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The Working Poor: Who are they? Data courtesy of The Working Poor Families Project and the Dept. of Health and Human Services office of the Assistant Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "The Working Poor: Who are they? Data courtesy of The Working Poor Families Project and the Dept. of Health and Human Services office of the Assistant Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Working Poor: Who are they? Data courtesy of The Working Poor Families Project and the Dept. of Health and Human Services office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

2 What is poor?  According to The Working Poor Family Project, working poor, are those families making 200% of the federal poverty rate  2010 federal poverty rate for a family of 3 was $18,310  2014 federal poverty rate for a family of 3 is $19,790 (only a 7.4% increase)  2011 the US Census Bureau indicated 15% of the population were living in poverty or 46.2 million people

3 39% of all working families are headed by females  In 2012 7.1 Million working families with children were headed by women  8.5 million children are living in female-headed low income working families  Children living in a female headed household had a poverty rate of 47.6%

4 How does the cycle continue?  Children living in poverty are more likely to have worse health  Children living in poverty have worse educational outcomes  Children in living in poverty have higher rates of dropping out of high school  Children tend to follow the same educational path as their caregivers  Adults who do not have a high school diploma are more likely to be low-income adults  Children tend to have the same employment trajectories as their parents

5 Myths about Low-Income Working Families:  Myth: Low income families don’t work  Fact: 72% of low-income families work  Myth: Low income families are overwhelmingly minority  Fact: 43% of low-income working families have white, non-Hispanic parents  Myth: Low-income families don’t work hard  Fact: The avg. work hours for low-income families is equivalent of 1 and ¼ full time jobs

6 How does Kansas stack up?  79% of all low-income families in Kansas work  31% of all working families make less than 200% of the federal poverty rate in Kansas  35% of all low-income families are headed by females in Kansas  Of those 43% have no post secondary education in Kansas  26% are working in jobs/occupations that pay below the federal poverty rate in Kansas0

7 Why is it happening and how do we fix it?

8 References:  

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