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Introduction to Commercial Building Energy Efficiency through EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program Week 4: Benchmarking Buildings and Prioritizing Improvements within.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Commercial Building Energy Efficiency through EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program Week 4: Benchmarking Buildings and Prioritizing Improvements within."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Commercial Building Energy Efficiency through EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program Week 4: Benchmarking Buildings and Prioritizing Improvements within a Portfolio of Buildings

2 1 Outline Class Objectives ENERGY STAR for Commercial Buildings— Benchmarking Buildings and Prioritizing Improvements within a Portfolio of Buildings –ENERGY STAR Energy Management Tools –Benchmarking with Portfolio Manager, EPA’s ENERGY STAR Measurement and Tracking Tool –Live Demonstration –Benchmarking a Portfolio of Buildings –Building Upgrade Manual –Getting Started on Your Commercial Project Building

3 2 Class Objectives After today’s lecture, you will be able to: Benchmark the energy use of a building using monthly energy bills and other required building data. Analyze and explain the benchmarking results to others in the class (and possibly the building owner/manager) using data from Portfolio Manager. Generate a Statement of Energy Performance and a Data Checklist from Portfolio Manager for a building and review the data to confirm its accuracy. Explain how to identify priority projects with a portfolio of buildings.

4 ENERGY STAR Energy Management Tools

5 4 ENERGY STAR Resources Guidelines for Energy Management STEP 1: Commit to Continuous Improvement STEP 2: Assess Performance STEP 3: Set Goals STEP 4: Create Action Plan STEP 5: Implement Action Plan STEP 6: Evaluate Progress STEP 7: Recognize Achievements “ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management.” energy-management energy-management

6 5 ENERGY STAR Resources Building Upgrade Manual Plan and implement profitable energy saving building upgrades utilizing five stages: –Retrocommissioning –Lighting upgrade –Load reductions –Air distribution systems upgrade –HVAC upgrade Cash Flow Opportunity (CFO) Calculator Helps answer three critical questions about efficiency projects: –How much new energy efficiency equipment can be purchased from the anticipated savings? –Should this equipment purchase be financed now, or is it better to wait and use cash from a future budget? –Is money being lost by waiting for a lower interest rate?

7 Benchmarking with Portfolio Manager

8 7 Benchmarking: Understanding Comparative Performance Benchmarking through ENERGY STAR allows you to: –Compare one building against a national sample of similar buildings. –Compare all of your buildings of a similar type to each other. –Compare whole-building energy use intensity for a single building over time

9 8 EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager No-cost, secure, online tool Benchmark the energy use of all buildings–receive an energy use intensity (EUI). Many buildings, including office buildings, can receive an ENERGY STAR energy performance score on a 1-100 scale. Benchmarking

10 9 Management Tool – Helps business and organizations by offering a platform to: –Assess whole-building energy and water consumption –Track changes in energy, water, greenhouse gas emissions, and cost over time –Track green power purchase –Share/report data with others –Create custom reports –Apply for ENERGY STAR certification Metrics Calculator – Provides key performance metrics to integrate into a strategic management plan –Energy consumption (source, site, weather normalized) –Water consumption (indoor, outdoor) –Greenhouse gas emissions (indirect, direct, total, avoided) –ENERGY STAR 1-to-100 score (available for many building types)  Accessible in a free, online secure platform: ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager

11 10 Medical Offices* Office Buildings HospitalsWarehouses & Distribution Centers Dormitories / Residence Halls & Barracks* Courthouses K-12 Schools Bank/Financial Institutions Hotels Wastewater Treatment Plants* Retail Stores, Wholesale Clubs/Supercenters & Supermarkets ENERGY STAR Score – Eligible Building Types Houses of Worship Data Centers Senior Care Communities *Eligible for a 1 – 100 score, though ineligible for ENERGY STAR certification. Multifamily Housing “Property types eligible to receive a 1-100 ENERGY STAR score.” buildings/use-portfolio-manager/identify-your-property-type-0 buildings/use-portfolio-manager/identify-your-property-type-0

12 11 All Buildings Can Be Benchmarked 80+ different property types, including: Police Stations Fire Stations Convention Centers Laboratories Libraries Malls Movie Theatres Restaurants Stadiums and Arenas Multifamily Housing Other

13 12 Portfolio Manager Four Simple Steps: 1.Create/edit a Portfolio Manager account 2.Add/edit a Property 3.Add/edit a Property Use 4.Add/edit energy meters

