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To believe in a doctrine or teaching such as creation means... To believe in a spouse or a friend means... To believe in God means...

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Presentation on theme: "To believe in a doctrine or teaching such as creation means... To believe in a spouse or a friend means... To believe in God means..."— Presentation transcript:


2 To believe in a doctrine or teaching such as creation means... To believe in a spouse or a friend means... To believe in God means...

3 A lot of promises are made in our society, some we believe, and some we do not. In today’s lesson we will see what God promised to Abraham, and how Abraham responded to those promises.

4 Blessed to Be a Blessing Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-6 family theme: God made a covenant. family theme: God made a covenant.


6 God Had a Special Promise for Abraham Genesis 12:1-9

7 God Had a Special Promise for Abraham The Lord appeared to Abraham and commanded him to leave home and go to an unknown place that the Lord would show him. God promised to bless him and that he in turn would be a blessing to all the people of the world.

8 The fact that God appeared to Abraham personally reminds us that God is a personal, spiritual being.

9 We can rejoice that through the blessing of Abraham, all people on earth continue to be blessed. How does this event illustrate the connection between faith and obedience?

10 We can rejoice that through the blessing of Abraham, all people on earth continue to be blessed. With whom could you share the news this week that God has blessed them through Abraham?

11 Abraham Tried to Fix God’s Plan Genesis 15:1-5

12 Abraham Tried to Fix God’s Plan Abraham was showing signs of doubting God’s plan. God responded to Abraham’s doubts with truth, patience, and grace. There may be moments when we question, but God will patiently prod us to believe and remind us of His promises, strengthening our faith.

13 When we question or don’t understand, we can go to God and find truth, patience, and grace. If you were God at this point in the story, how do you think you would have responded to Abraham’s questions? Why?

14 When we question or don’t understand, we can go to God and find truth, patience, and grace. In what ways have you seen people try to work out problems on their own, disregarding what God has said about the situation?

15 Abraham Was Considered Righteous Because He Believed God Genesis 15:6

16 Abraham Was Considered Righteous Because He Believed God Abraham considered God to be reliable and trustworthy. In response to Abraham’s trust, God gave Abraham His righteousness. In other words, God made an exchange of righteousness for Abraham’s trust.

17 Genesis 15:6 illustrates that God offers salvation and forgiveness though faith in Jesus Christ.

18 Christ’s righteousness is God’s gift to us when we trust Him for salvation. Why do you think people struggle with this exchange and would rather try and earn salvation and righteousness on their own? In what other ways has God proven Himself to be trustworthy in your life?

19 When has God asked you to do something that you did not understand, or was very difficult to do? How did you react? What was the outcome?

20 What is God presently asking you to do that is stretching your faith? What specific act of obedience will you do this week to demonstrate your trust in God?

21 Available for FREE download at Home Connection is a simple, downloadable page that gives parents: A weekly Bible passage to READ together as a family Suggestions to help them PRAY together as a family Suggested activities to DO to put their faith in action

22 Home Connection also provides the “take away” from each age level in D6 Curriculum. This way parents know what each family member is experiencing in his or her class. Download your free copy of Home Connection at


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