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WiseImage Open Architecture Lessons “Mission Impossible”

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1 WiseImage Open Architecture Lessons “Mission Impossible”

2 Objectives Learn how to use Active Script studio Create a new command that scales your image –Measure the distance –Convert it to paper units –Get prompted for a desired distance –Scale the image

3 Preparation Open Active Script Studio Observe the tools –F–File operations –E–Edit, Search and Undo –R–Run, FormWizard and Reference Let’s start

4 Step 1:Measure Distance

5 Step 1: Discussion Root objects like Document, Command Interaction with user – messages, prompts, forms Choosers – important interactive objects

6 Step 1: Execution Save your script Create a toolbar for your brilliant commands Assign a new button to your command Run it!

7 Step 2: Paper Units Coordinate systems: WCS, UCS, units What are paper units? How to convert data to paper units and back to world units? Useful transformation object - Transformer

8 Step 2: Code changes Add transformation function function ToPaperUnits(val) { with (Document.CoordinateSystem.PaperUnit) { val = W2U.Direct(val); return D2S(val); } Command.Alert("Distance is " + org_dist); Modify your previous code by replacing with Command.Alert("Distance is " + ToPaperUnits(org_dist));

9 Step 2: Execution Change units to inches Run the command again Run your command What is the difference?

10 Step 3: Be Interactive! Script commands can be interactive How to get response from user? –Alert – a simple reply yes or no –Prompt – get some literate response –Forms – the most sophisticated and flexible way

11 Step 3: Code changes Modify your previous code by replacing var res = Command.Prompt( "You have measured the distance " + ToPaperUnits(org_dist) + "\r\nEnter the required distance", "Scale Image"); try { var new_dist = ToWorldUnits(res); if (new_dist == 0.0) Command.Quit(); Command.Alert(new_dist); } catch (e) { Command.Alert(e); } // TODO: Add ToWorldUnits() code Command.Alert("Distance is " + org_dist); with

12 Step 3: Execution Run your code

13 Final point How to process images: –Tools collection –Batch commands

14 Final point: Code changes Modify your previous code by replacing with (Tools("Resample")) { ToolParam("ResampleType") = 1; ToolParam("Scale") = 100.0 * new_dist / org_dist; ToolParam("ResampleFlag") = true; WiseRun(); Document.View.Invalidate(); } with Command.Alert("Distance is " + org_dist);

15 Final point: Fulfillment Load the sample image Run your command Enjoy Do you know any other way how to do the same?

16 Be Interactive – part 2 HTML forms Form Designer is part of Active Script Studio Form Wizard will help you to create good looking forms.

17 Form creation Create a new form Add your controls Save the form

18 FormWizard Create a new simple script function Main() { } Save it Run FormWizard Just follow instructions Run your script

19 The magic of forms Open the sample script Bonus\RasterResize.js Run it

20 Gifts Interactive Image scaling – wrap.js “Back to the Future” – text_rotate.js GIS sample

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