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GEReCo Update Graham Butt GTE Conference Swansea University Prifysgol Abertawe 27-29 January 2012

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1 GEReCo Update Graham Butt GTE Conference Swansea University Prifysgol Abertawe 27-29 January 2012

2 Geography Education Research Collective (GEReCo) 'A collective dedicated to the promotion of geography education through research and publication‘ Research and Masters/PhD databases: Pro formas circulated to attendees at the last GTE conference (Matlock Bath): one to capture current research into the GNC; one to request titles/abstracts of Masters' dissertations/ research theses (from 2010-2011). Literature reviews: ‘GNC’ and ‘Learning to Teach’: Scoping literature reviews to be attached to the GEReCo website. Intended audience of PGCE students, Masters students and PhD researchers; it was also felt that education policy makers and geography educationists might be interested.

3 Geography, Education and the Future: A copy was sent to the Minister for Schools, Nick Gibb and his civil servant, Barbara Tucker. ESRC Seminar Series: Submitted a revised bid in November 2011. A 'bolder‘ statement reviewing the future role for geography in the curriculum, with a wider appeal to other subject areas (social sciences and history educators, who will key note at two of the six seminars). Strategic Plan for GEReCo: The existing Strategic Plan for GEReCo (to 2012) is posted on the website.

4 GNC Review: Considered the GA's 'Curriculum Proposals and Rationale' document for the review of the GNC. GEReCo members have made contributions about the place of knowledge/ ‘knowledge turn’ in geography education (see G,E and F, Curriculum Journal, Engaging Geography seminars, etc). Future research agenda for GEReCo will be partly shaped by this theme, but with a need to be strategic and meet the demands of the REF agenda. MasterClass Geography: GEReCo approached to author/edit a book for the MasterClass (Continuum/Bloomsbury) series, by Sue Brindley (University of Cambridge). This book is to have a clear dialogic framework. Members felt that this would be best developed through linking it to a seminar series (ESRC). Publication 2014.

5 Conferences: GTE Conference, Matlock Bath (University of Nottingham) 2011; GA conference in Surrey 2011; IGU-CGE conference in London 2011; GTE conference, Swansea 2012; AAG, New York, 24- 28 February 2012; GA conference in Manchester, 12- 14 April 2012. ‘Supporting the work of Post Graduate Research Students, and their Supervisors, in Geography Education’. University of Birmingham, 14 March 2012: Afternoon 'workshop’ to support PhD/EdD students and supervisors, focussing on geographical inputs (as opposed to generic/ induction to 'general research‘ inputs). Audience n=10.

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