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Public Participation TAI Training Workshop. Public Participation Why is Public Participation Important? Public Participation can influence decision- making.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Participation TAI Training Workshop. Public Participation Why is Public Participation Important? Public Participation can influence decision- making."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Participation TAI Training Workshop

2 Public Participation Why is Public Participation Important? Public Participation can influence decision- making in many ways. Diverse and meaningful public input helps decision-makers integrate environmental and social concerns into decisions and produce decisions that are more fair, legitimate, and environmentally sound.

3 Case Selection Criteria Criteria: Represent different scales (national, sub-national) if you choose more than one policy-making case study Drawn from sectors responsible for major economic production in your country Typical of the relevant sector and type of policy- making process (i.e. neither best nor worst case). A typical case will demonstrate standard opportunities to participate and standard levels of public involvement Recent as possible and no more than five years old

4 Public Participation Case TypesRequired Cases Policy-making decision1 Regulatory decision1 Project-level decision1 Any Type3 MINIMUM TOTAL PP CASES6

5 Public Participation Public Participation Topics Include: 1.Law – Evaluate the national legislative and judicial frameworks 2.Effort – Assess the government’s actions to provide access, including the implementation of laws 3.Effectiveness – Assess if laws and government efforts resulted in effective practice

6 1. Subtopics under Law are addressed with Indicators 47 – 59, and include: –Quality of the general legal limits –Scope and quality of general legal framework –Scope and quality of specific legal framework –Legal requirements to build capacity of government agencies –Legal requirements to build capacity of the public –Legal requirements for timeliness Public Participation

7 2. Subtopics under Effort are addressed with Indicators 60 – 80, and include: –Scope and quality of effort –Cost and affordability –Fairness and equitability –Timeliness –Channels of access –Effort to build government capacity –Effort to build capacity of the public –Efforts to build the capacity of sub-national governments

8 3. Subtopics under Effectiveness are addressed with Indicators 81 – 90, and include: –Impacts of laws and government efforts –Outcomes from the provision of access –Government capacity-building –Capacity-building for the public –Capacity-building for sub-national governments –Capacity-building for the media –Capacity-building for civil society organizations Public Participation

9 Public Participation Case Type Case TypesCriteriaRequired Cases Policymaking Decisions (This may include Strategies, Plans or Programs) Be typical of the relevant sector and type of policy-making process Represent different scales (national and sub-national) if you choose more than one policy-making case study. Be drawn from sectors responsible for major economic production in your country Be recent 1

10 Public Participation Case Type Case TypesCriteriaRequire d Cases Regulatory Decisions (This may include Laws, Plans, Budgets, etc.) Be typical of the relevant sector and type of regulatory decision Represent different scales (national and sub-national) if you choose more than one regulatory case study. Be drawn from sectors responsible for major economic production in your country Be recent 1

11 Public Participation Case Type Case TypesCriteriaRequired Cases Project-level Decisions (This may include Development Permits, Concessionary Agreements, Procurement Contracts, etc.) Represent single development projects or activities, in a sector of economic development with significant environmental impacts. Be representative of the project type Be recent 1

12 Participation Case Study Examples Policy-makingWater Resources Management Plans of Saraburi and Petchaburi Provinces, Thailand Regulatory decisionReforms to the NOM ECOL- 22 (Water Standard) Without Taking Into Account the Public Participation Process Specified by Law, Mexico Project-level decisionPlanning and Construction of the Via Baltica Expressway, Poland

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