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Learning To Use New Testament Greek Lesson XVII. tou:V maqhta;V tou: kurivon kai; tou;V profhvtaV tou: qeou: kai; tou;V uiJou;V tw:n ajpostoclwn a[xomen.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning To Use New Testament Greek Lesson XVII. tou:V maqhta;V tou: kurivon kai; tou;V profhvtaV tou: qeou: kai; tou;V uiJou;V tw:n ajpostoclwn a[xomen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning To Use New Testament Greek Lesson XVII

2 tou:V maqhta;V tou: kurivon kai; tou;V profhvtaV tou: qeou: kai; tou;V uiJou;V tw:n ajpostoclwn a[xomen ejk tw:n oijkw:n aJmqrtivaV. We will lead the disciples of the Lord and the prophets of God and the sons of the apostles out of the houses of sin.

3 oiJ a[ggeloi ginwvskousi to; eujaggevllion ajlhqeivaV, ajlla; telwvnai ouj ginwvskousi th;n oJdo;n eijV th;n basileivan dikaiosuvnhV. The messengers know the gospel of truth, but tax collectors do not know the way into the kingdom of righteousness.

4 lambavnousi stratiwvtai ta; dw:ra ajpo; tw:n uiJw:n tw:n ajpostovlwn. Soldiers take the gifts from the sons of the apostles.

5 Adjectives John 10:11 – “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” –kalos – beautiful, excellent, eminent, surpassing

6 Adjectives An adjective qualifies, or describes, a noun. –Some Greek classes are easy. limiting adjective –Micah’s black Bible is very shiny. descriptive adjective –I love Greek class. proper adjective –This lesson has been difficult. predicative adjective –The wisdom of God is greater than the wisdom of men. degrees of adjectives

7 Adjectives An adjective is declined just like a noun. Masculine SingularPlural ajgaqovVajgaqoiv ajgaqouvajgaqwvn ajgaqwv/ajgaqoivV ajgaqovnajgaqouvV

8 Adjectives An adjective can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. FeminineNeuter SingularPluralSingularPlural ajgaqhvajgaqaivajgaqav n ajgaqav ajgaqh: V ajgaqwv n ajgaqou v ajgaqwv n ajgaqhv / ajgaqaiv V ajgaqwv / ajgaqoiv V ajgaqhv n ajgaqav V ajgaqov n ajgaqav

9 Adjectives An adjective must agree with the noun it accompanies in gender, case and number. –oJ ajgaqovV ajpovstoloV blevpei tovn qevou. –oJ qevoV blevpei tovn ajgaqovn ajpovstolov. –oJ uiJoV tou: ajgaqou: ajpovstolou blevpei tovn qevon. –oJ uiJoV ajgaqou: ajpovstolou gravfei tw:/ ajgaqw:/ ajnqrwpw:/ ejpistolhvn.

10 Adjectives An adjective can be used in one of three ways: –Attributively Adjective immediately follows article. –Predicatively Noun follows article. –Substantively Adjective is used as a noun.

11 Declension of ajgaqovV (good), a constant stem adjective SingularPlural Masc.FemNeu.Masc.Fem.Neu. N ajgaqo vV ajgaq nv ajgaqo vn ajgaq ovi ajgaqa iv ajgaqa v G ajgaqo u: ajgaq h:V ajgaqo u: ajgaqw :n S ajgaqw :/ ajgaq h:/ ajgaqw :/ ajgaqo i:V ajgaqai :V/ ajgaqoi :V A ajgaqo vn ajgaq hvn ajgaqo vn ajgaqo uvV ajgaqa vV ajgaqa v V ajgaqe v ajgaq hv ajgaqo vn ajgaq oiv ajgaqa i ajgaqa v

12 Declension of mikrovV (small), an e, i, p stem adjective SingularPlural Masc.FemNeu.Masc.Fem.Neu. N mikrov V mikra vv mikrov n mikroi v mikrai v mikrav v G mikrou : mikra: V mikrou : mikrw :n S mikrw: / mikra: / mikrw: / mikroi :V mikrai: V mikroi: V A mikrov n mikra vn mikrov n mikrou vV mikrav V mikrav v V mikrevmikra v mikrov n mikroi v mikrai v mikrav v

13 Declension of ajduvnatoV (impossible), a two-termination adjective SingularPlural Masculine / Feminine NeuterMasculine / Feminine Neuter N ajduvnat oV ajduvnat on ajduvnat oi ajduvnat a G ajdunavt ou ajdunavt wn S ajdunavt w/ ajdunavt oiV A ajduvnat on ajdunavt ouV ajduvnat a V ajduvnat e ajduvnat on ajduvnat oi ajduvnat a

14 Constant Root Adjectives ajgaqovV, hv, ovn – good ajgaphtovV, hv, ovn – beloved a[lloV, h, o – other (neuter nom/acc irregular ) dunatovV, hv, ovn – powerful, possible e{kastoV, h, on – each, every e[scatoV, h, on – last kainovV, hv, ovn – new kakovV, hv, ovn – bad

15 Constant Root Adjectives kalovV, hv, ovn – good, beautiful movnoV, h, on – only pistovV, hv, ovn – faithful prw:toV, h, on – powerful, possible sofovV, hv, ovn – each, every trivtoV, h, on – third

16 e, i, p Root Adjectives a{gioV, a, on – holy, saint a[xioV, a, on – worthy deuvteroV, a, on – second divkaioV, a, on – righteous, just e{teroV, a, on – other, different ijscurovV, av, ovn – strong makavrioV, a, on – blessed mikrovV, av, ovn – small, little nekrovV, a, on – dead neovV, av, ovn – new ponhrovV, av, ovn - evil

17 Two-Termination Adjectives ajduvnatoV, on – impossible aijwvnioV, on – eternal ajkavqartoV, on – unclean a[pistoV, on – unbelieving, faithless

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