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Mental Illness and the bible

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1 Mental Illness and the bible
Scott Branam, MA, LMHC, MBA November 12, 2015

2 A christian perspective
1. Pray First 2. Divine Healing is Real 3. God Works all Things for Good 4. Temptation is to be Avoided 5. Be Loving and Compassionate 6. Forgive

3 Examples of human dysfunction
Abraham and Sarah Isaac and Rebekah Genesis gives us our first Single Parent, Murder, Rape, Adultery, Drunkenness, etc.

4 statistics Only 1% of Ministers reported that medication should never be a treatment option 71% reported that medications and therapy in conjunction with spiritual principles should be a treatment option 90% felt a moral and spiritual obligation to provide resources

5 Gaps remain 75% of Families with a mentally ill member believe they receive good pastoral care 40% believe others in the church even care

6 myths True Christian Homes are immune to Mental Illness
Drug use causes all Mental Illness Mental Illness is Demon possession Mental Illness is Divine judgement Nebuchadnezzar (Dan 4) Madness, blindness, and boils (Deut 28:27-29,34) If you accept one, you must accept all David Feigned mental illness (I Sam. 21:12-15)

7 Scriptural Examples Rape – Judges 19:25 Depression – Lam. 3
Trauma – Psalms 18 Anxiety – Phil. 4 Grief – II Sam. 18:33 Suicide – Matt 4:24 Loneliness – Psalms 69:1-8

8 Demons Evil entered the world through Satan
Satan attempts to convince humans he doesn’t exist Many, including some Christians do not believe he is real Satan attempts to convince the world that evil doesn’t exist Many do not accept that evil is real

9 Common held beliefs Demonization is really all psychological
All Mental Illness is caused by Demons Christians can’t be effected by Demons

10 possession Thoughts and many actions controlled by Demons
Change in Moral Character Often Leads to destructive or self-harm behavior Hatred of God Opposed to the religious preoccupation we often see

11 oppression Robs Joy Overly Legalistic Constant Fear of God’s Judgment
Doubt Feeling of Darkness If Medication alleviates the problem it isn’t Demonization

12 Common issues Depression Abortion Suicide Trauma Marriage
Divorce/Remarriage Addiction Sexual Anxiety Grief

13 Conclusion We are getting better and more open, and feeling more responsibility to minister to individuals about issues we don’t understand, and that in general scare us.

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