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A Myopic History of Great Lakes Remote Sensing

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Presentation on theme: "A Myopic History of Great Lakes Remote Sensing"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Myopic History of Great Lakes Remote Sensing
Dr. John R. Schott Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory (DIRS) Center for Imaging Science Rochester Institute of Technology

2 Lake Ontario Comparison of Temperature & Transmission

3 Ontario Mid-lake Temperature Sections
late April mid May early June late June

4 May 25, 1978 ITOS

5 Skylab Photos: chlorophyll maps

6 AVHRR Lake Ontario Thermal Bar

7 HCMM Lake Ontario Thermal Bar

8 IFYGL Aerial Photos Off Ginna May 22, 1978

9 Landsat Evolution 1972 4 80 m 1982 7 30 m 1999 7 15 m Year
Number of Bands Spot Size Rochester false color infrared true color

10 Landsat TM

11 Landsat TM Ontario Thermal Bar

12 LANDSAT: April 23, 1991 Lakes Ontario & Erie
Cold center Warm ring True Color Composite Thermal Channel

13 Landsat TM April 23, 1991

14 LANDSAT: May 11, 1992 Lakes Ontario & Erie
Cold center Warm ring True Color Composite Thermal Channel


16 Landsat June 12, 1992 True Color Composite Thermal Channel


18 Landsat TM Braddock Bay to True Color Irondequoit Bay Thermal band
Composite (Enhanced) Thermal band warm cold June 23, 1996


20 Linking Hydrodynamic Models with Remotely Sensed Data

21 AGLE Simulation including Niagara Inflow
Example outputs of the ALGE 3-D hydrodynamic model with two validation images. The surface temperature map images show the formation and the two phase propagation of the thermal bar (water temperature of C) in Lake Ontario. (Top) Images are for the spring warming conditions after the Niagara inflow and St. Lawrence outflow were added. (Bottom right (2)) Images are east-west cross sections of the lake corresponding to the surface images directly above. (Bottom left (2)) Images are AVHRR derived temperature maps using a different color code and illustrate the need for the incorporation of the Niagara inflow.

22 Hyperspectral Imagery

23 MISI RIT’s Modular Imaging Spectrometer Instrument
Ginna Nuclear Power Plant

24 MISI RIT’s Modular Imaging Spectrometer Instrument
West Roch Embayment Russell Power Plant July 5, 2000 Altitude=4000ft East Roch Embayment Genesee River Plume July 5, 2000 Altitude=4000ft MISI thermal image of Russell Power Plant Effluent

25 Imaging Spectroradiometer
MODIS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Resolution Trades: Temporal: Global Coverage in 1- 2 days Spatial: 1 km pixels (low) Spectral: 36 bands um

26 MODIS March 5, 2005

27 SeaWiFS April 12, 1998

28 SeaWiFS September 3, 1999

29 Hyperspectral Imagery: AVIRIS
solar glint AVIRIS Flightlines May 20, 1999 11:45 AM Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory

30 Hyperspectral Concentration Maps
AVIRIS Image Cube: Lake Ontario Shoreline Provide user community with water quality maps derived from hyperspectral data to address environmental issues. Dr. Rolando Raqueno

31 Spectral Bottom Type Mapping
Dr. Anthony Vodacek AVIRIS May 20, 1999

32 Spectral Bottom Type Mapping
Dr. Anthony Vodacek RIT’s MISI October 1, 2002

33 Comparison of EO-1 and Landsat 7

34 Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Analysis
Assessing Near Shore Water Quality Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Analysis Assessing Near Shore Water Quality MODTRAN ALGE Model Agriculture Urban bacteria CDOM phytoplankton HydroLight… macrophytes Modeling Strategy Solar Spectrum Model (MODTRAN) Atmospheric Model (MODTRAN) Air-Water Interface (DIRSIG/Hydrolight) In-Water Model (HYDROMOD= Hydrolight/OOPS + MODTRAN) Bottom Features(HYDROMOD/DIRSIG) particles & algae Bottom Type A Bottom Type B

35 Model of Land/Water Interface What the Future Holds
TopoBathymetry required

36 Where are we going? GIS with satellite derived temporal history of Landuse/Landcover Hydrological models precipitation stream flow materials transport Environmental forcing functions insolation cloud cover wind speed air temperature GL GIS

37 Where are we going? Lakewide Hydrodynamic models with local
and regional inputs temperature and flow models material transport models bio-optical models productivity models driven by temperature, flow, transport, and optical models bio-optical models to predict remotely sensed observables Use of thermal and reflective remote sensing and surface measurements in feedback loops to calibrate models GL GIS HydroMod

38 Future Remote Sensing Trends:
commercial satellites more than just pretty pictures / actual physical earth measurements higher spatial resolution increased spectral resolution/ hyperspectral imaging RS links to models: inputs to climate models verification and validation of models more products available to public IKONOS MODIS AVIRIS MISI

39 ENJOY!!!

40 Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Analysis Assessing Near Shore Water Quality
Agriculture Urban CDOM bacteria phytoplankton macrophytes particles & algae Bottom Type A Bottom Type B

