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Digital Media Technology Week 4: The TEI Header Peter Verhaar.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Media Technology Week 4: The TEI Header Peter Verhaar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Media Technology Week 4: The TEI Header Peter Verhaar

2 Last week □ XML encoding as a form of modelling □ Based on an ontology □ From descriptive analysis to prescriptive rules □ The Text Encoding Initiative □ Broad and inclusive ontology □ Modular structure

3 □ Elements □ Attributes □ Entities □ ASCI □ Unicode □ DTD □ Well-formed XML □ Valid XML □ Meta-language Terminology

4 □ TEI Header □ Separation of form and content □ Rationale of TEI Terminology

5 TEI teiHeadertext The transcription itself Information about the transcription

6 □ fileDesc □ titleStmt □ extent □ publicationStmt □ sourceDesc □ encodingDesc □ projectDesc □ profileDesc □ langUsage □ textClass

7 □ “Data about data” □ Surrogates for the real thing, cf. a map and the territory that it maps □ Created for a purpose (using, retrieving, managing resources) □ Structured information □ Growing number of metadata formats,e.g. MARC21, EAD, Dublin Core, METS, ONYX Metadata

8 MARC21 □ Machine Readable Cataloguing □ Example: 100 $a Ouida 245 $a In Maremma $c door Ouida ; uit het Engelsch door C. Baarslag 260 $a Haarlem $b Bohn $c 1882 300 $a 2 dl. $c 23 cm.

9 Metadata as research data □ Data from STCN: Histories of Elsevier Hackius, Maire

10 □ Lexical codes □ Logical structure □ Typography □ Literary devices □ Grammar and syntax □ Semantic contents □ Physical structure □ Contextual / biographical data Textual aspects


12 Encoding focusing on typography The Waste Land BY BY T. S. ELIOT FOR EZRA POUND IL MIGLIOR FABBRO I. The Burial of the Dead April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain.

13 Encoding focusing on logical sructure The Waste Land BY T. S. ELIOT FOR EZRA POUND IL MIGLIOR FABBRO I. The Burial of the Dead April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain.

14 □ Descriptive markup vs. presentational markup □ TEI encoding is a form of descriptive markup: it mainly describes the contents (e.g. book titles, personal names, dates) and the logical structure □ Form is flexible; it is added at a later stage, via a stylesheet XML and presentation

15 Stylesheet

16 □ Typography has implicit semantics! □ Descriptive encoding gives explicit expression to logical structure

17 The Rossetti Archive


19 □ Diplomatic and normalised edition may be produced from a single source □ Full “apparatus variorum” may be included in a “maximal edition” (Vanhoutte) Experience though noon Auctoritee Experiment thouh noon Auctoritee Eryment though none auctorite

20 Vincent Van Gogh Letters


22 Logical structure

23 Though his chief focus was the eighteenth century – before the convergence of linguistic and national boundaries had consolidated – Robert Darnton ’s remarks in What Is the History of Books? are pertinent for any period : [B]ooks... do not respect limits either linguistic or national. They have often been written by authors who belonged to an international republic of letters, composed by printers who did not work in their native tongue, sold by booksellers who operated across national boundaries, and read in one language by readers who spoke another.... The wider perspective afforded by a renewed concern with charting international networks of trading in books and ideas would undoubtedly have much to off er all historians of the book

24 □ Typography has implicit semantics! □ Descriptive encoding gives explicit expression to logical structure

25 Uses of text encoding □ “Intelligent texts”: Searching beyond free text searches □ Presentation of the same contents in different typography □ Different types of editions

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