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Regional Educational Indicators Project (PRIE) Activities Report 2008-2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Educational Indicators Project (PRIE) Activities Report 2008-2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Educational Indicators Project (PRIE) Activities Report 2008-2009

2 OVERALL ACTIVITIES PERFORMED DURING 2008 AND 2009 PRIE 1.- Publication of Educational Panorama 2007 in French 2.- New webpage image 3.- Project presentation and approval. 4.- 5 Data Plan Missions in 2008. 5.- 5 Data Plan Missions in 2009. FEMCIDI 1.- Project authorization 2.- Workshop with seven countries in Central America, 2008. 3.- Workshop with twelve countries in the Caribbean, 2008. 2

3 Goal 1. Universalization of Elementary School. Goal 2. Access to Secondary School for at least 75% of young people. Goal 3. Education opportunities in a person’s lifetime. Illiteracy levels of population 15 years and older exceeds 20% in some countries. Education as an ongoing learning process throughout an entire lifetime. Important challenges to attain the required proficiencies for adult population. 1.- Translation into french of the Educational Panorama 2007. 3


5 Presentation of the project -PRIE 2009 Main Elements of the Proposal Inform the Sixth Interamerican Meeting of Education Ministries (2009) on the progress of countries regarding the fullfilment of the established goals. Educational Panorama 2009 includes: Early childhood indicators Results on learning achievement for 3rd and 6th grades of Elementary School Success stories of countries using analysis of outlook indicators. Continue the strengthening of the technical capabilities of countries through diagnostic missions of their information systems. Promote the use of PRIE webpage and create virtual forums. 5

6 Components ActivitiesBudgetBalance 1.1 Educational Panorama 2009 $34,200$0 2.1 5 data plan missions $30,000$5,300 2.2 Technical workshop for 34 countries $50,048$16,220 3.1 Activities Report 2008-2010 $9,000$0 (already assigned to printer) 3.2. Publication of Conclusions Report – 2 workshops (FEMCIDI) $15,000$0 3.3 Publication of Educational Panorama 2009 $21,000$0 (already assigned to printer) 3.4 Mantenance of website $15,000$0 3.5 Virtual Forum - Use and Analysis of the Indicators $5,000$0 3.6 Publication of country experiences with use and analysis of PRIE indicators. $10,000$0 4.1 Technical Committee Meeting $20,400 4.2 General coordination and planning $203,621$0 TOTAL $413,269$41,920 OEA funds $62,400 Reallocation 2007-2008 $50,048 SEP México $300,821 PRIE BUDGET 2009

7 Observations The project proposal was presented to the OAS in 2008. CIE suggested changes that were included and further discussed (October, 2008). The Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) complied with its financial commitment through UNESCO (Santiago, Chile). UNESCO’s support was essential for FEMCIDI project activities in 2008. The 2009 project was revised on the CIE meeting (February, Washington, DC) Changes to the proposed activities were agreed upon on OAS- UNESCO-SEP video conferences during 2009. 9

8 PRIE Accomplishments and Challenges Component 1: Educational indicators Achievement: A wide range of internationally comparable indicators exist that have made it possible to follow up on the fulfillment of the Summit of the Americas goals. Challenge: Increase quality and quantity of available information in order to improve compared international analysis. Challenge: Make statistical information reporting systems more efficient and timely.

9 PRIE accomplishments and challenges Component 2: Technical Cooperation. Planning and project integration: Organization and management scheme Participation of representatives by geographical and linguistic subregions. Interaction with all countries with regional meetings 17 diagnostic and data plan missions: Identification of strengths and challenges in their national information systems Proposals of work strategies with the national teams.

10 PRIE accomplishments and challenges Component 3: Use and dissemination of results. PRIE webpage linked to the OAS’s site includes indicators. Challenge: Include information that allows: 1. Guidance for the user 2. Permanent communication with the countries 3. Links to each Ministry’s web page The Educational Panorama calls for reflection on the challenges to meet the Summit’s objectives. Challenge: Promote use and dissemination of results. Each country may organize meetings towards these ends

11 1.- Budget Authorization: FEMCIDI project US$70,800 Activity 1: Technical workshop in the Caribbean. Objective: Develop activities aimed at producing analytical reports of national interest based on the results of the Workshop on Indicator’s Reports (Trinidad and Tobago, 2006) Activity 2: Technical workshop in Central America. Objective: Discuss the PRIE’s educational indicators, its concepts, methodology and the nature of international comparison in relation to national educational indicators. 11

12 2.- ACTIVITY PERFORMED : WORKSHOP WITH CENTRAL AMERICA COUNTRIES “ PROMOTING THE CREATION OF EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS ” EL SALVADOR, 2008 Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Panamá República Dominicana México Budget Spent $ 25,490 12

13 Workshop: “Promoting the Creation of Educational Indicators” Analysis and Revision of: Indicators, goals, compilation and use Summits of the Americas mandates on Education Indicator variables, use and interpretation 13

14 3. ACTIVITY PERFORMED : CARIBBEAN WORKSHOP “DATA ANALYSIS AND REPORTS: INTERNATIONAL INDICATORS FOR NATIONAL REPORTS” Bahamas, 2008. Antigua y Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Grenada Guyana Jamaica Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad y Tobago México Budget Spent: $36,848 14

15 Workshop on Data Analysis and Reports: Main Conclusions Presentation included examples of national reports of 3 countries (Brazil, Chile and Malasya) Introduction to analysis and interpretation of international data Use of databases from the Statistical Institute of UNESCO (UIS) (publication on world education indicators– 2007) Different presentations related to topics such as basic data, analysis of trends on key variables, educational expectancy, etc. 15

16 Final Report on the FEMCIDI Project All activities took place as scheduled. Budget: Approved: US$70,800 Spent: US$62,339 PRIE’s 2009 budget includes publication of the Report on Conclusions for both workshops (US $15,000). 16

17 2.- Data Plan Missions (2008) CountryDate 1.HondurasOctober, 2008 2. El SalvadorNovember, 2008 3. República Dominicana December, 2008 4. ParaguayDecember, 2008 5. UruguayApril, 2008 17

18 2.- Data Plan Mssions (2009) CountryDate 1. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines June, 2009 2. SurinameAugust, 2009 3. BelizeOctober, 2009 4. GrenadaOctober, 2009 5. VenezuelaNovember, 2009 18

19 COMPONENT 2.2: “VII REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS WORKSHOP” CANCUN, DECEMBER, 2009. Main subject: “Use and analysis of statistics and educational indicators for decision-making process.” Presentations and working group sessions Topics related to early childhood and secondary education PRIE budget: US$33,419 UNESCO budget: US$62,000

20 25 OAS Countries and 50 Statisticians and Planning Specialists Participated.

21 Component 3.2: Printing of the Conclusions Report of the Workshops (Funded by FEMCIDI) Copies were delivered to the specialists at the workshop and distribution continues.

22 ACTIONS FOR THE INMEDIATE FUTURE Creation of a virtual forum on Secondary Education, including the design of a survey and elaboration of a diagnosis document on LAC countries. Compilation of the Educational Panorama 2010 Organization of Technical Committee Meeting (April 2010) Presentation to FEMCIDI of the project related to the Declaration of Commitments of the Fifth Summit of the Americas. Participation in activities of the Educational and Cultural Coordination of Central America. Workshop and technical assitance trips to two Central American countries (April to June 2010).

23 Thank you for your attention! Any Questions or Comments?

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