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SB 678: Findings from the Field Association for Criminal Justice Research (California) March 20, 2014 Jay Fraser Administrative Office of the Courts Criminal.

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Presentation on theme: "SB 678: Findings from the Field Association for Criminal Justice Research (California) March 20, 2014 Jay Fraser Administrative Office of the Courts Criminal."— Presentation transcript:

1 SB 678: Findings from the Field Association for Criminal Justice Research (California) March 20, 2014 Jay Fraser Administrative Office of the Courts Criminal Justice Court Services Office

2 Senate Bill 678 California Community Corrections Incentive Act of 2009 (CCPIA) Goal is to reduce recidivism of felony probationers by using evidence-based practices Accomplishing this goal will produce savings at the state level, reduce prison overcrowding, and enhance public safety

3 Incentive Funding Funding is based on improved probation outcomes as measured by a reduction in probation failures committed to prison/jail Annual revocations are compared to a baseline rate to calculate reduction in people returned to prison/jail Dept. of Finance calculates savings to state from reduction in prison population

4 State Savings and Performance-Based payments Over 3 years, reductions in revocations have resulted in… State Savings:$669.2 million Incentive payments:$322 million

5 Data Sources Quarterly reports (the “QSR”) Self-reported by probation departments Outcome data used for funding calculations Annual Assessment Reported level of EBP implementation Treatment/programming data

6 Annual Assessment Overall EBP implementation has increased statewide – from 40% to 60% Areas of particular growth – RNA use: from 57% to 79% – EBP Supervision:from 50% to 71% – Collaboration:from 46% to 70%

7 Quarterly Statistical Reports PFR has declined from baseline

8 Probation Population Declines

9 Moving forward Annual Legislative Report in May Many of us count the same thing differently – be aware of this when comparing data from different sources Ongoing conversations with BSCC, CPOC, and DOF to improve data quality

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