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Disease Management Jason Brock Department of Plant Pathology.

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Presentation on theme: "Disease Management Jason Brock Department of Plant Pathology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disease Management Jason Brock Department of Plant Pathology

2 What happened in 2007? Little to no leaf scab or other foliar diseases Nut scab did not show up until late summer.

3 Number of fungicide applications too fewenoughtoo many poor protection good protection good protection Avoid this area. 2003 vs. 2007

4 Responsive Spray Schedule Use extended intervals. Use AuPecan.

5 AU PECAN TRIAL Tim Brenneman UGA Dept. of Plant Pathology Tifton, GA

6 Schedules 1)Au-Pecan:14 day protection interval 2)Au-Pecan:10 day protection interval 3)Calendar:2 weeks; 3 weeks to mid-Aug 4)Calendar:2 weeks to mid-Aug. 5)Calendar:2 weeks; into Sep.


8 AU Pecan “pecan weather”

9 Fungicide Selection Performance Cost Resistance Management

10 Fungicide ClassCommon nameTrade name Benzimidazolethiophanate-methylTopsin-M GuanidinedodineElast Organo-metallics fentin hydroxide (=TPTH) Super Tin, Agri Tin DMIs propiconazole fenbuconazole Orbit, Tilt, Propimax, ½ of Stratego, ½ of Quilt Enable Strobilurins azoxystrobin kresoxim-methyl pyraclostrobin trifloxystrobin Abound, ½ of Quilt Sovran Headline ½ of Stratego

11 Fungicide ClassCommon nameTrade name DMIs propiconazoleOrbit, Tilt, Propimax, ½ of Stratego, ½ of Quilt fenbuconazoleEnable

12 Fungicide ClassCommon nameTrade name Strobilurins azoxystrobin Abound, ½ of Quilt kresoxim-methylSovran pyraclostrobinHeadline trifloxystrobin½ of Stratego

13 Fungicide ClassCommon nameTrade name Strobilurins azoxystrobin ½ of Quilt kresoxim-methylSovran pyraclostrobinHeadline trifloxystrobin½ of Stratego

14 Fungicide ClassCommon nameTrade name Benzimidazolethiophanate-methylTopsin-M GuanidinesdodineElast Organo-metallics fentin hydroxide (=TPTH) Super Tin, Agri Tin DMIs propiconazole fenbuconazole Orbit, Tilt, Propimax, ½ of Stratego, ½ of Quilt Enable Strobilurins azoxystrobin kresoxim-methyl pyraclostrobin trifloxystrobin Abound, ½ of Quilt Sovran Headline ½ of Stratego Do not use alone. 1-2 applications. If you use a full rate alone, then DO NOT use a reduced rate later in season. Do not make more than 3 total applications. Do not use full season.

15 First Question: What to spray for nut scab? Post-pollination is the critical period for protection. Decide what you want to spray during this time, and work from there.

16 April/May Enable or Propimax Headline or Sovran Stratego or Quilt DMI + Tin Fungicide ClassTrade name Benzimidazole Topsin-M DMIs Tilt, Propimax, ½ of Stratego, ½ of Quilt Enable Strobilurins ½ of Quilt Sovran Headline ½ of Stratego GuanidinesElast Organo- metallics Super Tin, Agri Tin June/July Tin or Elast + Tin August Tin or Elast + Tin

17 April/May Enable or Propimax Headline or Sovran Stratego or Quilt DMI + Tin Fungicide ClassTrade name Benzimidazole Topsin-M DMIs Tilt, Propimax, ½ of Stratego, ½ of Quilt Enable Strobilurins ½ of Quilt Sovran Headline ½ of Stratego GuanidinesElast Organo- metallics Super Tin, Agri Tin June/July Tin or Elast + Tin August Tin or Elast + Tin Elast + Enable

18 April/May DMI + Tin Fungicide ClassTrade name Benzimidazole Topsin-M DMIs Tilt, Propimax, ½ of Stratego, ½ of Quilt Enable Strobilurins ½ of Quilt Sovran Headline ½ of Stratego GuanidinesElast Organo- metallics Super Tin, Agri Tin June/July Stratego or Quilt August Tin or Elast + Tin

19 April/May Headline or Sovran Stratego or Quilt Fungicide ClassTrade name Benzimidazole Topsin-M DMIs Tilt, Propimax, ½ of Stratego, ½ of Quilt Enable Strobilurins ½ of Quilt Sovran Headline ½ of Stratego GuanidinesElast Organo- metallics Super Tin, Agri Tin June/July DMI + TIN August Tin or Elast + Tin

20 A Few More Topics

21 ‘Information for Growers’

22 A Few More Topics Coverage Eliminate overcrowding –Humidity –Poor coverage Reduce stress –proper fertility –adequate moisture

23 Questions or Comments?

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