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Osteoarthritis ---About osteoarthritis cause, treatment and conclusion. ---By Yanhong, Sharmila and Jiah.

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Presentation on theme: "Osteoarthritis ---About osteoarthritis cause, treatment and conclusion. ---By Yanhong, Sharmila and Jiah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Osteoarthritis ---About osteoarthritis cause, treatment and conclusion. ---By Yanhong, Sharmila and Jiah

2 1. What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis occurs when synovial articulations become worn. Often, the cartilage wear down and the bones rub against one another. This is very painful. It most commonly occurs in the weight bearing joints of the hips, knees, and spine. It can also affect the fingers, thumb, neck, and large toe.

3 Who Gets Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis affects nearly 21 million Americans. The chance of developing the disease increases with age. Osteoarthritis is most common in people over 60 years old. In people over 50, more women than men get osteoarthritis.

4 What are the Symptom of Osteoarthritis? Joint aching and soreness, especially with movement. Pain after overuse or after long periods of inactivity. Bony enlargements in the middle and end joints of the fingers. Joint swelling and joint fluid accumulation.

5 HOW IS OSTEOARTHARITIES TREATED? Osteoarthritis usually is treated by physical therapy with muscle strengthening exercises, oral medications, hot and cold compresses to the painful joint, removal of joint, injection of medications into the joint, use of supportive devices such as crutches or canes, and weight control.

6 HOW IS OSTEOARTHARITIES TREATED? Surgery may be helpful to relieve pain when other treatment options have not been effective. The type of treatment prescribed will depend on several factors including your age, activities and occupation, overall health, medical history, location of your osteoarthritis, and severity of the condition.

7 Are There Alternative Treatments for Osteoarthritis? Some medical research has shown that the supplements glucosamine and chondroitin may relieve pain in some people with osteoarthritis -- especially in the knee. There is no evidence that glucosamine can help rebuild cartilagesupplements Some people also use methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e) for arthritis but there is questionable medical evidence showing their benefits. MSM is a naturally occurring compound that is taken as a dietary supplement. Acupuncture and bioelectric therapy also may be useful at relieving pain Acupuncturebioelectric therapy

8 How Does Weight and Exercise Impact Osteoarthritis? Staying at your recommended weight helps prevent osteoarthritis of the knees, reduces the stress on weight-bearing joints and reduces pain in affected joints. Once you have osteoarthritis, losing weight also can relieve the stress and pain in your knees.losing weight Exercise is important to improve joint movement and to strengthen the muscles that surround the joints. Gentle exercises, such as swimming or walking on flat surfaces, are recommended because they are less stressful on your joints. Avoid activities that increase joint pain, such as jogging or high impact aerobics. Exercises that strengthen the quadriceps muscle reduce knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Exercise swimmingwalking joint painjoggingaerobics

9 How Does Weight and Exercise Impact Osteoarthritis? Pictures!

10 About Osteoarthritis websites This websites will show you better pictures and good information.

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