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The Deep Chapters 3, 18, 19.

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1 The Deep Chapters 3, 18, 19

2 World Ocean Primitive earth and formation of the ocean
early earth thought to be composed of silicon compounds, iron, magnesium oxide, and other elements gradually, the earth heated, causing melting and separation of elements water vapor locked within minerals released to the surface, where it cooled, condensed, and formed the ocean

3 World Ocean Ocean and the origin of life
atmosphere formed by gases escaping from the planet no accumulation of oxygen until evolution of photosynthesis—free oxygen forms oxides Stanley Miller’s apparatus

4 World Ocean The ocean today
4 major ocean basins: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic seas and gulfs

5 Continental Drift Layers of the earth
solid inner core—iron- and nickel-rich liquid outer core (same composition) mantle—thickest layer with greatest mass, mainly magnesium-iron silicates crust—thinnest and coolest, outermost

6 Continental Drift Moving continents Alfred Wegener
Pangaea, Laurasia and Gondwanaland

7 Continental Drift Forces that drive continental movement
magma convection currents midocean ridges form along cracks where magma breaks through the crust at subduction zones, old crust sinks into the mantle where it is recycled seafloor spreading causes continental drift

8 Continental Drift Evidence for continental drift
fit of continental boundaries earthquakes seafloor temperatures highest near ridges age of crust, as determined by samples drilled from the ocean bottom, increases with distance from a ridge

9 Continental Drift Theory of plate tectonics
lithosphere is viewed as a series of rigid plates separated by earthquake belts divergent plate boundaries—midocean ridges where plates move apart convergent plate boundaries—trenches where plates move toward each other faults—regions where plates move past each other (e.g. transform faults) rift zones—where lithosphere splits

10 Continental Drift Rift communities
depend on specialized environments found at divergence zones of the ocean floor first was discovered by Robert Ballard and J.F. Grassle in 1977, in the Galápagos Rift primary producers are chemosynthetic bacteria

11 Ocean Bottom Continental margins
continental shelf, continental slope, and shelf break submarine canyons and turbidity currents continental rises shaping the continental shelves glaciers sediments

12 Ocean Bottom Ocean basin Life on the ocean floor
abyssal plains and hills seamounts ridges and rises trenches and island arcs Life on the ocean floor continental shelves are highly productive life on the abyssal plains is not abundant owing to the absence of sunlight

13 Composition of the Seafloor
Sediment—loose particles of inorganic and organic material

14 Composition of the Seafloor
Hydrogenous sediments formed from seawater through a variety of chemical processes e.g. carbonates, phosphorites Biogenous sediments formed from living organisms mostly particles of corals, mollusc shells, shells of planktonic organisms

15 Composition of the Seafloor
Terrigenous sediments produced from continental rocks by the actions of wind, water, freezing, thawing e.g. mud (clay + silt) Cosmogenous sediments formed from iron-rich particles from outer space which land in the ocean and sink to the bottom

16 Salt and Water 30% of the salt supply comes from the sea; 70% from deposits left when ancient seas evaporated Extraction of salt from seawater seawater is directed into shallow ponds where it is concentrated, then evaporated in cold regions, ice (which is nearly pure water) is removed, leaving concentrated seawater which is heated to evaporate the remaining pure water

17 Salt and Water Desalination—process of removing salts from seawater (so it is potable) process is energetically/financially expensive usually more expensive than obtaining water from groundwater or surface sources used in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Malta, Kuwait, Caribbean islands, parts of Texas and California

18 Mineral Resources Sulfides Manganese
formed when mineral-rich solutions from fractures in rift valleys come into contact with colder seawater, and precipitate no technology exists for sampling/mining Manganese used as a component of several alloys nodules are found on the ocean floor attempts to develop mining technology were largely suspended in the 1980s

19 Sand and Gravel Most widespread seafloor mining operations extract sand and gravel for use in cement, concrete and artificial beaches Calcium carbonate deposits lime, cement, calcium oxide for removing magnesium from seawater, gravel Tin is extracted from sand in coastal regions of Southeast Asia

20 Sand and Gravel Uranium extracted from bottom sediments of the Black Sea Platinum extracted from coastal sands in the U.S., Australia, South Africa Mining sands/gravel can cause pollution and habitat destruction in the marine environment

21 Energy Sources: Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, and Methane Hydrate
formed from prehistoric swamp plants coal is mined from under the sea in Japan Oil and natural gas represent 90% of the mineral value taken from the sea formed from remains of diatoms and other microorganisms oil is mined in the Persian Gulf, North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, northern coast of Australia, southern coast of California, and around the Arctic ocean

22 Energy Sources: Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, and Methane Hydrate
methane hydrate—ice crystals that trap methane, and can be burned world’s largest known fuel reserve methane gas rapidly escapes from the crystals when they are brought to the surface experiments indicate it may be possible to exploit this resource, but geologists and biologists have concerns

23 Finding Your Way around the Sea
Maps and charts Mercator projections bathymetric charts physiographic charts

24 Finding Your Way around the Sea
Reference lines latitude longitude divisions of latitude and longitude

25 Finding Your Way around the Sea
Navigating the ocean principles of navigation a sextant was used to determine latitude based on the angle of the North Star with reference to the horizon longitude determined using chronometer

