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Block 2. Introduction Culture Health Horses Conquest >IntroductionIntroduction (18.50 mins) Ownership Bartering Diseases Treaties Trail of Tears Battle.

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Presentation on theme: "Block 2. Introduction Culture Health Horses Conquest >IntroductionIntroduction (18.50 mins) Ownership Bartering Diseases Treaties Trail of Tears Battle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Block 2

2 Introduction Culture Health Horses Conquest >IntroductionIntroduction (18.50 mins) Ownership Bartering Diseases Treaties Trail of Tears Battle Buffalo Gold Gen. Custer Ghost Dance Wounded Knee

3 Introduction Culture Health Horses The role of the Horse Conquest (09.30 mins) Spanish Horses Distance / Time Symbol of wealth Lakota/Sioux War

4 Introduction Culture Health Horses The People Conquest (08.40 mins) Myths Matriarchal, Languages, Anazasi Indians – Mesa Verde

5 Introduction Culture Health HorsesConquestConquestConquest Lakotas & Fort Laramie (07.17 mins) US government – Indian meeting The Indian point of view 1851: treaty signed. The “Calf incident”

6 Introduction Culture Health Horses Before the whites came Conquest (01.10 mins) The Good Life Outsiders coming in

7 Introduction Culture Health HorsesHealthHealthConquest Indians and diseases (02.03 mins) Approach of a village Contagious diseases Smallpox Cholera Tuberculosis Measles Diphtheria

8 Introduction Culture Health HorsesLifestylesLifestylesConquest What threatened the Indian Way of Life? Barbed Wire Nomads vs Settlers Disappearance of the Buffaloes Land ownership Treaties Homesteading What threatened the Indian Way of Life? Barbed Wire Nomads vs Settlers Disappearance of the Buffaloes Land ownership Treaties Homesteading

9 Introduction Culture Health HorsesLifestylesLifestylesConquest What threatened the Indian Way of Life? The railroads The Homestead Act First Homesteader Orange Blossom Special

10 Introduction Culture Health Horses Indian Sports - Lacrosse Conquest Rules

11 Introduction Culture Health Horses The West Conquest Indians and Gold miners (04.44 mins) Hard finding food Children Apprentices Not giving evidence Brutal Acts War of extermination Bounty hunters

12 Introduction Culture Health HorsesCultureCultureConquest Native Americans: from – finally - recognition? (2004: Opening of the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC)

13 Introduction Culture Health Horses The End Conquest THE END Cherokee Morning Song

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