14 13 Required Information for Benchmarking in Portfolio Manager Property Information –Function –Name, street address, ZIP/postal code Property Type Data –Gross floor area –Use details (e.g. weekly operating hours, number of computers, number of workers on the main shift, etc.) Energy Consumption Data –Property-specific invoice information from all purchased and on-site generated energy, for all fuel types

15 14 Energy Use: How to Read a Utility Bill

16 15 Assess Performance for Smart Energy Management Verify gains from upgrade efforts. Require specific rating gains from service providers in select building types, such as Office or Warehouse. Establish Baseline Set Goals Track & Measure Overtime

17 16 Identify Best Opportunities for Energy Efficiency Improvements Identify under-performing buildings to target for energy efficiency improvements. Establish baselines to set goals and measure progress.

18 17 Track Progress Over Time Set a custom baseline and monitor energy efficiency improvements before, during, and after an upgrade project. View percent improvement in weather- normalized energy use intensity. Track reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Monitor energy and water costs.

19 18 Document Savings Results Provide transparency and accountability to help demonstrate strategic use of capital improvement funding. Quickly and accurately demonstrate savings for an individual building or entire portfolio: –Energy use –GHG emissions –Water use –Energy costs Download performance metrics from Portfolio Manager into Excel. Generate a Statement of Energy Performance (SEP) for each building, summarizing important performance indicators, including energy intensity and CO 2 emissions. Generate an Energy Performance Report showing reductions in key indicators over a user-specified time period. Visit to get

20 Live Demonstration

21 20 Benchmarking a Sample Commercial Building using Portfolio Manager More resources, including a recording of a Portfolio Manager 101 webinars walking through the benchmarking process, are available at Live Demo

22 21 Access Portfolio Manager (1)Click “Buildings & Plants” on the ENERGY STAR home page (2)If you already have an account, you can sign in here (3)Click “Learn about benchmarking” to read more about the 1 – 100 ENERGY STAR energy performance scale (2) (3) (1)

23 22 Creating an Account (2) Click “Register” to sign up for an account (1) Click “Portfolio Manager Login”

24 23 Creating an Account (3) Complete required fields

25 24 Creating an Account (4) Click “Create My Account”

26 25 How To –Navigate Portfolio Manager –Add a property and enter details about it –Enter energy and water consumption data –Connect to other accounts and share properties –Generate performance reports to assess progress

27 26 Intuitive navigation – multiple ways to get to the same place Five portfolio level tabs Navigate Portfolio Manager Five property tabs

28 27 Navigate Portfolio Manager Portfolio level

29 28 Navigate Portfolio Manager Property level

30 29 Get Data In 3 ways to enter data for your property or portfolio: 1.Enter data manually 2.Upload data using spreadsheet templates 3.Work with 3 rd party providers that exchange data directly with Portfolio Manager via XML web services

31 30 Get Data In: Manually with the help of Portfolio Manager prompts

32 31 Get Data In: Spreadsheet Upload

33 32 How To –Navigate Portfolio Manager –Add a property and enter details about it –Enter energy and water consumption data –Connect to other accounts and share properties –Generate performance reports to assess progress

34 33 Add a Property

35 34 Add a Property: Existing Property

36 35 Basic Property Information

37 36 Check the Statements that Apply

38 37 Enter Values for Property Use Details

39 38 MyPortfolio: Property Summary Tab

40 39 Add and Set up a Property: More than One Building

41 40 Campus Features

42 41 How To –Navigate Portfolio Manager –Add a property and enter details about it –Enter energy and water consumption data –Connect to other accounts and share properties –Generate performance reports to assess progress

43 42 MyPortfolio: Meters Tab

44 43 Add Meters

45 44 Answer Questions About Energy Use in Your Property

46 45 Enter Additional Information

47 46 About Your Meters

48 47 Click in Table to Edit Meter Information

49 48 Add Energy Consumption Information Expand meter by clicking arrow

50 49 Add Meter Entries and Fill in Data Upload a spreadsheet, using template Click the “+” to add entries

51 50 Meters to add to Total Consumption

52 51 Property Meters Tab: Meters Added and Displayed Notification Click for details

53 52 View Meter Data and Manage Bills for Your Property

54 53 How To –Navigate Portfolio Manager –Add a property and enter details about it –Enter energy and water consumption data –Connect to other accounts and share properties –Generate performance reports to assess progress

