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Can we fill 1 Million empty seats and help solve ‘Transport Poverty’ Ali Clabburn Can we fill 1 Million empty seats and help solve ‘Transport Poverty’

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Presentation on theme: "Can we fill 1 Million empty seats and help solve ‘Transport Poverty’ Ali Clabburn Can we fill 1 Million empty seats and help solve ‘Transport Poverty’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can we fill 1 Million empty seats and help solve ‘Transport Poverty’ Ali Clabburn Can we fill 1 Million empty seats and help solve ‘Transport Poverty’ Ali Clabburn

2 UK: 38 million empty car seats on the commute

3 What is transport poverty? [Fuel poverty is when > 10% of spending goes on keeping warm] Transport poverty is when >10% of spending goes on transport – (most goes on running a car) 21 million households in transport poverty “the poorest fifth of households are spending at least 17% of income on a vehicle – leaving aside anything extra that goes on public transport”.

4 Sharing can help Car clubs + Reduces need to own a car, saving money + Less expensive than traditional rental - Limited availability Bikeshare, Bus, Coach, (Rail) + Save passengers money (where available) Liftshare + Reduces need to own a car, saving money + Halves the running costs when sharing + Available on 80% routes

5 Scotland 2002

6 Scotland 2014

7 UK 2002

8 UK 2014


10 Public transport + liftshare = access

11 1M/month > 1M/day?

12 Mobile + collaboration

13 Millions of shared journeys Billions of conversations Tonnes of money and CO2 saved!

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