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Plant Identification Week 12.

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1 Plant Identification Week 12

2 Baby’s Breath Gypsophila elegans cv.
Heavily branched, slender-stemmed, spreading or upright, shrubby plant Small, linear, lance shaped, grey-green leaves Tiny single or double flowers profusely cover the plant Flower colors – white, light pink, purple-pink

3 English Ivy Hedera helix cv. Trailing or climbing vine
Leaves are 1-4 inches across, 5 lobed, and dark green Leaf shapes – oval, pointed, fan-shaped, birdfoot-shaped, curly, crinkled, crested, ruffled, or waved May be solid green or variegated patterned depending on cultivar

4 Daylily Hermerocallis cv.
Clump type blooming plant with long, sword-shaped, medium-green foliage Branched clusters of flowers usually borne on leafless stems, displayed well above the foliage Colors – white, cream, yellow, orange, pink, rust, purple, red, red-black, some with colored throats

5 Dwarf Octopus Tree Heptapleurum arboricola
Tree-like woody plant with many leaf stalks emanating from trunk and branches Each stalk contains a deep green 7-inch (or larger) compound leaf consisting of 6-10 leaflets

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