55 54 How to Share Properties 3 Steps: 1.Connect with others via the My Contacts page 2.Share one or more of your properties with your connected contacts & specify the level of access the contacts have to view and edit your properties 3.Review shared properties on the Sharing tab

56 55 Add and Connect with Contacts 55

57 56 Find Contacts

58 57 Send Connection Request to Contact

59 58 Connection Request Confirmed

60 59 Contact Receives and Accepts Connection Request

61 60 Connection Confirmed

62 61 Sharing Tab – Overview

63 62 Share Your Property: One or Multiple Properties One Property Multiple Properties All Properties

64 63 Share Your Property: Multiple Properties

65 64 Select Permissions Click arrow to show/hide permissions options Choose permissions

66 65 Sharing Notifications Appear in Both Accounts User who shares a property receives a notification User with whom a property is shared also receives a notification

67 66 Edit/Update Sharing Permissions

68 67 How To –Navigate Portfolio Manager –Add a property and enter details about it –Enter energy and water consumption data –Connect to other accounts and share properties –Generate performance reports to assess progress

69 68 Reporting Tab Choose from Pre-set Chart & Graph options Download Performance Documents Create and generate Templates & Custom Reports

70 69 Reporting Tab: Charts & Graphs Each of the figures can be printed or downloaded for easy insertion into a presentation or document If you scroll down on the page, you can view and export the raw data for the charts & graphs

71 70 Reporting Tab: ENERGY STAR Performance Documents Quickly document building energy performance: Statement of Energy Performance (SEP) Data Verification Checklist Statement of Energy Design Intent (SEDI) for design projects ENERGY STAR Score Card

72 71 Standard Reports Performance Highlights Statement of Energy Performance Emissions Performance Water Performance Fuel Performance ENERGY STAR Certification Status Partner of the Year Report Sustainable Buildings Checklist Report

73 Benchmarking a Portfolio of Buildings

74 73 Downloading Import Templates (1)

75 74 Downloading Import Templates (2)

76 75 Downloading Import Templates (3)

77 76 Downloading Import Templates Read the Instructions tab for information on the import process and data requirements.

78 77 Populating and Importing Data with Import Templates Populate data fields with basic Property-level information (“Properties” tab): … and with Property Use information (“Uses” tab):

79 78 Uploading Import Templates …Then, upload the completed spreadsheet back in Portfolio Manager.

80 79 Creating Custom Upload Templates Add property use or meter information for multiple properties in Portfolio Manager.

81 80 Custom Upload Templates Add meters to existing properties through one template… … then, when those meters have been uploaded, add bills (meter readings) to those meters, through another template.

82 81 How is Data Entered? Single Building Manual Entry Enter building and energy consumption information into Portfolio Manager Bulk Data Upload Upload large sets of building data in Portfolio Manager using Excel spreadsheet templates Data Exchange via XML Web Services Use a Service and Product Provider to have metrics automatically integrated into your energy information and bill handling system Utility-based Data Exchange Option 1: Provide utility data only Option 2: Provide full benchmarking through web services

83 82 ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE Facilities in this range may reap significant savings from concentration on simple, low- cost measures, such as improved operations and maintenance practices. Equipment upgrades could yield additional savings. MAINTAIN INVEST These top performing facilities offer examples of best practices as well as opportunities to gain recognition. Continue to improve and maintain superior performance by focusing on operations and maintenance. Facilities in this range offer the greatest opportunity for financial and environmental improvement. Investing in new equipment and enhancing operational practices may have the greatest impact on your bottom line. 10075501 ADJUST Once an energy performance score is established, the next steps are to set improvement goals and create an action plan. The guide below can help you interpret the score and determine appropriate next steps. Score Interpretation

84 Building Upgrade Manual

85 84 Building Upgrade Manual Assists organizations in planning and implementing profitable upgrades. –Outlines process for developing comprehensive energy management strategy and integrated approach to upgrading existing buildings.

