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Biodiversity Activities and its Information Management Within the CSIR TRAINING WORKSHOP ON CLEARING HOUSE MECHANISM CSIR-INSTI 11-15 th May, 2009 Edward.

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiversity Activities and its Information Management Within the CSIR TRAINING WORKSHOP ON CLEARING HOUSE MECHANISM CSIR-INSTI 11-15 th May, 2009 Edward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiversity Activities and its Information Management Within the CSIR TRAINING WORKSHOP ON CLEARING HOUSE MECHANISM CSIR-INSTI 11-15 th May, 2009 Edward H. Decker CSIR- Ghana

2 The CSIR, Mandate, Vision & Mission The Functions & Governance Structure of CSIR CSIR Institutes and their Mandates Reporting of Research Activities External Relations and Linkages Reporting within the CSIR Conclusion Outline

3 COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH (CSIR-Ghana) The CSIR is the foremost national scientific and technological institution mandated to carry out research into science and technology issues that pertains to national development. The Council’s main research activities are in the areas of Agriculture, Industry, Environment, Social Sciences and some aspects of public health. Its role ultimately is to provide inputs for sustainable socio- economic development through its research programmes, and to operate to ensure conservation of natural resources and promote sound environmental management.

4 VISION STATEMENT Using the transforming power of science and technology for wealth creation. MISSION STATEMENT To become the force for accelerated social and economic development of Ghana through examining, exploring and creating science technology catalysts for public and private wealth creation. This will be achieved through development and transfer of technologies and provision of services, scientific research and enquiry, and scientific publications VISION AND MISION STATEMENT

5 Functions of CSIR-Ghana The functions among others are: To conduct scientific and technological research and transfer technologies generated for national socio-economic development.To conduct scientific and technological research and transfer technologies generated for national socio-economic development. To co-ordinate S&T research generally nationwide.To co-ordinate S&T research generally nationwide. To advise government of Ghana on current scientific and technological developments of importance to national socio-economic developmentTo advise government of Ghana on current scientific and technological developments of importance to national socio-economic development

6 Functions of CSIR-Ghana To co-operate and liaise with inter- national and local bodies and organizations, especially Universities and the private sector on matters of research for the benefit of national development. To co-operate and liaise with inter- national and local bodies and organizations, especially Universities and the private sector on matters of research for the benefit of national development. To assist government in the formulation of science and technology policies for the realization of its developmental objectives. To assist government in the formulation of science and technology policies for the realization of its developmental objectives. To develop, package and disseminate science and technology information To develop, package and disseminate science and technology information

7 Governance Structure of CSIR-Ghana The CSIR Organizational Structure comprises: 1.A 21-member Governing Council 2.Director-General as the Chief Executive Officer 3.Deputy Director-General (R&D) 4.4 Corporate Directors 5.13 Institute Directors


9 CSIR RESEARCH INSTITUTES CSIR has 13 research institutes and a number of sub-stations located within the various ecological zones of Ghana. Majority of the Institutes are agriculture-based, and their distribution within the ecological zones is to ensure that the researches carried on at the Institutes investigate and address the peculiar needs of agriculture within the zones. The list of CSIR research institutes and their locations is presented below:

10 List of CSIR Research Institutes 1. Animal Research Institute (ARI), Frafraha, Accra 2. Building and Roads Research Institute (BRRI), Fumesua, Kumasi Fumesua, Kumasi 3. Crops Research Institute (CRI), Fumesua, Kumasi 4. Food Research Institute (FRI), Okponglo, Accra 5. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG), Fumesua, Kumasi Fumesua, Kumasi 6. Institute for Scientific and Technological Information (INSTI), CSIR Campus, Accra (INSTI), CSIR Campus, Accra

11 List of CSIR Research Institutes Cont. 7. Institute of Industrial Research (IIR), Otinshi, Accra 8. Oil Palm Research Institute (OPRI), Kusi-Kade 9. Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute (PGRRI), Bunso Bunso 10. Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), Tamale 11. Science and Technology Policy Research Institute (STEPRI), CSIR Campus, Accra (STEPRI), CSIR Campus, Accra 12. Soil Research Institute (SRI), Kwadaso, Kumasi 13. Water Research Institute, CSIR Campus, Accra

12 Mandate of CSIR Research Institutes a) ARI is mandated to undertake research aimed at providing solutions to problems relevant to the livestock industry in Ghana. The institute aims at helping the country to become self-sufficient and achieve food security in the supply of animal protein. b) CRI is also mandated to research into all food and industrial crops except cocoa, coffee, cola shea nut, oil palm and coconut which falls under different research institutes. The institute is aimed at developing improved varieties of crops and improved production technologies for increasing agricultural productivity so as to ensure food security and self sufficiency as well as production of industrial raw materials. c) FORIG undertakes user-focused research that generates scientific knowledge and appropriate technologies for the enhancement of the sustainable development, conservation and efficient utilization of Ghana’s forest resources.

13 Mandate Cont. d) OPRI conduct research aimed at providing scientific and technological support for the development of the oil palm and coconut industries in Ghana. e) PGRRI collects and conserves the plant genetic resources of Ghana. f) SARI undertake agricultural research particularly as it relates to food and fiber crop farming in Northern Ghana for the purpose of introducing improved technology to enhance Agriculture productivity. g) SRI takes inventory of soil resources of Ghana, carrying out research and provides advice on maintaining soil fertility for Agricultural production and sustainability of the environment. h) WRI undertake research in all aspects of water resources (both living and non-living) of Ghana in order to provide scientific and technical information and sources needed for the sustainable development, utilization and management of the resource in support of the socio- economic development of the country.


15 THE HEAD OFFICE The CSIR Head Office is the co-ordinating body with oversight responsibility for the activities of all the CSIR research institutes. Most of the central administrative functions of the Council are carried out at the Head Office. Main Functions among others: - include corporate policy formulation and coordination Monitoring and evaluation of research programmes and project coordination. Facilitation of Technology Transfer Publication of CSIR Quarterly & Annual Reports and Quarterly Newsletters

16 The CSIR Head Office is the focal point in Ghana for numerous international bodies such as: The Commonwealth Science Council International Foundation of Science The International Development Research Council (IDRC) World Bank and other development partners A member of International Associations like CORAF/WECARD, CABI, etc Hosts the activities of the International Centre for Material Science and Technology (ICMST). Hosts offices of a number of International bodies such IFPRI, IWMI, AGRA, EMBRAPA External Relations and linkages

17 Sources of BD Info. within the CSIR The Head Office receives input from all the 13 research institutes on R&D periodically; - Quarterly - Half yearly - Annually (End of Year) The Head office collates and generates reports to the relevant Ministries quarterly, annually and on as and when basis. Prepare reports/proposals to address pertinent and emerging R&D issues/problem

18 Cont. Specifically, Prepare R&D reports on all the 13 institutes to Council ( 2 x 1yr ) Collate and prepare quarterly reports to the sector ministry Collate and prepare annual reports Publish annual reports Publish Scientific Journals Publish news letters quarterly Research reports and technical papers Prepare reports to Sector Ministry on as and when basis


20 The Head Office of the CSIR is not directly involved in Biodiversity activity But; Have Access to information on Biodiversity, Collates, Prepare reports on Biodiversity Publish and, Disseminates information on Biodiversity


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