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COUNCIL OF EUROPE Directorate of School, Out-Of-School And Higher Education, Higher Education and Research Division and PEOPLES’ FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY.

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Presentation on theme: "COUNCIL OF EUROPE Directorate of School, Out-Of-School And Higher Education, Higher Education and Research Division and PEOPLES’ FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY."— Presentation transcript:

1 COUNCIL OF EUROPE Directorate of School, Out-Of-School And Higher Education, Higher Education and Research Division and PEOPLES’ FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY OF RUSSIA INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR MAKING THE EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA A REALITY: THE ROLE OF STUDENTS EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education

2 Reflections on “The Learning Environment” - by Lars Lynge Nielsen, EURASHE EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education

3 To establish the Perfect Learning Environment: EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education Mission Impossible!

4 Learning Environment is more than just a well-equipped building The mental barrier of tradition The confusion between shape and content However, some requirements for the physical environment EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education

5 The Learning Process: Four common fallacies Ideological Technological Psychological Utopian

6 Excellence in Research does not ensure Excellence in Teaching EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education Excellence in Teaching does not ensure Excellence in Learning

7 Learning Environment understood as a never-ending performance The Actors: Students and Teachers The Stage: The combined physical, psychological and social factors The Play: To be re-written every time the actors are replaced or the stage changes EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education

8 To pursue the Perfect Learning Environment: Mission Accomplished! EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education When in doubt: Ask the students!

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