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A Culture of Excellence How to create a “flock of Eagles”

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1 A Culture of Excellence How to create a “flock of Eagles”

2 Birds of a Feather… Eagles – Sour high, model of strength and superiority. Dependable & Productive Doves – Able to fly at a moderate altitude. Learning to sour. Potential Eagles. Turkeys – Unable to get off the ground to make a difference, relatively un-teachable, unmotivated

3 3 Ways to handle a Turkey Don’t hire them (implement better screening) Un-hire them (don’t compromise the rest of the staff) making you the hero of the staff! Hire them, allow them to stay on your staff and bring your standards, morality, production and customer service down, making you look kinda retarded or at least like a mildly disillusioned beatnik.

4 Have you ever had an employee come into work and say… “Who’s am I closing with tonight?”

5 3 Typical Responses… Sweet! Uh, OK Crap! Back to this in a while…

6 Qualities of our Employees(Birds) Work Ethic – Production, Execution & Efficiency. Integrity – Standards and Quality. Doing the right thing even when it’s not the easiest. Attitude – Enthusiasm and Determination Leadership – Lead by example, Taking Responsibility.

7 Cross examination Rank each 1–10(best) Work Ethic – Production & Execution Integrity – Standards & Quality Attitude – Enthusiasm & Determination Leadership – Example & Responsibility Total Points Eagles = 30-40 Dove = 20-30 Turkey = 0-19 Manager987933 Asst Mgr344314 897630 Shift Leader437822 Bob252413 Mary896831 Suzie238720

8 Rank each 1–10(best) Work Ethic – Productio n & Execution Integrity – Standards & Quality Total = Work Ethic + Integrity Attitude – Enthusiasm & Determination Leadership – Example & Responsibility Total = Attitude + Leadership Total Points Eagles = 30-40 Dove = 20-30 Turkey = 0-19 Manager98 17 79 1633 Asst Mgr34 7 43 714 89 17 76 1330 Shift Leader43 7 78 1522 Bob25 7 24 613 Mary89 17 68 1431 Suzie23 5 87 1520 Cross examination

9 Back to “Who’s am I closing with tonight?” Uh, OK (Dove)Sweet! (Eagle) Crap! (Turkey)Uh, OK (Dove) Work Ethic & Integrity 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2468 1214161820 Attitude & Leadership Management Employee

10 “Who’s am I closing with tonight?” Uh, OK (Dove)Sweet! (Eagle) Crap! (Turkey)Uh, OK (Dove) 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2468 1214161820 Attitude & Leadership Work Ethic & Integrity Management Employee

11 “Who’s am I closing with tonight?” Uh, OK (Dove)Sweet! (Eagle) Crap! (Turkey)Uh, OK (Dove) 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2468 1214161820 Attitude & Leadership Work Ethic & Integrity Management Employee

12 “Who’s am I closing with tonight?” Uh, OK (Dove)Sweet! (Eagle) Crap! (Turkey)Uh, OK (Dove) 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2468 1214161820 Attitude & Leadership Work Ethic & Integrity Management Employee

13 “Who’s am I closing with tonight?” Uh, OK (Dove)Sweet! (Eagle) Crap! (Turkey)Uh, OK (Dove) 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2468 1214161820 Attitude & Leadership Work Ethic & Integrity Management Employee

14 What type of birds do we have…? DoveEagle TurkeyDove 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2468 1214161820 Attitude & Leadership Work Ethic & Integrity Management Employee

15 What if we had…? DoveEagle TurkeyDove 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2468 1214161820 Attitude & Leadership Management Employee Work Ethic & Integrity

16 What if we had…? DoveEagle TurkeyDove 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2468 1214161820 Attitude & Leadership Management Employee Work Ethic & Integrity

17 How to develop a “Flock of Eagles” Identify – What type of birds do you have working in your store? Perfect (Train)– Are they teachable, motivated and talented? Can they become an Eagle? Or Dismiss – Turkeys need to be “Un- hired”. If not, prepare to lose your Eagles and Doves.



20 How do we make the appropriate adjustments? Un-hire the un-keepable Demote the capable under performers Promote those who are ready for the challenge Hire to fill the holes left over


22 What obstacles do you have to overcome to have an Eagle staff? Holding onto the Turkeys: “I really like her, I can’t let her go” “I don’t like to have to start over and waste all that training time” “I know that he will get better, it’s just going to take some more time.” Having no one to replace the Turkeys: “I don’t have time to interview” “I don’t like anyone I have interviewed. They all suck!” “It doesn’t matter, they are all going to let me down at some point”

23 What principles are necessary to have an Eagle staff? Never hold onto Turkeys: “I refuse to have a Turkey representing my store” “I would rather waste a little training time than have excessive Turkey time bringing down the rest of the crew and making me look bad” “If it quacks like a duck walks like a duck... It must be a Turkey” “I care to much for my Eagles to subject them to Turkish behavior” There is always someone to replace the Turkeys: “I am never too busy to invest in future success” “I know I will find the right person if I am persistent” “The wrong people will always let you down”

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