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Selling Ads for the Man of the Year / Youth of the Year Ad Journal JEFF SCHULMAN AD JOURNAL EDITOR 908 705-4118 (CELL)

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Presentation on theme: "Selling Ads for the Man of the Year / Youth of the Year Ad Journal JEFF SCHULMAN AD JOURNAL EDITOR 908 705-4118 (CELL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Selling Ads for the Man of the Year / Youth of the Year Ad Journal JEFF SCHULMAN AD JOURNAL EDITOR 908 705-4118 (CELL) JLSCHUL@OPTONLINE.NET

2 First Things First Dinner Dates: ◦Select your Man of the Year (if you have not done so already) ◦North Dinner@ Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael, Springfield 11/4 ◦South Dinner @ Congregation B’Nai Tikvah, North Brunswick 11/11 ◦Put together the Picture and the Bio and send it to Jeff Schulman, Ad Journal Editor, Start Selling Ads

3 Ad Prices Half Page - $72.00 Full Page - $120.00 Honor Page - $120.00 (12 names @ $10 per name) Remember that 2 steps are required to assure publication, and deadline for receipt of ad & payment is October 9, 2015 Email ad (pdf or doc format) to Jeff Schulman – Mail hard copy of ad with your check (to “NNJR – FJMC”) to: ◦Jeff Schulman ◦60 Beechwood Avenue ◦Edison, NJ 08837

4 Strategies for Selling Ads Every club should take out a full page ad for their honoree (paid for by the club) Ask your club officers & trustees to chip in for another ad from them (they each put in a few bucks) Ask your former honorees to take out an ad for the current honoree (This has worked very well for the Men’s Club at Temple Beth Shalom in Livingston) Make a poster to put up in Shul Make up a flyer to send to your Shul members and put a copy in your shul newsletter/bulletin/e-newsletter

5 Strategies for Selling Ads Work with your honoree to see if there is anyone outside of the Shul that you should contact Get a group of guys to make phone calls to the honoree’s friends and business associates Request an ad from the honoree’s wife & kids Request an ad from the honoree’s parents/in-laws Convey the importance of the ads which not only honor your Man of the Year, but return funds to your club directly and through the Region via leadership training, speaker subsidies, Convention subsidies, etc. Remember – your club receives back a rebate of 25% of all revenues it generates

6 Questions? Jeff Schulman E-mail Address: Cell Phone: 908 705-4118

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