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In The Day Of The Lord.  Know There Is No Escaping God’s Judgment  The Edomites – Descendants of Esau. Stayed at strife with Jacob’s descendants. Allied.

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Presentation on theme: "In The Day Of The Lord.  Know There Is No Escaping God’s Judgment  The Edomites – Descendants of Esau. Stayed at strife with Jacob’s descendants. Allied."— Presentation transcript:

1 In The Day Of The Lord

2  Know There Is No Escaping God’s Judgment  The Edomites – Descendants of Esau. Stayed at strife with Jacob’s descendants. Allied with enemies of the Israelites.  Even though the Edomites felt untouchable, God would bring them down (verses 1-4)  High place gave sense of security and invincibility  Pride deceived them – Overestimated self. Nothing could bring them down. Forgot about God!  Trusted strength, position, success (vs. 8-9)

3 In The Day Of The Lord  Know There Is No Escaping God’s Judgment  God’s judgment was a matter of certainty (vs 5-9)  Notice the tenses of the words – It’s mixed up. Why?  Only God is so powerful and knowing that He can speak of things yet to come as already happened!  Destruction would be complete – Every corner searched. No food, money, strength, wisdom  Even their allies would turn against them. Edom was no longer of use to their allies. They’ve got nothing

4 In The Day Of The Lord  Know There Is No Escaping God’s Judgment  Sometimes God executes punishment in this life, sometimes it’s not until eternity, but the reality of God’s judgment is certain (2 Cor. 5:6-10)  See many days ahead? Life in good order?  Seem like you are getting away with doing wrong? Have we escaped all consequences in life?  Paul to Jews at Rome: Do you think you’ll escape? Presume on His grace & mercy? (Rom. 2:1-4)  We cannot soar beyond God’s stretch! It is either a comfort or unsettling. Purpose & motivation

5 In The Day Of The Lord  Know You Cannot Glory In Another’s Troubles  Not just pride, but a violence problem (10-11)  Indifference was violence. Doing nothing was set alongside those who actually harmed. No apathy!  They could’ve done something, anything, but chose to do nothing to help. No relief, aid, exile  Could they not have called in favors from allies?  This wasn’t just any old nation, this was the children of Jacob. This was brethren. This was family!


7 In The Day Of The Lord  Know You Cannot Glory In Another’s Troubles  Also, they rejoiced with those who wept (12-13)  Imagine being an Edomite – Birthright, blessing… Great nation… Canaan… God’s blessing  They GLOATED! Bragged joyfully. Rooted on those who would devastate God’s people (Psalm 137:7)  Justifiable? Israelites were being punished by God for their sinfulness & unfaithfulness. Deserved it!  A pride issue – Boasted! This would never happen to them. They were better than them. Felt strong, especially compared to Israelites weakened state

8 In The Day Of The Lord  Know You Cannot Glory In Another’s Troubles  They actually took advantage of God’s people during their day of distress (vs. 13-14)  Warning: Look not, enter not, stand not… Now they would actively participate in harming them  Would they loot the city? Hurting. Defenseless. Vulnerable. It’d be selfish and unmerciful  Would they stand at the crossroads? Meet refugees at road, capture, and turn them back over.


10 In The Day Of The Lord  Know You Cannot Glory In Another’s Troubles  Do we rejoice with those who weep or weep with those who rejoice? (Prov. 17:5; 24:17-18)  Most of the time we have no problem weeping with troubling news, even when its total strangers. We don’t know anything of their good or bad  If its our enemies, people not living right, those who have wronged us? Satisfaction? Pleasure?  We may justify the gloating in our minds  An ungodly spirit of prideful self-righteousness  Even if people suffer for wrong, it’s not right to gloat!

11 In The Day Of The Lord  God’s People Will Stand Triumphant  The Edomites joyed over the Israelites, but their day of judgment is coming (15-18)  Not just the Edomites, but all nations who follow their lead will be handled by the Lord  Seems they’d get away… but God sees, God remembers, God is just to judge  They would be completely wiped out. They disappeared off the pages of history forever!

12 In The Day Of The Lord  God’s People Will Stand Triumphant  See contrast between the Israelites and Edomites. Some from Mt. Zion would escape… they’d be a fire and Edom a stubble. They would revive. What seemed like a ruin was a purging!  Final picture of hope amidst trouble (19-21)  In the moment God’s people looked destroyed, like losers, and the lost looked triumphant  God’s people will stand where the Edomites then stood. They’d be triumphant. God would restore  More literal fulfillment? More spiritual fulfillment?

13 In The Day Of The Lord  God’s People Will Stand Triumphant  A needed reminder for God’s people regardless where they live and when they live… God’s people will be victorious (Rom 12:19; Jer. 12:1-5)  What do we do when what we believe doesn’t line up with what we see? Wicked fare better than the righteous? No consequences?  Cannot wear ourselves out mentally, emotionally, spiritually trying to make sense of everything. That’s not what we’ve been charged to do.  Our job is to serve God, trust God, and tell of His name to a lost world. That’s how we fight this war!

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