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APES…please take out your Mania questions Please read the paper on “Book Club” The first step is signing up for a book. You will read in pairs and then.

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Presentation on theme: "APES…please take out your Mania questions Please read the paper on “Book Club” The first step is signing up for a book. You will read in pairs and then."— Presentation transcript:

1 APES…please take out your Mania questions Please read the paper on “Book Club” The first step is signing up for a book. You will read in pairs and then discuss and finally present to the class how it relates to the topics explored in APES

2 Connections Tie everything together …”the cows trample the ground causing less INFILTRATION so more RUNOFF, causing the TURBIDITY (SUSPENED SOLIDS) to increase, decreasing PHOTOSYNTHESIS which decreases the amount of DO which puts stress on the INTOLERANT organisms like stoneflies, trout, etc.. The runoff from the farm could also carry fertilizers like NITRATES and PHOSPHATES, which could cause EUTROPHICATION which in turn could cause an ALGAL BLOOM causing an OXYGEN SAG directly downstream from the runoff. FECAL COLIFORM would also increase raising the BOD and placing possible PATHOGENS in the river. Again DO would lower because DECOMPOSERS would break down the BOD using oxygen thus decreasing INTOLERANT organisms.”

3 Terms/Concepts/Projects for water Ogallala Aquifer Three Gouges Dam Desalination plants…Saudi Arabia pH scale Watershed Reservoir Water Table Recharge Aquifer

4 Continued Hypoxia Distribution of water Use of water Sublimation Evaporation Infiltration Discharge Transpiration condensation

5 Continued Pharmaceutical chemicals and waste water Cone of depression RCRA, CERCLA, SARA Large Dams pros and cons Mono Lake, James Bay Project, Hetch Hetchy, Loves Canal Oligotrophic vs. Eutrophic

6 Continued Hydric soil, hydrophytes, hydrology Biomagnification Lake Chad, Lake Baikal, Lake Titicaca Nonpoint source vs. point source pollution Planktic, benthic, littoral zone, thermocline, epilimnion, hypolimnion Saltwater intrusion Subsidence Best management practices… Salinization, desterification Temperature and DO relationship Pollution “plume” ppm

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