86 85 Contents Managing and Planning Upgrade Projects –Chapter 1: Introduction –Chapter 2: Benchmarking –Chapter 3: Investment Analysis –Chapter 4: Financing 5-Staged Approach to Upgrade Projects –Chapter 5: Retrocommissioning –Chapter 6: Lighting –Chapter 7: Supplemental Loads –Chapter 8: Air Distribution Systems –Chapter 9: Heating and Cooling Unique Facility Types –Chapter 10: K-12 Schools –Chapter 11: Supermarkets and Grocery Stores –Chapter 12: Hotels and Motels –Chapter 13: Retail Stores

87 86 Managing Upgrade Project Strategies that contribute to the success of any major business undertaking should be applied to building upgrades. –Benchmarking (Portfolio Manager) –Investment Analysis –Financing

88 87 Building Upgrade Manual Includes a five-stage approach that increases the financial and environmental benefits realized: 1.Retrocommissioning 2.Lighting Upgrade 3.Supplemental Load Reductions 4.Air Distribution Systems Upgrade 5.HVAC Upgrade

89 88 Building Upgrade Manual By approaching upgrades in this order, required levels of heating & cooling are lower when the time comes to select and purchase new HVAC equipment – allowing for smaller-capacity units (and thus additional cost savings) and a more correct sizing for the building’s load (and thus more efficient operation).

90 89 Retrocommissioning Calibrate building controls Adjust operating schedules Check steam traps Clean heat exchanger tubes in condenser, evaporator, and boiler Check filters, dampers, coils, and balance of HVAC system

91 90 Lighting Maximizing daylight Quantity and quality of illumination T8s and electronic ballasts CFLs Partial output ballasts ENERGY STAR qualified light emitting diode (LED) exit signs Exterior lighting –High-pressure sodium (HPS) –Low-pressure sodium (LPS) –Metal halide (MH) Controls –Occupancy sensors –Dimming –Daylight dimming/switching –High-intensity discharge (HID) bi-level switching Courtesy: E SOURCE Lighting Technology Atlas (2005)

92 91 Supplemental Load Reductions Envelope improvements –Wall and roof insulation –Window upgrades –Infiltration control –Roof upgrades Purchase ENERGY STAR qualified products Courtesy: E SOURCE; adopted from EPA

93 92 Air Distribution Systems Right-size fan system Use variable-speed drives Consider improved controls Use energy-efficient motors and belts Maintain and clean filters properly

94 93 Heating And Cooling (H&C) Upgrades Measure H&C loads Right size H&C systems Evaluate chiller upgrades /replacements Use high-efficiency components Purchase ENERGY STAR qualified ACs, ground-source closed-loop heat pumps Courtesy: E SOURCE; Adopted from EPA

95 Getting Started on Your Commercial Project Building

96 95 Benchmarking Quick Start Guide

97 96 Trainings, Webinars, and Recorded Presentations

98 97 Trainings and Webinars There are many trainings and webinars that are provided by EPA free of charge. Topics include how to use Portfolio Manager, the ENERGY STAR program, and more. The registration page for live training sessions is included below. buildings

99 98 Recorded Presentations In addition, many of the trainings have been recorded, so that they can be reviewed at any time. The list of recorded training sessions can be accessed at the link below.

100 Practice Benchmarking a Building in Portfolio Manager

101 100 Property Name and Address Property Name: –[Ask your instructor] Property Address: –123 Efficiency Street Ames, IA 50010

102 101 Property Uses Office –Year Built: 1990 –190,000 SF –50 Weekly Operating Hours –525 Computers –500 Workers on Main Shift –>50% Heated –>50% Cooled Parking –50,000 SF Open Parking Lot –5,000 SF Partially Enclosed Parking Garage –0 SF Completely Enclosed Parking Garage –Supplemental Heating—Yes Retail Store –10,000 SF –Single Store –60 Weekly Operating Hours –3 Fridge/Freezer cases –1 Walk-in freezer –5 Workers on Main Shift –5 Computers –3 Cash registers –100% Heated –80% Cooled –Exterior entrance – Yes

103 102 Meters 3 energy, 3 water All six meters together do account for total energy and water consumption for the property.

104 103 1/1/2013-1/31/2013255,000 kWh 2/1/2013-2/28/2013240,000 kWh 2/28/2013-3/31/2013205,000 kWh 4/1/2013-4/30/2013220,000 kWh 5/1/2013-5/31/2013210,000 kWh 6/1/2013-6/30/2013215,000 kWh 7/1/2013-7/31/2013230,000 kWh 8/1/2013-8/31/2013260,000 kWh 9/1/2013-9/30/2013250,000 kWh 10/1/2013-10/31/2013240,000 kWh 11/1/2013-11/30/2013210,000 kWh 12/1/2013-12/31/2013200,000 kWh 1/1/2014-1/31/2014255,000 kWh 2/1/2014-2/28/2014240,000 kWh 2/28/2014-3/31/2014205,000 kWh 4/1/2014-4/30/2014220,000 kWh 5/1/2014-5/31/2014210,000 kWh 6/1/2014-6/30/2014215,000 kWh 7/1/2014-7/31/2014230,000 kWh 8/1/2014-8/31/2014260,000 kWh 9/1/2014-9/30/2014250,000 kWh 10/1/2014-10/31/2014240,000 kWh 11/1/2014-11/30/2014210,000 kWh 12/1/2014-12/31/2014200,000 kWh Electric – Grid Purchased – kWh

