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PDAS Appraisal Updates Helpful Reminders ILD or AEL is required before taking PDAS Must have ILD or AEL and PDAS certificate on file Board must approve.

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Presentation on theme: "PDAS Appraisal Updates Helpful Reminders ILD or AEL is required before taking PDAS Must have ILD or AEL and PDAS certificate on file Board must approve."— Presentation transcript:

1 PDAS Appraisal Updates Helpful Reminders ILD or AEL is required before taking PDAS Must have ILD or AEL and PDAS certificate on file Board must approve all appraisers for the year ILD will no longer be available after 1/1/16. PDAS will no longer be available for the school year 2016-17. Advanced Educational Leadership (AEL)

2 T-TESS Pilot Appraisal Updates Helpful Reminders ILD or AEL is required with T-TESS. If they are appraising this year with T-TESS, they will need to be certified in ILD or AEL. Need certificate on file. Must verify through the Texas Portal System each year that appraisers have passed the certification exam before appraising. Board must approve all appraisers for the year. ILD will no longer be available after 1/1/16. Please let Sandy McConaughy know when you have an administrator that needs to be certified with T-TESS this school year.

3 T-PESS Pilot Appraisal Updates Helpful Reminders Must have certificate on file. T-PESS certificate is through Region 13 website. Current appraisers are being entered in this week. Board must approve all T-PESS appraisers for the year (Superintendent or other and principals). Please let Sandy McConaughy know when you have an administrator that needs to be certified with T-PESS this school year.

4 Appraisal 2016-17 Helpful Reminders ILD or AEL is required for T-TESS appraisers and must have certificate on file. ILD will no longer be available after 1/1/16. AEL certificate is available through Region 13 website. Must verify through the Texas Portal System each year that T-TESS appraisers have passed the certification exam before appraising. Board must approve all appraisers for T-TESS/T- PESS each year. Must have T-PESS certificate on file. T-PESS certificate is through Region 13 website.

5 Need Your Assistance for 2016-17 School Year New School Districts implementing T-TESS/T-PESS Appraisal System Need to know an estimate on how many administrators will need to be trained with T-TESS. This includes central office administrators, dean of instruction, HR, etc. Need to know an estimate on how many administrators will need to be trained with T-PESS. This includes superintendent or other, central office administrators, HR, principals, assistant principals, etc. Please send your numbers to Sandra McConaughy at

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