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OHT 1 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 Frans de Bruïne European Commission eContent European Digital Content for the Global Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "OHT 1 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 Frans de Bruïne European Commission eContent European Digital Content for the Global Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 OHT 1 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 Frans de Bruïne European Commission eContent European Digital Content for the Global Networks

2 OHT 2 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 European Digital Content for the Global Networks ÊContent plays a key role ËThe political context ÌThe next frontier ÍBuilding on Europe’s strength ÎThe eContent proposal Agenda

3 OHT 3 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 Content plays a key role E-conomy / E-World Media Industry Telecom SP Industry Source: Lucent Technologies Changing revenue sources: the view of a technology company Opportunity / Potential 50% GDP Worldwide Revenue $1.3 Trillion Worldwide Revenue $600 Billion Traditional “Pipe” Services Free Service for Access to Eyeballs

4 OHT 4 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 Content plays a key role The economic importance of content  Sheer size  €412 billion - or 5% of the EU GDP  4 million employees  Growth rate  Can be up to 20% per year  Job creation engine: up to 1 million new jobs by 2005  Indirect effects  Information is a valuable asset  Driver and tradable good in e-commerce  Pushes ICT goods and services demand

5 OHT 5 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 Content plays a key role Language does matter Source: Global Reach and Inktomi

6 OHT 6 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 The political context The Union has today set itself a new strategic goal for the next decade: to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge- based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion. Summit Lisbon 23 - 24 March 2000 “Content industries create added value by exploiting and networking European cultural diversity.”

7 OHT 7 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 The political context  A cheaper, faster, secure Internet  Investing in people and skills  Stimulate the use of the Internet eEurope Action Plan Feira 20 June 2000 Three key objectives

8 OHT 8 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 The political context Actions:  Accelerating e-commerce  Government online: electronic access to public services  Health online  European digital content for global networks  Intelligent transport systems Stimulate the use of Internet Content plays a key role

9 OHT 9 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 The next frontier “Mobility and the Internet, the two dominating drivers in communications, will converge to create a future which we call the Mobile Information Society - a society where technological innovations are used to allow people to access applications and services irrespective of place and time” Jorma Ollila, Nokia, June 2000

10 OHT 10 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 The next frontier 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Installed base of handsets (bn) WAP GPRS UMTS The Mobile Internet

11 Source: Dataquest Mobile phones PCs with Internet access Subscribers (billion) Mobiles with Internet access The Information Society is going mobile OHT 11 - RfdB - EP September-2000

12 Building on Europe’s strength OHT 12 - RfdB - EP September-2000 Source:FT Mobile Communications USA: Cellular Telecoms Industry Association EU USA Mobile subscribers (million) EU mobile liberalisation

13 Building on Europe’s strength OHT 13 - RfdB - EP September-2000 Traditional strength in content  Rich content base  Public sector information  World ranking players  Long publishing tradition  Chances in linguistic and cultural customisation but: but:  Lagging in electronic publishing

14 OHT 14 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 European Content for the Global Networks  Three actions lines:  Stimulating the exploitation of Public sector information  Enhancing linguistic and cultural customisation  Supporting market enablers  Support actions  Time frame: 2001 - 2005  Budget: 150 MEURO eContent:

15 OHT 15 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 Exploitation of Public Sector Information  Public Sector Information is hardly exploited in the EU  No common principles for storing the information  No common legal framework for using the information  Little experience of public-private collaboration Support growth in a potential market The problem The proposal: expand the information supply  Encourage partnerships between the public and private sector  Support early experimentation  Experimental projects - expand INFO2000 early trial  Pan - European Data Collections

16 OHT 16 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 Linguistic and cultural customisation  Barriers to cross border commerce due to different language and business cultures  Opportunities to expand markets not realised  Internet to become a collection of n-language islands ?  US firms most active in localisation of software A common framework for content and language The problem The proposal: promote a multilingual approach  Foster the adoption of language strategies and partnership  Strengthen the linguistic infrastructure

17 OHT 17 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 Supporting market enablers  High-tech investment in the EU still less than in the US  Non-mature risk culture in Europe  Venture capital funds are aplenty, but getting the “smart money” that puts an Internet startup on the fast track is still a big challenge (FT,  EU wide IPR trading still a major issue Create a snowball effect The problem The action: enabling the market to function  Bridge the gap between investors and entrepreneurs  Experiment in EU wide IPR trading

18 OHT 18 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 Support Measures  Lacking data on the converging industries  Identifying future developments  No link between different voices of the digital content spectrum The Problem  Collect and make available consistent data sets  Strategic studies: a mirror for industry  Digital Content Forum The Action Market transparency is the key

19 OHT 19 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 The decision making process  Commission Adoption: 24 May 2000  Opinion of the Parliament, COR, ECOSOC: October/November  Telecoms Council 3 October (presentation)  Telecoms Council 22 December (adoption) Tentative time table

20 OHT 20 - MG - Luxembourg September -2000 eContenteContent 5 C’s for Success Creativity  Creativity Common sense  Common sense Cash  Cash Cooperation  Cooperation Customers  Customers A high premium on entrepreneurship

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