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Dr Paul Howe, Biodiversity Officer, Rushmoor Borough Council Nature – a key aspect of a sustainable workplace.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Paul Howe, Biodiversity Officer, Rushmoor Borough Council Nature – a key aspect of a sustainable workplace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Paul Howe, Biodiversity Officer, Rushmoor Borough Council Nature – a key aspect of a sustainable workplace

2 Presentation outline Background information – why is nature in the workplace good? “biophilia” What has Rushmoor done? What can we do to bring nature into the workplace?

3 Nature in the workplace The Global office environment in 2015: 47% 58%

4 Nature in the workplace My office……

5 Nature in the workplace There is compelling (and growing) evidence that contact with nature: Maintain good health Help recovery from illness Alleviate stress and mental illness Enhance social interaction and community cohesion

6 Nature in the workplace None of this should really be a surprise…. E.O.Wilson explored “biophilia” in his 1984 book “biophilia” means “love of life or living systems” Wilson elaborated - “the urge to affiliate with other forms of life”

7 Nature in the workplace Interest in biophilia has grown over the last 10 years, probably due to rapid global urbanization Since 1950 some countries have seen an increase of 40% in the number of people living in cities The UN predicts that by 2030 60% of the world’s population will live in urban environments

8 Nature in the workplace Studies highlight the benefits of nature in the workplace: A 2013 study in the US found that workers with a window view of a natural scene recovered from low-level stress much more quickly Genzyme corporation new HQ was designed in a biophilic way – 18 months later 88% of staff had an improved sense of wellbeing and 75% felt more connected to co-workers

9 Nature in the workplace What has been done at Rushmoor Civic offices…? Two “quads” Surrounded by offices

10 Nature in the workplace A wildlife garden has been created in the northern quad…

11 Nature in the workplace Wildflower planting in the southern quad…

12 Nature in the workplace What can you do to bring nature into the work environment? Give as many people a window with a view…

13 Nature in the workplace What can you do to bring nature into the work environment? Provide some Pot plants…or something bigger

14 Nature in the workplace What can you do to bring nature into the work environment? Genzyme HQ

15 Nature in the workplace What can you do to bring nature into the work environment? Make the most of outdoor space… create space for nature

16 Nature in the workplace What can you do to bring nature into the work environment? Engage employees in planting wildlife-friendly shrubs and plants Create a wildflower patch Make a water feature (wildlife friendly pond?) Put up nest boxes…

17 Nature in the workplace What can you do to bring nature into the work environment? CSC in Aldershot put cameras in nest boxes built by staff

18 Nature in the workplace What can we do in planning? Ensure new schemes consider: Appropriate landscaping Green roofs Green Walls?

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