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Artworks using Linear Perspective. The Glorification of St. IgnatiusFra Andrea Pozza, 1694.

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Presentation on theme: "Artworks using Linear Perspective. The Glorification of St. IgnatiusFra Andrea Pozza, 1694."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artworks using Linear Perspective


3 The Glorification of St. IgnatiusFra Andrea Pozza, 1694

4 Las Meninas Diego Velasquez, 1695

5 Carceri Well Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1749-50

6 Nigredo Anselem Kiefer, 1984

7 L’Absinthe Edgar Degas, 1876

8 Arnoldfini and his Wife Jan van Eyck, 1434

9 Arnoldfini detail

10 Six O’Clock Winter John Sloan, 1912

11 Wedding at CannaDuccio di Bounsegna, 1308-1311

12 The Last SupperLeonardo da Vinci, 1498

13 St. Jerome in his Study Albrect Durer, 1514

14 The Night Café, Vincent van Gogh, 1888

15 The Oath of HorattiJacques Louis David, 1784

16 KabukiNishimura Shigenga, mid 1700’s

17 Belvedere M.C. Escher, 1959

18 Lane Lined with Poplar Trees Vincent van Gogh, 1884

19 Satire on False Perspective, Hogarth, 1753




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