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Get ready before the bell rings! Take out homework and a pencil to prepare for the homework quiz! Check the file folder for your class to pick up graded.

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Presentation on theme: "Get ready before the bell rings! Take out homework and a pencil to prepare for the homework quiz! Check the file folder for your class to pick up graded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get ready before the bell rings! Take out homework and a pencil to prepare for the homework quiz! Check the file folder for your class to pick up graded work.

2 Get ready before the bell rings! Miss K will unhide the link once class begins

3 Chapter 4: Butterflies, Pinwheels, & Wallpaper

4 Problem 2.1

5 Launch


7 Since the text says ABCD and PQRS are congruent, they must have corresponding sides of the same length and corresponding angles of the same measure. How do you know which sides are the same length? Which angles are the same measure?



10 Problem 2.2





15 Problem 2.3

16 Launch How do you visually recognize the corresponding pairs of sides? Pairs of angles? Which side of triangle PQR should match with AC? How do you know that? PR matches AC because it’s the longest side in each triangle. Which angle is the largest angle in triangle ABC? Where is the corresponding angle in triangle PQR located? The largest angle is ∠ B, which is opposite the longest side, AC. The corresponding angle is ∠ Q, which is also opposite the longest side, PR.

17 Launch - Discussion Did you need to measure all parts of each triangle before you were confident that they could be matched by a sequence of transformations? How do you show that two triangles are NOT congruent? Do you have to measure all the sides and angles?

18 Triangle Congruences

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