26 Finding Your Way around the Sea
Navigating the ocean global positioning system (GPS) utilizes a system of satellites to determine position GPS measures the time needed to receive a signal from 3 satellites, and calculates position

27 Survival in the Deep Sea
The deep sea is an inhospitable place frigid temperatures throughout the year tremendous pressure total darkness Conditions have remained stable over many years Some creatures have evolved to survive in this harsh environment

28 Survival in the Deep Sea
Adaptations to pressure fluid pressure within the animal’s tissues matches the pressure of the seawater Adaptations to cold nearly all have body temperatures close to that of the surrounding water slow metabolism – slow movement, growth; less reproduction, longer life high density of cold water matches that of animal’s bodies – they don’t sink

29 Environmental Factors Affect Organism Distribution
pressure 760 mm Hg or 1 atmosphere at sea level increases 1 atmosphere for every 10 meters below sea level

30 Life in the Dark Color in deep-sea organisms
countershading employed in the disphotic zone—region of dim light (twilight) photophores (light-producing organs) may be used to make the ventral surface lighter many species are bright red or orange appear black or gray in dim light many are bioluminescent

31 Life in the Dark Roles of bioluminescence how bioluminescence works
a protein called luciferin is combined with oxygen in the presence of an enzyme called luciferase and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) chemical energy of ATP converted to light camouflage bioluminescence matches the intensity of sunlight, and thus contributes to countershading, in the twilight zone

32 Life in the Dark Roles of bioluminescence (continued)
mating and species recognition identifies the sex of an individual allows for identification of species attracting prey anglerfish and stomiatoids attract prey with bioluminescent lures light may be used to locate prey in the dark defense deepwater squid and shrimp release clouds of bioluminescent materials to confuse predators

33 Life in the Dark Seeing in the dark
many deep-sea fishes have tubular eyes containing 2 retinas instead of 1 1 retina views distant objects, while the other views closer objects

34 Life in the Dark Seeing in the dark
deep-sea squid have barrel-shaped, stalked or unequally-sized eyes some animals have slightly-functional eyes or are totally blind, relying on chemical stimuli instead

35 Life in the Dark Finding mates in the dark Finding food in the dark
male becomes a parasite on the female in some species of anglerfish Finding food in the dark benthic organisms and scavengers eat detritus which drifts down from above many small fishes and invertebrates migrate upward at night to feed adaptations include large mouths and expandable stomachs

36 Life in the Dark Finding food in the dark (continued)
some can eat prey larger than themselves stomiatoids have barbels (fleshy projections) that may be used as lures, probes or for species recognition anglerfishes have a spine used as a fishing pole, tipped with a luminous lure

37 Giants of the Deep Giant squids New species of deepwater squid
large, unnamed species discovered 1988 have longer arms than other squid, bent downward at sharp angles exhibit different behaviors hide in their ink clouds instead of fleeing pairs have been observed attached, towing each other through the water

38 Relicts from the Deep Spirula Vampire squid
small molluscs resembling squid and octopuses with spiral-shaped internal shells similar to belemnites common in the sea million years ago Vampire squid dark-colored, webbing between its arms thought to be descendents of an intermediate organism between squids and octopuses

39 Relicts from the Deep Coelacanth Neopilina
fish with large, thick scales and fleshy bundles between its body and fins thought to be extinct for 70 million years until 1 was caught alive in 1938 Neopilina limpet-like mollusc thought to be extinct for 350 million years until 1 was found in 1952

40 Life on the Sea Bottom Benthic communities
sources of food for benthic organisms organic matter rains down from surface waters and accumulates on the ocean floor a large carcass will occasionally drift down food chains bacteria are consumed by meiofauna (e.g. foraminiferans and nematodes) infauna (e.g. worms, bivalves) eat meiofauna deposit feeders and suspension feeders predators include fishes, squids, sea stars

41 Life on the Sea Bottom Benthic communities (communities)
diversity of benthic organisms of the deep low numbers, but high diversity ineffective dispersion of young may lead to isolation, which contributes to speciation stable conditions may prevent extinction of species, so species proliferate

42 Life on the Sea Bottom Vent communities
self-contained communities that are some of the most productive in the sea formation of vents vents form at spreading centers seawater seeps down to where it contacts magma water is superheated, and loses some minerals while it picks up others, such as sulfur, iron, copper and zinc

43 Life on the Sea Bottom Vent communities (continued) types of vents
white smokers—produce a stream of milky fluid rich in zinc sulfide; water temperature is normally less than 300o C black smokers—narrow chimneys that emit a clear water with temperatures of 300o to 450o C that is rich in copper sulfides (which precipitate with contact with cold seawater, to produce the black color)

44 Life on the Sea Bottom Vent communities (continued) vent communities
residents include large clams, mussels, anemones, barnacles, limpets, crabs, worms and fishes primary producers are chemosynthetic bacteria primary consumers filter-feed or graze bacteria from the water clams (Calyptogena), mussels (Bathymodiolus) and vestimentiferan worms (Riftia) host symbiotic chemosynthetic bacteria

45 Life on the Sea Bottom Vent communities (continued)
rise and fall of vent communities vents are colonized by organisms shortly after they are formed when geological changes inactivate the vent (an estimated 20 years later), these organisms all die vent inhabitants are thought to produce large numbers of larvae which drift to other vent sites

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