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THREE LEARNER CENTERED APPROACHES Kim Mitchell RN MN Nursing Department Red River College.

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1 THREE LEARNER CENTERED APPROACHES Kim Mitchell RN MN Nursing Department Red River College

2 Learner Centered Strategies in Research and Scholarship in Nursing 1. Blog posts 2. Role Play 3. Cooperative Learning

3 Approach 1: Blog/Journal Posts Connecting the research process with the media Activity: Three blog posts about researching for their scholarly paper Post their media article and discuss its research connection and what connected them to the issue presented in the article. Discuss their frustrations and victories in searching for their 5 peer reviewed journal articles Talk through their analysis of the findings presented in the primary studies in a way that would be understandable to a lay person. Comment on a minimum of 2 other students’ posts with tips, solutions, or questions.

4 Approach 1: Objectives 1. Demonstrate an ability to discuss nursing research using the language of evidence based practice.

5 Approach 1: Evaluation Strategy Written reflective abilities Connect the student’s with their authorship of the final scholarly assignment linked to this activity. Student peer reviewed via LEARN survey. Instructor evaluated as part of final scholarly paper assignment.

6 Approach 2: Role Play Following a class discussion on Qualitative interviews, students will break into groups, create 2-3 interview questions, and practice interviewing each other based on the following Research question: What is the experience of being a nursing student in the Red River College Baccalaureate Nursing Program?

7 Approach 2: Objective 1. Demonstrate the process of developing open-ended interview questions. 2. Demonstrate interview skills, active listening, and recording of responses.

8 Approach 2: Evaluation Class presentation of collective findings from group. Description of the challenges experienced while being the interviewer and interviewee. Ungraded class activity (verbal instructor feedback)

9 Approach 3: Cooperative Learning Activity In groups of 5, use the internet to locate examples of questionnaires measuring a variety of variables using any 3 of the following questionnaire styles: 1. Likert Scale 2. Forced Choice 3. Dichotomous 4. Semantic Differential 5. Cafeteria 6. Visual Analog Scale Discussion Discuss the following about each questionnaire: 1. Correctly identify the format. 2. Assess its “face validity.” 3. Identify possible biases present in the questionnaire.

10 Approach 3: Outcome 1. Demonstrate recognition of various questionnaire types. 2. Discuss questionnaire style strengths and weaknesses based on provided criteria.

11 Approach 3: Evaluation Students Present the findings of each questionnaire to class and lead a discussion about the evaluation of each questionnaire. Ungraded – class learning activity (verbal instructor feedback)

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