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The Criminal Justice System An Introduction. Focus Question Based on what you already know, what makes up the United States criminal justice system? The.

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Presentation on theme: "The Criminal Justice System An Introduction. Focus Question Based on what you already know, what makes up the United States criminal justice system? The."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Criminal Justice System An Introduction

2 Focus Question Based on what you already know, what makes up the United States criminal justice system? The Police The Court System Corrections

3 Focus Question Knowing now what makes up our criminal justice system, what would you say the goals of our system are?

4 Goals of the US Criminal Justice System  Doing Justice  3 Principles  Offenders held accountable  Rights of the accused protected  Like offenses treated alike  Controlling Crime  Arresting, prosecuting, convicting, and punishing within framework of the law  Preventing Crime

5 The Criminal Justice SYSTEM  System: A complex whole consisting of interdependent parts whose actions are directed toward goals and are influenced by the environment within which they function.  Made up of several parts  Each action causes a reaction from the other parts

6 Criminal Justice AND Federalism  Federalism: system of government in which power is divided by federal and state governments  Federal  Not a part of the Constitution  US Gov’t is involved….how??  FBI, US District Courts, Federal Prisons  Crimes across state lines  Increase in federal involvement

7 Criminal Justice AND Federalism  States  Most criminal laws written by the state and enforced by the state  Many states refer to local agencies to fight crime  i.e. LPD, Lancaster County Sheriffs

8 Percentage of CJ Employees at each level, 2001

9 Characteristics of the Criminal Justice System  Four characteristics of the workings of our system:  1. Discretion (authority to make decisions w/o referencing rules)  Why? Can’t treat all situations the same & More effective than rigid rules  How…Police? Prosecutors? Judges? Corrections Officers?  2. Resource Dependence  Do not generate own resources, so must maintain quality relationships with political powers  3. Sequential Tasks  Highly interdependent  4. Filtering  A screening operation; process where officials screen out some cases while advancing other cases forward

10 Operations of Criminal Justice Agencies  Police: 4 major duties  Keeping the Peace  Protecting rights  Apprehending Violators and Combating Crime  Most often associated with Police  Preventing Crime  Educating public about threats  Providing Social Services  Traffic, emergency response, etc

11 Operations of Criminal Justice Agencies  Courts  Dual-court system: both federal and state courts  Causes inconsistency with how laws are interpreted  Reflects social and political differences of each region  Responsible for adjudication  Process of determining innocence or guilt

12 Operations of Criminal Justice Agencies  Corrections  Seven million American adults under supervision  Less than 30% of convicted offenders are in prison or jail

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