105 104 Electric – On-site Solar – kWh REC Ownership – Owner Energy Exported Off-Site: 0 1/1/2013-1/31/20131,000 kWh 2/1/2013-2/28/20132,000 kWh 2/28/2013-3/31/20131,500 kWh 4/1/2013-4/30/20131,000 kWh 5/1/2013-5/31/20133,000 kWh 6/1/2013-6/30/20135,000 kWh 7/1/2013-7/31/20131,000 kWh 8/1/2013-8/31/20138,000 kWh 9/1/2013-9/30/20135,000 kWh 10/1/2013-10/31/20131,500 kWh 11/1/2013-11/30/20131,000 kWh 12/1/2013-12/31/2013800 kWh 1/1/2014-1/31/20141,000 kWh 2/1/2014-2/28/20142,000 kWh 2/28/2014-3/31/20141,500 kWh 4/1/2014-4/30/20141,000 kWh 5/1/2014-5/31/20143,000 kWh 6/1/2014-6/30/20145,000 kWh 7/1/2014-7/31/20141,000 kWh 8/1/2014-8/31/20148,000 kWh 9/1/2014-9/30/20145,000 kWh 10/1/2014-10/31/20141,500 kWh 11/1/2014-11/30/20141,000 kWh 12/1/2014-12/31/2014800 kWh

106 105 Natural Gas – Therms 1/1/2013-1/31/20137000 Therms 2/1/2013-2/28/20136000 Therms 2/28/2013-3/31/20134000 Therms 4/1/2013-4/30/20132500 Therms 5/1/2013-5/31/20131500 Therms 6/1/2013-6/30/2013200 Therms 7/1/2013-7/31/2013200 Therms 8/1/2013-8/31/2013200 Therms 9/1/2013-9/30/2013300 Therms 10/1/2013-10/31/20132000 Therms 11/1/2013-11/30/20133000 Therms 12/1/2013-12/31/20136000 Therms 1/1/2014-1/31/20147000 Therms 2/1/2014-2/28/20146000 Therms 2/28/2014-3/31/20144000 Therms 4/1/2014-4/30/20142500 Therms 5/1/2014-5/31/20141500 Therms 6/1/2014-6/30/2014200 Therms 7/1/2014-7/31/2014200 Therms 8/1/2014-8/31/2014200 Therms 9/1/2014-9/30/2014300 Therms 10/1/2014-10/31/20142000 Therms 11/1/2014-11/30/20143000 Therms 12/1/2014-12/31/20146000 Therms

107 106 Water – Potable Indoor – ccf (hundred cubic feet) 1/1/2013-1/31/20131000 ccf 2/1/2013-2/28/2013400 ccf 2/28/2013-3/31/2013450 ccf 4/1/2013-4/30/20131700 ccf 5/1/2013-5/31/20132000 ccf 6/1/2013-6/30/20131900 ccf 7/1/2013-7/31/20131500 ccf 8/1/2013-8/31/2013400 ccf 9/1/2013-9/30/2013450 ccf 10/1/2013-10/31/20131000 ccf 11/1/2013-11/30/20131500 ccf 12/1/2013-12/31/20132000 ccf 1/1/2014-1/31/20141000 ccf 2/1/2014-2/28/2014400 ccf 2/28/2014-3/31/2014450 ccf 4/1/2014-4/30/20141700 ccf 5/1/2014-5/31/20142000 ccf 6/1/2014-6/30/20141900 ccf 7/1/2014-7/31/20141500 ccf 8/1/2014-8/31/2014400 ccf 9/1/2014-9/30/2014450 ccf 10/1/2014-10/31/20141000 ccf 11/1/2014-11/30/20141500 ccf 12/1/2014-12/31/20142000 ccf

