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H YDROELECTRICITY. W HAT IS IT ? Hydroelectricity is the term used to refer to electricity generated by water power or ‘hydropower’. The gravitational.

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2 W HAT IS IT ? Hydroelectricity is the term used to refer to electricity generated by water power or ‘hydropower’. The gravitational force of falling or flowing water is used to produce this electrical power. Hydroelectricity is the most widely used form of renewable energy.

3 H OW IT WORKS Potential energy in the water is turned into kinetic energy when it flows down through pipes, this downward movement of water is caused by gravity. The water is then directed onto a turbine it goes from kinetic energy to mechanical energy as it makes the turbine spin around. Here the mechanical energy is turned into electrical energy ready for distribution and use.

4 A DVANTAGES Elimination of cost of fuels and oils Can create leisure facilities Minimal pollution once built Electricity costs lower Flexible installation Operate for many years Conservative of resources

5 D ISADVANTAGES Complication of irrigation Scouring or loss of riverbeds Large-scale dams have environmental effects Disrupt natural river flow Obstacles if fish migration Disaster if it was to fail

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