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Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head Teachers Science Unit Curriculum Directorate 30 Versus 1 Ask the Audience!

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head Teachers Science Unit Curriculum Directorate 30 Versus 1 Ask the Audience!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head Teachers Science Unit Curriculum Directorate 30 Versus 1 Ask the Audience!

2 On a rating of 1 - 5 I believe that my understanding of the structure and intent of the Years 7-10 Science Syllabus is 1 - lowest – today is the first time I will have looked at it 5 – highest - I can recite dot points and references to them 0 of 5 1. Weak 2. Some 3. OK 4. Better than average 5. Strong

3 I have read the K-6 Science and Technology Syllabus (Outcomes and Indicators Document) 1. Never 2. In the last 12 Months 3. In the last 1 – 3 years 4. In the last 3 - 6 years 5. Not since 2000 0 of 5

4 The last time the science faculty at my school re- wrote any one of the Year 7 Units of work (programs) was: 1. 2007 2. 2006 3. 2005 4. 2004 5. Pre 2003 0 of 5

5 Prior to this re-write that particular program would have been re-written how many times? 1. 1 (once) 2. 2 (twice) 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 6. 6 7. 7 0 of 5

6 The syllabus identifies a different set of PFA outcomes for Stage 4 and Stage 5 1. Yes 2. No 0 of 5

7 The syllabus identifies a different set of PFA content for Stage 4 and Stage 5 1. Yes 2. No 0 of 5

8 The syllabus identifies a different set of knowledge and understanding outcomes for Stage 4 and Stage 5 1. Yes 2. No 0 of 5

9 The syllabus identifies a different set of knowledge and understanding content for Stage 4 and Stage 5 1. Yes 2. No 0 of 5

10 The teaching and learning programs for my school address the structure and function of the digestive system 1. Yes 2. No 0 of 5

11 Within my school the indicative time spent on teaching the structure and function of the digestive system would be equal to 1. 0 hours 2. 1-2 hours 3. 3-4 hours 4. 5 or more hours 0 of 5

12 The structure and function of the digestive system is mandatory content in the Science Years 7-10 Syllabus 1. Yes 2. No 0 of 5

13 The syllabus identifies a different set of skills outcomes for Stage 4 and Stage 5 1. Yes 2. No 0 of 5

14 The syllabus identifies a different set of skills content for Stage 4 and Stage 5 1. Yes 2. No 0 of 5

15 Our Stage 4 teaching/learning programs identify where we explicitly and systematically teach students to identify data sources and propose possible sources of data and/or information relevant to an investigation 1. Yes 2. No 0 of 5

16 Our Stage 4 teaching/learning programs identify where we explicitly and systematically teach students to use independently a range of data collection strategies and technologies such as data loggers in gathering first-hand information 1. Yes 2. No 0 of 5

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