 Block Diagrams: Transfer Functions
Transfer Function G(s) describes system component An operator that transfers input to output Described as a Laplace transform because

30 Single-Loop Feedback System
Error Signal The goal of the Controller C(s) is: To produce a control signal u(t) Which drives the ‘error’ e(t) to zero Desired Value Output Transducer + - Feedback Signal error Controller Plant Control

31 Controller Objectives
Controller cannot drive error to zero instantaneously as the plant G(s) has dynamics Clearly a ‘large’ control signal will move the plant more quickly The gain of the controller should be large so that even small values of e(t) will produce large values of u(t) However, large values of gain will cause instability

32 Control Criteria Speed of Response
Robustness to unknown plant and load Stability

33 Response of a First-Order System
General Solution:

34 Step Response

35 Speed of Response Equations:

36 System Descriptions

37 Speed of Response Increasing K increases Speed of Response

38 Speed of Response to Step
Increasing K increases Speed of Response

39 Tracking Error Input Output Steady-State Error Initial Response

40 signal cond. & amplification
computer hardware control software A/D signal cond. & amplification D/A sensors actuators DYNAMIC SYSTEM

41 Integrated Product Design

42 A Word About Stability BANG !
Start here 180o phase inversion Bigger here Another phase inversion BANG ! If G is such that input is phase reversed (180o out of phase) for any frequency, then input will be back in phase If loop gain >1 then system will be unstable If System is unstable for one input, it will be unstable for all inputs

43 Thank you and good luck in your Final Exams


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