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Architect for the Cloud Markus Eilers CEO runtime software GmbH 24. Januar 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Architect for the Cloud Markus Eilers CEO runtime software GmbH 24. Januar 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Architect for the Cloud Markus Eilers CEO runtime software GmbH 24. Januar 2011


3 Amazon EC2, WindowsAzure, vmforce, GoGrid, Rackspace, RightScale,, Google AppEngine, …

4 Azure Platform ComputeStorageManagement Relationale DatenService BusAccess Control Bestehende Entwicklerwerkzeuge und -technologien platform AppFabric


6 On and Off Usage Compute Time Average Inactivity Period On and Off On and Off Gehaltsabrechnung, Zahlungsläufe, Reporting, Simulationen,…

7 Growing Fast Average Usage Compute Time Growing FastGrowing Fast Social Games, Virale Dienste wie Twitter, Facebook, Consumer Apps,…

8 Unpredictable Bursting Compute Time Unpredictable BurstingUnpredictable Bursting Average Usage Aktien-Handelssysteme, Newsportale, Suchmaschinen,…

9 Predictable Bursting Compute Time Average Usage Predictable BurstingPredictable Bursting Online Shops, Ordersysteme, Amazon, WM-Infosysteme, LiveStreams


11 Growing fast Odigene SocialGame

12 Blob Storage Worker Refiller Worker Website Table Storage Load Monitor Management API Worker Images Refiller Website Queues

13 Integration pulsd business platform

14 Mobile Client Broadcaster Website Business Service Queues SQL Azure Synch Service OnPremise System OnPremise System.NET ServiceBus Mobile Client Social Service facebook Business Service

15 Bursts VideoPortal, BurgerShop,… Broadcaster Business Service Queues Load Monitor Website Worker Management API Blob StorageTable Storage

16 On and Off Beispiel Simulationsumgebung Blob Storage Worker Table Storage WPF Cockpit Management API Queues

17 Konzepte Failure, Idempotenz, Backup, Retries, Getrennte Skalierung, Sicherheit, Monitoring & Tracing, Kapazität planen, Parallel vs. Instanzen


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