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Dr. Daniel A. Bain Independence Community College April 9, 2010.

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1 Dr. Daniel A. Bain Independence Community College April 9, 2010

2  ICC is the smallest community college in Kansas, with a fall 2009 FTE of 814.  Mostly rural, high-poverty service district.  Some pressure for consolidation with other community college in county.  Historical reputation for academic excellence (“Princeton on the Prairie”), national reputation in the arts.

3  3+ years of little or no presidential leadership at the college.  2005: President A leaves, six months before President B starts.  2006-2008: President B struggles with poor health, passes away October 2008.  2009: Interim president appointed to serve until a replacement can be found.

4  Culture shifts happen during a long period without presidential leadership.  Increased focus on areas of importance or interest to unit staff and management.  Decreased focus on direction of the institution as a whole, decreased communication across the college.  Increased focus on carving out and defending “turf.”

5 Values and traditions to capitalize on:  Loyalty: staff and faculty with 20+ years of service, family ties (“both of my boys went here”).  Informality: first name basis.  Resourcefulness, willingness to do more than the job description calls for, because we’re a small institution and there’s work to be done. Relationship-basedProcedure-based “We’ve always done it this way” Assessment and evaluation In-house External benchmarks Short-range, unit- level decisions Long-range, college- wide planning


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