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Oral Traditions Key Points: -Understanding Oral Traditions -Examples and types of Oral Traditions -Transformers-Tricksters.

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Presentation on theme: "Oral Traditions Key Points: -Understanding Oral Traditions -Examples and types of Oral Traditions -Transformers-Tricksters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oral Traditions Key Points: -Understanding Oral Traditions -Examples and types of Oral Traditions -Transformers-Tricksters

2 Oral Tradition Defined -The means by which cultural transmission occurs over GENERATIONS, other than through written records. -Consists of songs or stories *often complimented by dance, drama or other visual representations such as paintings, carvings etc. -Oral Traditions express spiritual and emotional truths through symbols / metaphors -Oral Traditions also express literal truths such as events / situations from the past.

3 Types of Oral Traditions -Oral Traditions come in many forms: -stories-dances-oratory -songs-narratives -these traditions are expressed in many ways: - family crests -totem poles-blankets -baskets-petroglyphs-pictorgaphs -paintings-masks -carvings



6 The Importance of Oral Traditions -Traditionally FNs did not rely on written documents to verify their history -Instead history, education, culture etc. was passed down through oral traditions  Stories, Songs, Dances etc. are easy to remember What specifically did Oral Tradition pass on and record? 1. history of family, community and territory 2. recorded traditional rights for: -land-resources-names -songs 3. survival skills ***Oral Traditions also used as a teaching tool – taught morals, ethics, responsibility, standard behavior etc***

7 Protocols and Oral Traditions Defined: the rules of any procedure -it is also the formalities and etiquette observed / practiced in important occasions or situations Important notes about Protocols: -to repeat or share an FN story you first need determine who the owner of the story is and ask their permission to use it / tell it -some stories can be told by anyone. Others require permission -every nation has their own protocols

8 Types of Oral Traditions 1) Narratives: -Stories based on: information, news, skills, knowledge, family history, land/resource rights information, news, skills, knowledge, family history, land/resource rights -Ex of specific skills taught: hunting, fishing, carving, weaving, cooking etc.

9 Types of Oral Traditions Cont’d… 2) Oral Literature: -once a spoken story has been documented (book) 3) Family Narratives: -story that records the history and traditions of a family -Oral Recorder: a family historian – the elder who tells the history of his/her family 4) Oratory: -the art of delivering a formal speech in a public place -individuals would be trained to be “speakers” for the community -Orators need to be able to speak in a way that was respectful and accurate such as at potlatches or feasts.

10 Types of Oral Traditions 5. Creation Stories -they communicate the moral traditions and knowledge of a people while telling: -where people or animals come from - what their purpose on earth is - how places (landscapes) were formed ***each nation has its own creation story*** Characteristics of Creation Stories: -set long ago in supernatural world – the world before it was TRANSFORMED into what it is today -supernatural animals appear before the arrival of the first people – this is why FN ppl have such deep respect for animals and have a spiritual connection with them

11 Characters in Creation Stories: Transformers: supernatural creatures that had the ability to change things into: -physical landmarks, plants, animals and people in today’s world -they have human like qualities – can walk and talk -they have supernatural powers – such as the ability to shape-shift Types of Oral Traditions Cont’d…

12 6. Trickster Stories: use humor to teach: -moral lessons -proper behavior -consequences of choices -lessons come from the trickster, who usually does things the OPPOSITE way of how they should be done -tricksters are: ageless, genderless, and also have supernatural abilities (shape-shift) -tricksters are the MORAL TEACHERS **trickster stories are told to all ages to help people understand their inappropriate behavior. It is a casual safe way for the listener to learn about the consequences of their choices without having to be singled out*** Types of Oral Traditions Cont’d…

13 2 common Transformers / Tricksters Coyote = BC Interior Raven = BC Coast

14 Traditional Education All of these forms of Oral Traditions formed the: FOUNDATION of a child’s education -children learned: proper behavior, morals, family / community history and specific skills through stories, narratives and songs -children not only learn how to listen to all of this but how to re-tell it EXACTLY as it was told to them so they could pass it to the next generation

15 Delgamuukw Case (1997) As a result of this landmark court case First Nations Oral Histories and other forms of traditional knowledge became acceptable forms of evidence in a court of law (Pg 219)

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