108 107 Water – Potable Outdoor – ccf 1/1/2013-1/31/2013300 ccf 2/1/2013-2/28/2013400 ccf 2/28/2013-3/31/2013450 ccf 4/1/2013-4/30/2013300 ccf 5/1/2013-5/31/2013700 ccf 6/1/2013-6/30/2013300 ccf 7/1/2013-7/31/2013200 ccf 8/1/2013-8/31/2013400 ccf 9/1/2013-9/30/2013450 ccf 10/1/2013-10/31/2013300 ccf 11/1/2013-11/30/2013800 ccf 12/1/2013-12/31/20131500 ccf 1/1/2014-1/31/2014300 ccf 2/1/2014-2/28/2014400 ccf 2/28/2014-3/31/2014450 ccf 4/1/2014-4/30/2014300 ccf 5/1/2014-5/31/2014700 ccf 6/1/2014-6/30/2014300 ccf 7/1/2014-7/31/2014200 ccf 8/1/2014-8/31/2014400 ccf 9/1/2014-9/30/2014450 ccf 10/1/2014-10/31/2014300 ccf 11/1/2014-11/30/2014800 ccf 12/1/2014-12/31/20141500 ccf

109 108 Water – Municipally Supplied Reclaimed Water – ccf 1/1/2013-1/31/2013200 ccf 2/1/2013-2/28/2013200 ccf 2/28/2013-3/31/2013200 ccf 4/1/2013-4/30/2013200 ccf 5/1/2013-5/31/2013200 ccf 6/1/2013-6/30/2013200 ccf 7/1/2013-7/31/2013200 ccf 8/1/2013-8/31/2013200 ccf 9/1/2013-9/30/2013200 ccf 10/1/2013-10/31/2013200 ccf 11/1/2013-11/30/2013200 ccf 12/1/2013-12/31/2013200 ccf 1/1/2014-1/31/2014200 ccf 2/1/2014-2/28/2014200 ccf 2/28/2014-3/31/2014200 ccf 4/1/2014-4/30/2014200 ccf 5/1/2014-5/31/2014200 ccf 6/1/2014-6/30/2014200 ccf 7/1/2014-7/31/2014200 ccf 8/1/2014-8/31/2014200 ccf 9/1/2014-9/30/2014200 ccf 10/1/2014-10/31/2014200 ccf 11/1/2014-11/30/2014200 ccf 12/1/2014-12/31/2014200 ccf

110 Student Project Overview

111 110 Student Project [If possible] Tour a local building with a professional to learn first hand how to identify energy efficiency opportunities; Identify and seek permission to benchmark a building in the community; Gather energy bill data and building attributes needed to benchmark; Benchmark the building in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager; Schedule a visit to the building to walk through the building to confirm building attributes visually and gain a thorough understanding about how the building is operating; Discuss findings in class and brainstorm solutions to cost-effectively increase energy efficiency (using the Building Upgrade Manual and other resources); Research and refine energy efficiency opportunities; Write a brief report presenting the benchmarking results, information learned from visiting the building, and researched solutions; and Present the reported recommendations to the class using a visual presentation medium, such as a slide or video presentation. Note: If benchmarking a K-12 School, the ENERGY STAR K-12 School Toolkit can be a useful resource – ask your instructor for this resource.

112 111 K-12 Benchmarking Kit Tools and resources for students and teachers interested in reducing their schools’ utility bills, protecting the environment, and leading the way as nation’s future energy leaders Talk to your instructor to get the student and teacher versions of the toolkit

113 Review

114 113 Review 1.Set up a Portfolio Manager account. 2.Using sample office building data, add an office building into your Portfolio Manager account. Name your demonstration building using your own last name (ex. Smith Building). 3.Send a connection request to your professor's Portfolio Manager account (Professor's Portfolio Manager account user name is: [insert user name]). 4.Once connected, share your building with your professor's Portfolio Manager account. 5.Generate a Statement of Energy Performance and Data Verification Checklist. Hand in to your professor. 6.Describe what a whole-building energy efficiency upgrade for a commercial building involves, based on what you learned from the Building Upgrade Manual

115 114 Up Next: Week 5 Determining Financial Value and Funding Methods for Building Energy Efficiency Improvements –Making the Financial Case –Investment Analysis –Cash Flow Opportunity Calculator –Building Upgrade Value Calculator

116 115 Week 5 Readings Making the Financial Case Zobler, Neil and Caterina Hatcher. Chapter 3 in Woodruff, E and Thurman, A. (2008) Energy Efficiency Project Financing: Resources and Strategies. pp 51-77. The Fairmont Press. Cash Flow Opportunity Calculator opportunity-calculator-excel Building Upgrade Value Calculator upgrade-value-calculator

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