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Presentation on theme: "Geomorphology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geomorphology

2 Lake Formation graben- downfaulted trough; e.g. Lake Tahoe
caldera- subsidence of magma chamber; e.g. Crater Lake, OR Landslides glacial activity- e.g. scour, morain dams, & ice melt solution- CaCO3 (limestone) Oxbow wind- playa lakes humans & beaver

3 Oxbow Lake

4 Fluvial Morphology determined by geology of the site:
dendritic- deposits of uniform resistance rectangular- follow faults trellis- flow between parallel ridges


6 Stream Ordering System
method of numbering streams as part of a drainage basin network; the smallest unbranched tributary is called 1st order, the stream receiving the tributary is 2nd order, and so on.

7 Stream Ordering


9 Stream Type ephemeral- channels not well defined; flow during and shortly after precipitation events intermittent- generally flow only during the wet season perennial- year round

10 spatial scale in lotic ecosystems
World Continent Drainage Watershed Stream

11 Channel Patterns straight, meandering, & braided
sinuosity- degree of curvature and meandering pool/riffle sequence; stream energy is lost at the head of the pool causing deposition

12 Braided Stream



15 Sedimentation & Channel Patterns
erosion- chemical and mechanical processes by which stream channels are formed agrade- increase slope/gradient through deposition.


17 Deposition process where particles that have been entrained and transported are deposited.

18 factors effecting deposition
stream gradient flow volume particle size impoundments

19 results of deposition delta- results when flowing water meets standing water alluvial fan- sediments are deposited on land after eroding from higher elevation alluvial flood plain-

20 Delta

21 Alluvial Fan


23 Alluvial Floodplain

24 Flow Classification


26 Sediment

27 Particulate Inorganic Matter (PIM)
suspended sediments; primarily silt and clay

28 Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM)
decomposed particulate organics (particles < 0.45 um); carbohydrates, humic acids, tannins, proteins, & alcohols

29 Particulate Organic Matter (POM)
larger sized particles; leaves, woody debris, and dead animals important habitat & nutrients Fine Particulate Organic Matter (FPOM)- < 1mm- >0.45um Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM)- > 1mm

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