41 Remote Sensing Platforms: Airborne compared to Satellite
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (1km) Landsat 5 (120m) Landsat 7 (60m) MISI (2-10ft) LANDSAT AVHRR MISI

42 Coverage vs. Spatial, Spectral, Temporal Resolutions
AVHRR ~1km 1 day Landsat7 30m (vis) 16 day

43 Chlorophyll Concentration
CZCS Winter

44 Chlorophyll Concentration
CZCS Spring

45 Chlorophyll Concentration
CZCS Summer

46 Chlorophyll Concentration

47 Global Biosphere Ocean - CZCS Land - AVHRR

48 Chernobyl, Russia Landsat April 29, 1986

49 Thermal Patterns in Reactor Cooling Pond
April 22, 1986 plant in normal use, pond is warm May 8, 1986 pond in ambient, no activity April 29, 1986 pond cooling, little or no activity

50 Gulf Stream Composite Thermal Patterns
Great Lakes and Western Atlantic

51 Gulf Stream HCMM thermal Urban heat islands New York City Philadelphia
Baltimore Washington

52 Great Lakes Hydrodynamics
A story based on only two graphs... Understanding & Monitoring water quality & flow R.I.T 52 Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory

53 Maximum Density of Water

54 Colors of Light Solar Irradiance Outside Earth’s Atmosphere: Transmission of the : Earth’s Atmosphere : Radiant Exitance of Earth Humans can see in the visible region These are mostly reflected photons from the Sun, Moon or lights. Some animals can see in the near infrared (NIR) region This gives them improved contrast of prey against vegetation. Some sensors can “see” in the long-wave infrared (LWIR) This allows them to measure temperatures without touching it.

55 Great Lakes of the World

56 Great Lakes Profile (Bathymetry & Flow)
Sea Level 229 m 282 m 244 m 406 m Superior Michigan Huron Erie Ontario modified from The Great Lakes Atlas, 1995

57 Laurentian Great Lakes
Hold 18% of the world’s fresh water US coast line exceeds US Atlantic coast About 10% of US and 32% of Canadian population (about 35 million people) live in the Laurentian Basin Large fraction of the industrial northeast

58 Seasons of a Dimictic Lake

59 Thermal Stratification & Mixing in a Dimictic Lake
winter stratification spring mixing summer stratification fall mixing

60 Summer Stratification
Thermal Bar Process Lake cross-section Thermal Bar Density Temperature (Celsius) maximum density Summer Stratification Winter Stratification

61 Thermal Bar Spring Progression Lake Ontario Cross-Sections
Late April Mid May Early June Late June

62 Lake Ontario Comparison of Temperature & Transmission


64 Can Remote Sensing Help?
Can we ‘see’ : Water quality Hydrodynamic processes that impact water quality and materials transport Impact of global / regional forcing functions

65 Questions When does the thermal bar occur? How long does it last?
What functions drive the start, progression and end? Can we predict these occurrences? How does it effect water quality?

66 Hydrodynamic Model to Predict this Thermal Bar Phenomenon

67 Temperature Maps from Hydrodynamic Model
Thermal Bar at 4 Celsius N S N S vertical cross-section Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory

68 ALGE Simulation without Niagara inflow
0C 4C 11C 22C Example outputs of the ALGE 3-D hydrodynamic model with two validation images. The surface temperature map images show the formation and the two phase propagation of the thermal bar (water temperature of C) in Lake Ontario. (Top) Images are for the spring warming conditions before the Niagara inflow and St. Lawrence outflow were added. (Bottom right (2)) Images are east-west cross sections of the lake corresponding to the surface images directly above. (Bottom left (2)) Images are AVHRR derived temperature maps using a different color code and illustrate the need for the incorporation of the Niagara inflow.





































105 Niagara River: localized plume study
6 hours 12 hours 18 hours 24 hours

106 ALGE simulation including variable inflow at Niagara (March-August 1998)

107 ALGE simulation including variable inflow at Niagara (March-August 1998)

108 ALGE simulation including variable inflow at Niagara (March-August 1998)

109 ALGE simulation including variable inflow at Niagara (March-August 1998)

110 ALGE simulation including variable inflow at Niagara (March-August 1998)

111 ALGE simulation including variable inflow at Niagara (March-August 1998)

112 ALGE simulation including variable inflow at Niagara (March-August 1998)

113 ALGE simulation including variable inflow at Niagara (March-August 1998)

114 4D Hydrodynamic Modeling
Reference: Schott, de Alwis, Raqueno, Barsi. “Calibration of a Great Lake Hydrodynamic Model Using Remotely Sensed Imagery,” presented at the International Association for Great Lakes Research 43rd Conference on Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Research, Cornwall, Ontario, May, 2000 Thesis: de Alwis. Simulation of the formation and propagation of the thermal bar on Lake Ontario. RIT, M.S. Thesis, 1999.

115 Landsat TM April 7, 1991

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